Council Minutes 05/05/1983
April 21, 1983
MW 5, 1983
In connection with his Council responsibility for police matters, Councilman Williamson
mentioned that, because of changes in the State statutes, the City Attorney can now re-
present the City when cases gato court, and that new uniform citations need to be
ordered using wor~ing as required by the revisions in the law passed by the legislature
which go into effect on July 1, 1983.
Engineer Benton reported that he has obtained forms to apply for permits for the City
wells, and is prepared to go ahead with the staking out for the French drain that is
planned at Wanda Street and Princess Drive.
Public Works Director, Hayse Whiteley, informed the Council about plans for patching
streets, getting the electrical panel changed at Well #3, and repairing a leak in the
sewer line on Ammon-Lincoln Road.
Following a discussion about summer waterln~.schedules, it was moved by Councilwoman
Dille and seconded qy Councilman Williamson that the every-other-day regulations not
be put into effect, subject to change if needed. Voting on the motion was all in favor;
motion carried.
Agreement was indicated to a suggestion made by Acting Mayor Sw'ensen that the City
should look into buying the tanks and pumps so that the purchase of gasoline can be
put out for bids.
Regarding matters discussed at the recent City-County meeting, Acting Mayor Swensen
reported that work on Ammon-Lincoln Road north of Ammon is ahead of schedule and that
consideration is being given to hooking the travel-trailer sanitary dump station at
Beeches Corner into the sewer, so he reminded those involved that sewage from that
location would run through the Ammon system.
Claims to pay in the amount <ll,-E$11,9J4.2l were presented by the City Clerk, along with
claims paid since the previous meeting totaling $6,103.88 for payroll and related ex-
penditures, all of which were approved.
A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Williamson and seconded by Councilwoman
Dille; voting was unanimous in favor; meeting adjourned at 9 P.M.
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Hay 5, 198)
Minutes of the Regular Heeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen, with
the following City Officials present:
Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen City Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley
Councilman Thayle D. Monson Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Councilman Robert D. Williamson Engineer David E. Benton
Excused: Hayor George Wehmann (leave of absence)
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Monson and the invoca-
tion was given by Councilman Williamson. Minutes of the meeting on March), 198), were
approved as prepared.
In response to information presented by Councilman Williamson regarding the studies made
by the firm of Gibbs and Hill, Inc., on four hydroelectric projects for which the City
has preliminary premits from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, it w'as agreed
that a decision needed to be made about whether or not any further action should be
taken to obtain licenses and develop the projects, considering that the reports show' I
the projects to be not financially feasible when the studies were completed in October
of 1982. Councilman Williamson explained that he had talked with a representative of
Gibbs and Hill, Inc. recently and, even though there has been a change in the economy
which could make the projects at Deadwood and Ririe locations feasible (the Upper and
Lower Deer Flat sites do not seem to have enough pow'er potential), the engineering firm
does not feel that it can do any more for the City. He noted, however, that other firms
have expressed interest, and that he has reviewed the matter with two of the members of
the Citizens Hydropow'er Committee. Following discussion by the Council and the Ci ty
Attorney, it was moved qy Councilman Williamson and seconded by Councilwoman Dille that
the City drop the permits on Upper and Lower Deer Flat Dams as potential hydropower
projects and submit requests for proposals for hydroelectric production at the Deadwood
and Ririe Dams. Voting on the motion was all in favor; motion carried. It was under-
stood that Councilman Williamson would take care of the details concerning this matter.
May 5, 1983
Two special meetings which are scheduled on May 10, a Flood Plain Management Conference
and a Disaster Preparedness Conference, w'ere mentioned; 'and it was noted that the City
Engineer and Public Works Director would be able to attend the flood plain management
meeting and that Acting Mayor Swensen plans to go to the conference on disaster pre-
Councilwoman Dille reported that Blair Thomas has been hired as pool manager, and he
will also be the swimming instruction supervisor, so this will result in a savings in
pool salary expenses. She announced that the tentative opening date is June 13.
, According to Councilman Williamson, Doug Brinkman is Acting Fire Chief for the time
being since Marvin McGary needed time off again for health reasons.
In connection with the City's intervention in the current Utah Power & Light Company
rate increase case, Councilman Williamson explained that the consulting service of an
Idaho State University economics professor is being considered, and Attorney Anderson
noted that he had been in touch with the firm of E. W. Beck in Seattle about consulting
costs also.
With reference to the annual clean up time which is in progress, it was mentioned that
the volunteer firemen would like to help residents who need some assistance with their
yard cleaning. Councilman Swensen brought up the problem of papers being scattered at
the schools, and indicated that he would approach the school officials about replacing
the existing inadequate trash burners with dumpsters.
From a report given by the Public Works Director, Hayse Whiteley, it was learned that
the leak in the sewer line on Ammon-Lincoln Road has been repaired, so this should re-
duce the amount of water infiltrating into the sewer system from ditch-water seepage,
and other leaks will be worked on later. He listed a low' bid of $1395 from Priest
Electric for a new electrical panel at Well #3 (other bids were $1630 from B & W Equip-
ment and $2295 from Jewel Electric) so Priest Electric is to be notified to go ahead.
Completion of the lighting project in Peterson Park by the volunteer citizens group
was also mentioned by Mr. Whiteley.
Approval was given to pay claims in the amount of $7,620.70 and vouchers for disburse-
ments for payroll, etc., paid since the previous meeting totaling $4,876.62 were also
Acting Mayor Sw"ensen reported that he had participa,ted in a recent Civil Defense exercise,
for flooding due to dam failure, which brought to his attention that the City personnel
should have a plan to get minute books and other valuable records to safety if such an
event were to actually occur.
A motion to adjourn was made by Councilwoman Dille and seconded Qy Councilman Monson;
voting was all in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
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May 19, 1983
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen with
the following City Officials present:
Acting Mayor Russell N. Sw"ensen Ci ty Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Thayle D. Monson Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Engineer David E. Benton
Councilman Robert D. Williamson Planning Commission Member Jim Southwick
Absent: Mayor George Wehmann (leave of absence)
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was directed by Councilman Williamson and the in-
vocation was offered by Councilwoman Dille. Minutes of the meetings on March 24, 1983,
and April 7, 1983, were approved as prepared.
Jim Southwick, representing the Planning and Zoning Commission, reported that there was
no action business at the meeting this month. He noted that Bill Quapp will be resign-
ing because of being elected on the school board, so there will be three vacancies on
the Commission.
In response to information presented, it was moved by Councilman Williamson and seconded
by Councilman Monson that Acting Mayor Swensen be the City's Voting Delegate at the
Annual AlC Conference which is scheduled for June 16-18; voting was all in favor; motion
carried. Councilwoman Dille moved that Mayor George Wehmann be designated as the alter-
nate Voting Delegate; the motion was seconded by Councilman Williamson; voting was all
in favor; motion carried.
The matter of an inquiry regarding dances on the tennis courts was discussed, and
Councilwoman Dille moved to approve the request for this use on July 2 and July 23 for