Council Minutes 01/19/1984
January 5, 1984
January 19, 1984
A Letter of Understanding for the Fiscal Year 1984 Audit, as presented by Walter Clapp
for the firm of Galusha, Higgins, and Galusha, was considered. Tt was agreed that act-ion
should be postponed for further deliberation inasmuch as the proposed fee is $4,000 and
the budgeted amount for audit is $3,750.
Councilman Quigley presented information about the possibility of Boy Scouts delivering
City new'sletters. With reference to the fire which destroyed a mobilehome at 3125 Raw-
son street on December 28, 1983, Councilman Quigley noted that the owner of the
property even though another. family was living there, and he requested advice about
what the City can do to require that thelnsurance'eompany do something soon to keep the
premises from being a dangerous trap.
According to a report by Councilman Williamson, notice has been received that Utah I
Power and Light Company has filed for a rate increase with the Idaho Public Utilities
Commission, and he recommended that the City become an intervenor. Councilwoman Dille
moved. that the City of Ammon intervene in the pending utah Power and Light Company
rate-lncrease case. The motion was seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in
favor; motion carried.
The matter of someone from the Fire Department going to a seminar on fire sprinkling
systems in Pocatello on February 24 was discussed. Also, in connection with the Fire
Department, Hayse Whiteley requested that protective clothing be issued to the Public
Works employees for their use when they go out on fire calls. He noted that five City
men helped at the fire on Rawson Street last week without the benefit of any safety
gear. Councilman Williamson indicated that this will be taken care of.
Public Works Director, Hayse Whiteley, informed the Mayor and Council about work being
done on snow removal, and reported that a new motor has been ordered for the sewer
meter station.
Mayor Swensen mentioned that he had met with a school official about prohibiting snow
machines on school grounds to be consistent with the City policy for parks. He stated
that the schools are agreeable tQ going to dumpster service instead of using the
existing incinerators.
It was decided that the regular Council meetings should continue to be on the first and
third Thursdays at 7:30 P.M.
Claims to pay in the amount of $14,674.64 and claims paid since the previous meeting
totaling $ 7, 787.74 w'ere approved. A motion to adjourn was made by Council woman Dille
and seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; the meeting adjourned at
9:40 P.M.
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Jan. 19, 1984
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Russell N. Swensen, with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Robert D. Williamson
Councilman Merle J. Quigley
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Absent: Councilman Thayle D. Monson
City Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
Acting Fire Chief Doug Brinkman
Tim Ingram, Volunteer Fire Department member, was also present during the meeting.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was directed by Mayor Swensen and the invocation
was offered by Councilman Quigley. Minutes of the meeting on January 5, 1984, were
approved as prepared.
Acting Fire Chief Doug Brinkman presented a report on the activities of the Ammon
Volunteer Fire Department. He referred to the average number of fire calls over the
several years; the success of the department's chimney brush campaign; the drop in
the number of calls for the District tanker since the Fire District acquired a new
engine that carries more water; the fact that the thirteen City calls in the month of
December, 1983, made that the most active month for Ammon calls in the history of the
department except for July, 1981, when there were a number of false alarms; the advan-
tages of the plectron radio system which was put into effect during 1983 to replace the
telephone alarm system; the good participation that the department had at the schools
during Fire Prevention Week last year; and the training of City employee personnel
that has started to make for better coverage on daytime fire calls. He noted that
there are 20 members listed on the volunteer roster, with 2 of those being females,
and there is an application in from another woman. Regarding the question about whether
or not the City of Ammon should join the Bonneville Fire Protection District, a matter
January 19".,,,1984
Feb. 2, 190<+
on which the District has requested consideration at this time, the Acting Fire Chief
pointed out that the general feeling of the volunteers is that there would be little
to gain by going in with the District, and they are in favor of continuing the mutual
aid with the District and expanding the Ammon Department where possible. Mayor
Swensen and the Council expressed appreciation for the report and for the members of
the Volunteer Fire Department.
In response to an inquiry by Acting Fire Chief Doug Brinkman regarding having the hose
competi~iqn for the State Fire School in McCowin Park on June 21st and granting a
waiver to allow beer in the park during that activity, it was agreed that it would be
good to have the competition in Ammon, but giving a waiver for beer would set a prece-
dent that would cause problems with other groups. A suggestion was made that the
local distributors be contacted about furnishing soft drinks for the occasion. It was
moved by Councilman Williamson that Acting Fire Chief Brinkman be authorized to offer
the McCowin Park area as the site to host the June 21st hose competition for the Idaho
State Fire School and make arrangements for soft drinks and stipulate that the drinks
be non-alcoholic. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in
favor; motion carried.
In connection with the audit of the City records, it was moved by Councilman William-
son and seconded by Councilwoman Dille that Mayor Swensen be authorized, on behalf of
the City, to sign a letter of understanding with the firm of Galusha, Higgins and
Galusha to audit the City books for Fiscal Year 1984 for a fee of $3,750. Voting on
the motion was all in favor; motion carried.
Following a discussion about projects that could be or have been funded by proceeds
from Ammon Days activities, Councilwoman Dille moved to have Ammon Days this year on
the third weekend of August (August 17 and 18). The motion was seconded by Councilman
Quigley; voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was noted that the local American
Legion Post has offered to have a breakfast as one of the events.
Councilman Williamson made a report concerning public works personnel that have been
off work for health and injury reasons. Engineer Benton indicated that he had been
checking on information about federal grant and loan funds for street and public
building projects. A plan to send out a questionnaire to determine interest of the
residents in recreation programs was mentioned by Councilman Quigley. Concern was
expressed by Mayor Swensen about a fence that has been put up between the school and
church at the location of Romrell Lane, and Engineer Benton agreed to check the records
regarding the City's right-of-way in that area.
Claims to pay and claims paid since the previous meeting were approved in the amounts
or-$2Q,205.89 and $10,212.01 respectively.
It was moved by Councilman Williamson and seconded by Councilwoman Dille that the
meeting adjourn; voting was all in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
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Feb. 2, 1984
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Russell N. Swensen, with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Merle J. Quigley
Councilman Thayle D. Monson
Deputy City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen
Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Auditor Walter Clapp
Councibmman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Robert D. Williamson
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was directed by Councilman Monson and the invo-
cation was offered by Mayor Sw'ensen.
Inasmuch as there was not a quorum of the Council members present, the meeting pro-
ceeded on an unofficial basis.
Auditor Walter Clapp answered questions about the Fiscal-Year-1983 Audit Report which
was reviewed at the meeting on January 5th. He pointed out, among other things, that
the expenditures for power in the Water Operation and Maintenance Fund went over
budget by a considerable amount so that is the problem area in the,City finances.
Councilman Quigley mentioned that a request for a dog show in McCowin Park has been
withdrawn since it was determined that the accomodations were not adequate for the
number of people and vehicles that were expected. He noted that the comments he has