Council Minutes 09/17/1981 September 3, 198m September 17, 1981 185 I of public funds." Consequently, it was recommended that the funds be divided between the Bank of Commerce, which has served the City well, and the new Ammon Office of the Valley Bank. Hayse Whiteley, Public Works Director, informed the Mayor and Council on matters pertain- ing to fire truck response, fire breaks in dry weed areas, repair of the irrigation di~ch culvert at Central Avenue and Rawson Street, and ditch problems in the vicinity of the Ammon School. He reported that three big tires were obtained recently from Carl Gray Tire Company and have been placed in the playground area of Peterson Park. Mr. Whiteley commented that he had an estimate on pulling the pump at Well #4, and Mayor Wehmann re- quested that an estimate on the value of the pump be obtained also. Progress on the plans to clear and fence the City's right-of-way access from Dal Avenue to Peterson Park were reviewed, and it was noted that the neighboring property owners had been advised by certified mail that the fencing project is to begin the week of September 21. The subject of sediment basins which are to be built at Ammon Produce was also mentioned. ~ CO I'-- o <t <( Claims in the amount of $20,493.87, including the payment of $10,256.01 to Bonneville County on the 17th Street project, were presented and approved for payment. Mayor Wehmann proposed to deduct $1,550.25 which the County owes the City on magistrate court fines from the payment due on 17th Street, and Attorney Anderson advised that this could be done. Regarding the applications for permits on four hydroelectric projects which have been filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, it was announced that one permit has been granted and, after the state law is checked and notice is received on the other applications, the City will be calling for proposals on design, construction, etc. It was moved by Councilman Swensen and seconded by Councilman Bowberry that the meeting adjourn; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned. (Minutes taken by Deputy City Clerk, Aleen Jense~) . ATmlT: ~~1/~1 C1TY CLERK ~ /" / ' k// / / ~/(/:r/'-7 Y/ /(;///z'J7Zd);> rl MAYOR / CITY OF AMMON September 17, 1981 I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen with the following City Officials present: Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Thayle D. Monson Councilman David Rowberry Absent: Mayor George Wehmann (out of town) Also present during the meeting was Charlene Ravenscraft of 2280 Bittern Dr. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilwoman Dille and prayer was offered by Councilman Monson. City Clerk Deon Hemingway Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley I Consideration was given to an application for variance filed by W. A. Ravenscraft, 2280 Bittern Dr., to be allowed to build a garage with 5 feet of sideyard instead of 7t feet as required in the R-l Zone. It was determined that the approving signature of the adjacent property owner had been obtained as required. Councilwoman Dille moved to grant a variance of 2t feet to W.A. Ravenscraft, 2280 Bittern Dr., to build a garage within 5 feet of the property line as shown on the application. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rowberry; voting was Dille yes~ Rowberry yes, Monson yes, Swensen yes; motion carried and variance granted. Ordinance No. 188, known as the Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1982, was brought up for action, and it was noted that the first reading of the ordinance had been approved at the previous meeting. Councilman Rowberry moved to waive the second reading of Ordi- nance No. 188 and place it on its third and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Ordinance No. 188 was read in fEll. Councilworran Dille moved to adopt Ordinance No. 188 as an ordinance of the City of Ammon. Councilman Monson seconded the motion; voting was Dille yes, Monson yes, Row- berry yes, Swensen yes; motion carried and Ordinance No. 188 adopted. In response to information provided by the Cdty Clerk, it was moved by Councilman Rowberry and seconded by Councilwoman Dille that Ammon Elementary School be designated as the polling place for the General City Election on November 3, 1981; voting was all in favor; /Tlotion carried. In a report on taking care of the weed problem in Tie Breaker Addition as planned at the previous meeting, Councilman Swensen indicated that the work with the flail mower had helped but was difficult to do because of all the materials and holes left on the vacant lots by the developer, and the City blade will be taken to the location in an effort to make a better fire break. September 17, 1981 October 1, 1981 18t) According to Councilman Swensen, it is likely that funds will become available to the High Country Resource Conservation and Development agency to improve the county road known as Blacktail Road to the Ririe reservoir. He noted that the road has quite heavy use for recreational purposes and that it is planned to enlarge the facilities at the lake. His report mentioned also that the construction of Hitt-Hackman Road north of 17th Street is under way, and the work on that road from 17th Street to Sunnyside Road is scheduled for 1982. Another item of interest was that the County plans to collect an amount with taxes for the operation and maintenance of landfills so, starting in January, 1982, land- fill charges billed to the City will be discontinued. The Council members were reminded of an invitation which had been extended by letter to each City Official from Rheim M. Jones, Regional Representative of the L.D.S. Church, I to attend a "Meet the Mormons" luncheon and tour on September 25. Reference was also made to a letter from Governor John V. Evans encouraging input at the "Governor's Public Budget Hearing" in Idaho Falls on September 25, and Councilman Rowberry indicated that he might be able to go to that meeting. The City Clerk gave a brief report on the recent workshop held in McCall for the Idaho City Clerks and Finance Officers Association. Claims were presented in the amount of $33,221.51, including the final FY-1981 payment~2,754.01 on the law enforcement contract with the County and a total power bill of $12,367.71 for electricity use during the month of August. All claims were approved for payment. Public Works Director, Hayse Whiteley, updated the Council members on the project to prepare the access from Dal Avenue to Peterson Park for use, miscellaneous empl~~gt matters, and recent waterline repairs~ He was given approval to go to a sale olJsufplus items in Pocatello to purchase equipment which the City needs such as a floor jack, etc. it was announced that the preliminary permits on hydroelectric projects at Deadwood, Upper Deer Flat, and Lower Deer Flat ~ams have been granted to the City so further action is in order. A motion to adjourn was made by Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. ATm3T, ~1e~tX77 4~;; #. ~ CITY CLERK I CITY OF AMMON October 1, 1981 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen with the following City Officials present: Councilman Russell N. Swensen City Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilwoman Carol A. Dille IVbliq Worke Fo:::-eman Th,Of!las H. Reese, Councilman David Rowberry Absent: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Thayle D. Monson Also present during the meeting was Gary Baker of Yost Office Systems. The pledge of allegianpe to the flag was conduCted by Councilman Rowberry and prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. It was noted that the City is in the market for a new copier, and Mr. Baker was given an opportunity to present information on two models which were in the City office for demonstration at the, time. Thomas Reese, representing the Public Works Director, reported on work matters such as patching the streets and winterizing the pool. Regarding the project on the Dal Avenue I access to Peterson Park, it was explained that the fencing work had been discontinued until a number 'of problem feelings and details are worked out with the neighboring property owners, and Councilwoman Dille cautioned that a law officer should be present if it becomes necessary for the City employees to move any of the private equipment from the City right-of-way. Mr. Reese expressed the appreciation of the public works crew for the cost-of-living increase which was authorized by the FY-1982 budget. In connection with the General City Election coming up on November 3, the following action was taken: It was moved by Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Row- berry that Regina Borg be named as the election judge with Sandra Borg and Carol Miller as clerks; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Rowberry moved and Councilwoman Dille seconded that the election workers be paid at the rate of $3.35 per hour for the judge and $3.00 per hour for the clerksj voting was all infavorj motion carried unanimously.