Council Minutes 09/18/1980
September 4, 1980
September 18, 1980
to accept the new agreement with the Bonneville County Sheriff Department and authorize
Mayor Wehmann to complete the contract. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille;
voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Engineer Benton mentioned that he had attended a meeting where information for applying
for HUD block grants was presented, and he would be able to help the City in filing an
application if desired. Matters concerning the development agreement for the E-Z Storage
, project were discussed, and a report was given by Engineer Benton regarding the progress
being made in televising the sewer lines to locate the bad leak areas. In response to
an inquiry by the public Works Director, it was agreed that it would be satisfactory to
have the portable generator left with the Idaho Falls Sewer Department for ready access
when needed for emergency use at the Ammon sewer lift stations provided that the serial
number of the equipment is recorded for ownership identification.
The City Clerk presented claims in the amount of $6,265.43 which were approved for
Attorney Blair Grover appeared, and the remainder of the meeting was spent discussing
information pertaining to the proposed lawsuit against H-K Contractors in connection
with the leakage problems in the sewer system.
It was moved by Councilwoman Dllle and seconded by Councilman Monson that the meeting
adjourn; votin~ was al~ in favor; meeting adjourned at 10:25 p~
ATrEST, ~ ~1 ~ I/.
September 18, 1980
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following
City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley
Councilman David Rowberry Engineer David E. Benton
Councilman Thayle D. Monson Attorney W.JoeAnd~rson '
Absent: Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Also present during the meeting were Dan Fawcett (insurance agent), Kendal Kiesel,
3950 Georgia Lane. and Robert Williamson of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Rowberry and the invo-
cation was offered by Councilman Swensen.
Dan Fawcett presented a proposal for medical insurance coverage on City employees through
Blue Cross of Idaho Health Services with favorable reaction considering that the benefits
are comparable and the premium less than'the present policy with Washington National
through the Association of Idaho Cities. It was recommended that the employees be given
an opportunity to review the plan and that the change be made if the employees are in
agreement. Mr. Fawcett explained that Blue Cross does not include life insurance so
that benefit would be with a separate company.
Robert Williamson, representing the Planning and Zoning Commission, reported on the
findings of the Commission following a public hearing and a committee study on the re-
quest for a zone change to add Overlay 6 (allowing livestock animals) on the lot owned
by Kendal Kiesel at 3950 Georgia Lane. He pointed out that the recommendation of the
Planning Commission was to deny the zone change based on the configuration of the property
rather than the lot size, with an expression of being in favor of a special use permit
for this particular situation. The difference between a re-zone and a special use permit
was explained for the benefit of Mr. Kiesel, and Mayor Wehmann noted that the procadures
required by the land-use laws obligate the City Council to hold a public hearing on the
zone-change request unless the application is withdrawn. Inasmuch as Mr. Kiesel did not
ask that the matter be dropped, it was moved by Councilman Rowberry and seconded by
Councilman Monson that a public hearing on the zone change to add Overlay 6 on Lot 6
Block 3 Barbara Jean Estates be scheduled for 7 P.M., November 6, 1980. Voting was
Rowberry yes, Monson yes, Swensen yes; motion carried.
According to Mayor Wehmann, a Comprehensive Plan for Ammon has been recommended for
approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and is now ready for review and public
hearing by the City Council. Copies of the Plan were distributed for study. Mayor
Wehmann informed the Council that some areas of Ammon have been designated as being back
in the flood plain and that a meeting on the flood map was cancelled by the representa-
tive of the Federal Disaster Agency and will be re-scheduled later. He mentioned also
that he and Attorney Anderson attended lPUC hearings in Pocatello this week regarding
how the cost of electrical service is determined. Another matter brought to the attention
of the Council by Mayor Wehmann was that interest has been shown by officials of the IPUC
in a suggestion to make Ammon a model energy city, and plans are being proposed to work
with Utah Power & Light Company in a one-week effort in December to check homes and
businesses for weatherization needs, provide free water-heater jackets and shower flow
September 18, 1980
September 25, 1980
restrictors, and present a training program in the schools. With reference to the public
hearing on September 25th regarding a special use permit to have a school in a residence
on Brookfield Lane, Mayor Wehmann noted that he would not be able to be present and re-
quested that the Council make certain that the safety and health factors involved be
brought to the attention of the applicant.
