Council Minutes 02/18/1982 I ~ CD I'- o <C <( I I February 18, 1982 February 4, 1982 l~n Idaho. Councilman Williamson indicated that the Review Committee has a meeting scheduled on February 11, and Mayor Wehmann noted that the report required on February 1 has been sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. It was reported that Councilman Swensen received a shoulder injury while helping on the grader to keep the roads open during a snow and wind storm on Saturday, January 30, and appreciation was expressed for his assistance which was especially important because of a funeral that day. Public Works Director Hayse'Whiteley stated that snow removal work is continuing in an effort to remove traffic hazards. He referred to the savings involved in buying gravel from the County which was mentioned at the previous meeting, and was advised to work with the City Councilman assigned as Chairman for Public Works to determine if funds are available in the street budget before making a request in writing to the County Commissioners about getting a supply of gravel. Claims to pay in the amount of $30,457.34, including a payment on the County Law Enforce- ment Contract, were approved to pay, and vouchers for investments, payroll, and transfers for a total of $63,980.46 paid since the last meeting were also approved. It was moved by Councilman Swensen and seconded by Conncilwoman Dille that the meeting adjourn; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. ATIEST, L~7 '~/~'O /;A~~~ MAYOR f CITY OF AMMON February 18, 1982 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N.Swensen with the following City Officials present: Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Thayle D. Monson Councilman Robert D. Williamson Absent: Mayor George Wehmann, out of town Attorney W. Joe Anderson, excused Also present during the meeting were Soout Leader Rodney N. Bryan, 3810 Geneva Dr., and Scouts David Hay, 3620 Geneva Dr., Derrick Bryan, 3810 Geneva Dr., Tyler R. Walker, 2925 Ross Ave., and Johnny Gonzales, 3160 Dal Ave. City Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Planning Commission Member Michael Browning The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Monson and prayer was offered by Acting Mayor Swensen. Minutes of the meeting on December 17, 1981, were approved as prepared. In connection with Planning and Zoning, Michael Browning reported that the Comprehensive Plan is coming up for review to consider amending the future land-use map because of a requested re-zone and other changes that may be needed. According to Councilwoman Dille, the residents in the Paterson Park vicinity are interest- ed in getting plans started for the vark development this year and have scheduled a public meeting on Tuesday, February 23. In response to a recommendation by Councilwoman Dille, it was agreed that Evan Thomas should manage the swimming pool again this year. Councilman Williamson mentioned that the Hydropower Review Committee will meet again on March 11 with the intention of being able to make a decision on which proposal to re- commend. Regarding the Fire Department, it was felt advisable to approve a suggestion that the City fire truck betaken to be checked for its over-all condition. It was pointed out that there is a need to recruit volunteer firemen who are available in the daytime and to have the City employees come to the fire training meetings. Acting Mayor Russell Swensen talked briefly to the scouts present about City problems, such as vandalism and dogs, and ways that the boys can help the City. He also reviewed the action taken by the City to drain the back-up of water from the fast thawing run-off on Wanda Street east of the railroad, and Councilman Williamson stated that several of the residents in that area called to express thanks. It was reported that Mayor Wehmann, who is on the way to a vacation in Mexico at this time, was concerned and called to inquire about the flooding situation. Claims to pay totaling $10,554,87 and claims paid for payroll, etc., since the last meeting in the amount of $9,895.74 were approved. A motion to adjourn was made by Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Williamson; voting was all in favor; the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. ATTEST, .~ ~74~7 ~ /J~ CITY LERK /'