Council Minutes 08/14/1980 August 14, 1980 - August 20, 1980 148 CITY OF AMMON August 14, 1980 fJlinutes of a Pb.blic llearing on Revenue Sharing Proposed Uses (Pre-Budget): The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen, with Councilman Thayle D. Monson arriving later. It was noted that the public hearing had been properly advertisied as required by law. There were no citizens present representing the public. As a matter of record, the Revenue Sharing Budget for Fiscal Year 1981 as proposed by the Mayor and Council is as follows: Estimated balance 9/30/80 Estimated entitlement payments $ 8,577. 36,000. $ 44,577. Expendi tures Transfer to Transfer to Transfer to Transfer to Transfer to Parks & Recreation Sani ta tion Fund Street Fund Water Operation & Maint. Sewer Operation & Maint. $ 24,000. 3,500. 8,500. 5,677. 2,900. I ~~ $ 44,577. /t~~ The hearing CITY OF AMMON August 21, 1980 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Engineer David E. Benton Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley Councilman Thayle D. Monson Auditor Walter Clapp Councilman David Rowberry Planning & Zoning Chairman Jim McNett Others present during the meetingwere Kent Wood, 2080 Sabin Dr., and James Sanders, 2160 Curlew Dr. I The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Mayor Wehmann and the invocation was offered by Councilwoman Dille. The minutes of June 5, 1980, were approved as prepared: It was noted that Russell Owen, 2940 Teton St., who had asked to be on the agenda, was not present, and the matter of Mr. Owen's high curb-cut problem as it relates to street drainage was referred to Councilman Rowberry, with a suggestion by Mayor Wehmann that the Council might consider establishing a policy to allow a reasonable amount of black- top in the gutter where this condition exists. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that a tentative bud et for Fiscal Year 1981 is ready and calls for $62,115 in property tax revenue, which includes a 0 increase allowed by the legis- lature. He mentioned that the budget as proposed uses revenue sharing funds to avoid an increase in the fees for water, sewer, and garbage services, even though he has always felt that services should pay for themselves; however, it is planned that the extra charge for water of $4.00 per month for 5 months during the yard-watering season will be collected again. Councilwoman Dille moved to approve the tentative FY-1981 budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried unani- mously. The hearing on the revenue sharing and the total budget was set for September 4. James Sanders, 2160 Curlew Dr., appeared to ask if the City could do something about the stairs on the slide in Lions Park, which he claimed are not safe for small children. It was agreed that the City employees could make an adjustment which should help. The matter of the development of the R-2 lots in Westwood Addition, which was mentioned in the previous meeting, was discussed again. Jfum McNett presented the viewpoint of the Planning and Zoning Commission as determined at their meeting on August 12, which re- commended that the proposal to build 32 units on the seven platted lots, with one zero- lot-line for each unit and lots having 25 feet of width, should go back to a public hearing, and that the accesses to Amm~n-Lincoln Road should be restricted as originally planned rather than as stated in an inked-on note on the recorded plat. Engineer Benton explained the problem that the City would have relative to costs for the future widening of Ammon-Lincoln Road unless a satisfactory agreement regarding the street accesses is made, and Kent Wood indicated that his financing arrangement~ with HUD is dependent upon the housing units having frontage on a dedicated road. It was the feeling of the Mayor and Council members that legal counsel was needed on these matters. Mr. Wood was reminded that the variance which was given on June 5, 1980, regarding sideyards did not include making .a change in the minimum lot width of 100 feet for a two-family building as required in the R-2 Zone. The possibility of issuing a permit to construct one building on the south side of San Carlos Street where the street access situation is not involved was discussed, and it was pointed out that this could be done but Mr. Wood would be taking I I ~ c.o ,....... U <C <t I I August 21, 1980 14H a chance of not being able to put another building on the same lot if the minimum width reqUirement cannot be changed. Reference was made to a request to add Overlay 6 to allow livestock animals on the pro- perty of Kendal Keisel, 3950 Georgia Lane, which is a matter of business before the Planning and Zoning Commission, an~ Jim McNett mentioned that a separate recommendation may be made regarding changing the City ordinance relative to the area needed for each animal on lots which are in the overlay zone. Mayor Wehmann asked that the Planning and Zoning Commission have someone present at every City Council Meeting to provide a closer working relationship between the Council and the Commission. Regarding the claim submitted by Warren Bird at the June 5th meeting, it was noted that information has been obtained which indicates that there was a culvert across Aspen Lane that was removed a few years ago for which the City may have some obligation, and Attorney Anderson was instructed to send a letter to Mr. Bird offering settlement on the culvert (but not on the irrigation district assessment) provided that he will sign the paper to withdraw his property from the irrigation district and no longer hold the City liable for restricting the water to his property on Aspen Lane. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that the unofficial final 1980 census count for the City is 4664. A recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding amending the con- ditions of the special use permit for the storage unit project east of Sand Creek was considered. Councilman Swensen moved to permit the construction of a single-family apartment as the second story over one of the buildings at the E-Z Storage business. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilwoman Dille reported that Gail Lewis of the State Parks Department has been advised of the anticipated delivery of two box-cars from Union Pacific Railroad,which are to be placed in the parks for storage buildings, and that the value of the box-cars will be submitted for reimbursement on the BOR Grant for park improvements. In connection with possible need for another extension of time for using the BOR Grant, Mayor Wehmann men- tioned that he understood that grant money has been held for the City of Idaho Falls for as long as four years. Mayor Wehmann noted that video camera pictures of the bad sewer leaks will be viewed to determine if they are good enough to use in the proposed lawsuit against H-K Contractors, and the Council members were asked to be prepared to make a decision about what arrange- ments for paying the fees for the Attorney who has been selected to represent the City in this suit would be most satisfactory. According to Public Works Director Hayse Whiteley, the surplus pOlice/fire car was sold for $100 after the time for accepting bids expired without any results. He review- ed work being done by the employees at the time, such as painting crosswalks and taking care of traffic signs, and he reported that he is watching the junk-car situation on the Stedtfeld and Kranz properties. In response to an inquiry by Mr. Whiteley about re- instating a percentage plan-check fee for issuing building permits, Mayor Wehmann suggested that the advice of the Attorney be obtained before taking any action. There was agreement with Councilman Swensen that it would be good to make a request for a sign in the Ucon area directing the way to Ammon, and the Councilman indicated that he would check with the State Highway Department about this. The City Clerk presented claims to pay in the amount of $20,887.35, which were approved for payment. It was moved by Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Monson that the meeting adjourn; voting was all in fav~r; meeting adjourned at 10:)0 ~.M~ ~ ,#~~cc~- - M YOR