In response to an inquiry by Councilman Swensen, it was suggested that cementing the
ditches in Ammon might be a project that could be presented to the Resource Conserva-
tion and Development committee for consideration.
A report by Councilman Rowberry noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission is studying
an amendment to the ordinance regarding "planned unit developments" which would apply to
Kent Wood's plans for the R-~ area in Westwood Addition. He mentioned that Charles Borup, I
who was the County Planner, and who was complimentary of the work done by the Ammon
Planning and Zoning Commission, is no longer in that position, and Councilman Rowberry
agreed to write a letter to Mr. Borup thanking him for his services.
Public Works Director,Hayse Whiteley, reported that Ernest Martin, owner of Ammon Pro-
duce, has had a fence put up around the waste lagoon, and the work to connect the plant
sanitary facilities to the sewer has been started, but efforts to locate a sewer service
line as shown on the "as-built" drawings of the sewer system have not been successful.
Engineer Benton indicated that he would arrange for the City of Idaho Falls Sewer Depart-
ment to put the TV camera in the main to check where the "T" is situated.
Claims in the amount of $24,439.48 were presented by the City Clerk and were approved
for payment.
The matter of an employee pay increase which was provided for in the new budget was
brought up for discussion. Councilman Swensen moved to raise salaries 8% for regular
employees as budgeted, effective September 26, 1980. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Swensen moved
to raise the salaries of the CETA employees to the limits as allowed under the program.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
It was moved by Councilman Swensen and seconded by Councilman Rowberry that the meeting
adjourn; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourne~ at 10:00 P.M.
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ATTEST: ,~[e:"'-t.r~ /~N't'Y~:1
September 25, 1980
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen with the
following City Officials present:
Councilman Russell N. Swensen'
Councilman Thayle D. Monson
Councilman David Rowberry
Absent: Mayor George Wehmann
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Others present during the meeting were George Foster, Jr., 551 Sykes Dr, Idaho Falls;
Blair E. Doane, 3776"lJMarlene St.; Paul Miskimin, 3765 E. 17th st.; Melvin and Dixie
Richardson, 3725 Brookfield Lane; Connie Davidson, 3740 Brookfield Lane; Dewain and
Zola Silvester, 3570 Brookfield Lane; Jack and Stella Peterson, 3665 Brookfield Lane.
The purpose of the meeting was a public hearing regarding an application for a Special
Use Permit filed by George Foster Jr. to have a "Christian School" in the home at 3765
Brookfield Lane (in RP Zone) "durifi;g the hours of 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday through Friday
for small number--not to exceed 40--of students, for period not to exceed 60 days; grades
included in school kindergarten through 9th, inclusive". Answers to questions brought
out the information that the school began on Sept. 2, with the application being filed on
Sept. 4 and permission ~ing given by the City Council to hold the school on a tentative
basis until action could be taken. Also, the use of the home was arranged by the appli- I
cant without knowledge of city regulations and was felt by him to be helpful to both the
home owner and the school since it is near the future permanent location (on the property
to the northeast of the 17th Stree~~Ammon Road intersection which is already approved by
the County for this purpose) and since the people who were living in the residence had to
move and needed income from the home until it could be sold. It was pointed out that
facilities for the school at the permanent location will be ready by the time the lease
on the house expires on Nov. 1. Connie Davidson mentioned that there is a safety problem
with children arriving at the Christian S6hool at the same time that the public school
bus is picking up students in the area, but this would not be serious for such a short
time. Mr. Foster was informed that there are safety and health standards which must be
met while the residence is occupied as a school. Further comments indicated that there
were no re~:objections to the operation of the schoml until Nov. 1. Councilman Swensen
noted that a decision would be made on the permit at the Oct. 2 meeting and that no perma-
nent zone would be involved. The meeting was closed at 7:25 P<M. ""
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ATTEST: /C.~~ _~ /~GMAYOR-
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley