Council Minutes 11/01/1978 I ~ to [' o <t <t I I October 18, 1978 Councilman Swensen commented that the new coupon books for utility billings are 73 being printed. A report by Public Works Director Hayse Whiteley included information on the status of the street lights which UP&L have been authorized to install in new subdivisions, on the water meter situation at the new apartment complex on Maiben Drive, on the repair of the emergency generator for Well #6, and on the progress of the work at the new Peterson Park. He presented a graph showing the rate of sewage flow through the meter stations based on readings taken over the past several weeks. The approval of the Council was indicated on a recommendation by Mr. Whiteley that employee Robert White be advanced from Grade 4-1 to 4-2 retroactive to the pay period beginning with Sept. 29, 1978, as a result of satisfactory performance in his assigned supervisor responsibilities. He also expressed appreciation for the advancement for himself to Grade 7-3 which was approved by the Mayor and Council at a executive session following the previous Council meeting. In- structions were given by Mayor Wehmann tD proceed with the installation of water meters for the homes in Tie Breaker Village Division No.1 as agreed upon at the time of the annexation of that subdivision. Engineer Benton reported that the seal coat on Taylorview Lane was done some time ago. It was noted by Councilman Rowberry that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends annexing the railroad property along the east boundary of the City, subject to legal advice from the City Attorney. Mayor Wehmann asked that action on this proposal be postponed. The City Clerk's report listed a General Fund checking account balance of $7,904.96, with new claims to pay in the amount of $6,233.68 and unpaid claims held over from the previous meeting totaling $5,026.26, so the additional revenues which are expected shortly from revenue sharing, highway excise tax, and liquor tax allocations are needed to get the City's financial condition in order. A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Rowberry, with voting all in favor; the meeting adjourned at 11:35 P.M. AT1EST, ~~ ~7'7-1 ~A'4rV #~~- . CITY CLER ct ~ MAYOR CITY OF AM~10N November 1, 1978 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilwoman Carol <A. Dille Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilman Francis Lee Asst. Engineer Brad Niela Councilman Russell N. Swensen Director of Public Works Hayse L. Whiteley Also present during the meeting were Brad and Julie Jahn, Claudia , Steve Paschke, Douglas Drury, Gil Putnam, and David Weaver. Councilman David Rowberry The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Rowberry, and the invocation was offered by Councilwoman Dille. The minutes of the meeting on October 18, 1978, were approved as prepared. Mayor Wehmann explained that he had invited Mr. and Mrs. Jahn to be in attendance to show some slides relative to the Idaho Falls high transmission powerline which had been shown at the Idaho Falls information meeting on October 18th after he and the Council members left there. The slides were shown and included scenes along the proposed power- line route on the west side of Idaho Falls in the area where the Jahns reside, pictures of powerlines similar to the one planned already located in other places in southeast Idaho and northern Utah, etc. Special mention was made of the intentions of the City of Idaho Falls to use a route near the airport for the powerline, and Mayor Wehmann indicated that he might check with FAA officials in Seattle about this when he is in that city later this month. Regarding a decision on the plan check fee which was promised, it was noted that Gil Putnam was present representing J. R. Hayes who was in attendance at the previous meeting in connection with this subject. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, the Council members agreed that plans should be checked when a building permit is applied for. Hayse Whiteley, Building Inspector, explained that a plan check fee is charged only on buildings with a construction cost of over $5,000. Mayor Wehmann suggested that th~ Council con- sider setting a charge for this service based on the time spent for plan checking, which should result in a lower fee when the same plan is used more than once because it should take less time for checking after the first examination of the plans. Councilman Rowberry moved to establish the plan check fee as 2.0 times the cost of the actual time spent by the staff involved. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. November 1, 1978 74 Copies of the draft of an annexation study were presented by Douglas Drury, who is pre- paring the study under a grant-funded program, and it was requested that any comments or suggested changes be handed to him the following Tuesday in order to meet the deadline for the completion of the study. It was mentioned that the sewer agreement with the City of Idaho Falls had been checked for information as it applied to the study and that data from the Soil Conservation Service had been used. Mr.Drury pointed out that planning such as this cannot be agreeable to everyone, but is intended for guidance. According to Mayor Wehmann, it may be possible to get a loan from Farmers Home Adminis- tration for purchasing theMel Brown well, and Attorney Anderson advised that the City continue with the arrangements for the money at the bank, then work with FmHA to see if it is within the City's legal means to obtain funds through that agency. Mayor Wehmann re- ported that the City's insurance policy is being written by Ron Parrish of Consolidated I Agencies in Blackfoot, as authorized by the Council at a previous meeting, and that Les Kiel has been notified by letter that the City wishes to terminate the present insurance coverage with Tandy & Wood, Inc. Regarding insurance on the Fire District tanker, Mayor Wehmann noted that the District has full coverage on that vehicle, and it is not felt necessary for the City of Ammon to participate in the cost of this, according to Dale Rockwood, Chairman of the Fire District Commission. It was indicated by Mayor Wehmann that he contacted a representative of the Environmental Protection Agency in Seattle about the appeal on the Sewer Project audit, and that Engineer Benton advises that the follow through on an appeal would likely be more costly than paying the amount that EPA has determined is due from the City. The leakage problem in the sewer system was men- tioned, and Mayor Wehmann presented the Council members with the figures on the metered gallonage as used for billing from the City of Idaho Falls during the past several months to show how much of a problem exists. In connection with the Utah Power & Light Company rate case, Mayor Wehmannam~titi8~d that he had sent a mailgram to the president of that company pointing out that th~requested rate increase is not in keeping with President Carter's recently announced plan for inflation control, and it was suggested that a simi- lar message be sent to Mr. A.Kahn, Chairman of the Council on Wage and Price Stability, in Washington, D. C. Other matters mentioned by Mayor Wehmann included reference to a model ordinance to establish Council procedures which could be considered, the need to know how many sewer connections have been made in the Jennie Jean area since the comple- tion of the Iona-Bonneville Sewer District project, the problem that the people on Wanda Street are having in connection with hooking:up to the IBSD sewer, the arrangements that have been made to have another driveway put in from 17th Street to the Valley Care Center near the location of the fire hydrant, and a suggestion made by the Lions Club that an I ice-skating rink be put in next to the nursing home which was not agreeable to the Coun- cil members because of the hazard involved in children crossing 17th Street. David Weaver, Landscape Architect on the park improvement project, reported that the contractor requests permission to delay the sprinkler installation until spring due to the non-availability of materials and the possibility that weather conditions will not be favorable long enough to complete the work, and this was felt to be agreeable by the Council members. A request for payment for the work completed by the contractor (about 50%) in the amount of $35,160 was presented, along with a bill of $150 from David Weaver for bidding expenses. Mayor Wehmann asked that Mr. Weaver get together with Hayse Whiteley of the City and arrange for a portion of the park to be made ready for skating, and it was mentioned that some discussion is needed on how to handle the drainage situa- tion on the paved area. Councilman Lee reported that there is nothing new on getting a fire truck from "site" surplus. Councilman Swensen commented that the new coupon books are printed and being sent out. The Mayor and Council members were informed by Councilman RowDerry that a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on annexing property east of Jennie Jean Estates between Mountain Valley Estates and 17th Street, including the railroad, is set for November 14. He noted that there has been no notice of any actioh by the developer of Aimee Ann Estates, a proposed subdivision to the east of the City in toe Impact Area, and that the County Commissioners have not indicated yet whether the County 0~ City of Ammon is to have jurisdiction for subdivision regulations there. Mayor Wehmann commented that the controversy regarding the sewer system for this development should be a good case be- fore the press because it will be a test of the Impact Area statute. Councilwoman Dille I reported that there was no County traffic safety meeting last month or this month. She distributed copies of the nfiFW proposed dog ordinance for review and requested. that comments be given to her by Tuesday of the following week. Also mentioned by Council- woman Dille was the fact that she had talked to Bert Metcalf, 3835 Sunnyside Rd., about the Council's decision regarding the parking lot in the new Peterson Park, and it appeared that he was satisfied. A report by Director of Public Works, Hayse Whiteley, brought the Mayor and Council up to date on the water meters for Pheasant Estates, Creekside Apartments, and Tie Breaker Village, the preparations being made for skating rinks, the well emergency generators, and n~w.street lights. He presented information on a truck which is available through the Clvll Defense Surplus Property at a cost of $1,500 that would be ideal for mounting the snow plow on, but Mayor Wehmann advised waiting on this. I ~ (.D r...... () d: <t I I November 1, 1978 Attorney Anderson reported that warrants for L.r.D. #8 construction are under pre- 7~ paration. Names of people to contact regarding information for the application for the Ririe Dam hydro-electric rights were given to Attorney Anderson by Mayor Wehmann. Engineer Nield delivered a letter to Mayor Wehmann regarding street repair in the Jennie Jean area in response to correspondence from Larry Boyle, 3750 Marlene Street, which in- dicated dissatisfaction with the condition of the roads there after the Iona-Bonneville Sewer District construction was completed. In connection with the drainage problem on one of the circles on Eagle Drive, Mayor Wehmann informed the Engineer that the City could take care of the matter without further checking by an engineering crew. Approval was indicated by the Mayor and Council on a request submitted by 0 & F Construction, con- tractors on the L.I.D. #8 work,for a 60-day extension of time due to a delay in the ship- ment of waterline and waiting for sub-contractor work to be finished. According to Mayor Wehmann, the firm of Energy Incorporated is interested in conducting ~. public information workshop on energy use, supply, and conservation for the residents of Ammon, and has asked for a suggestion on a date when City officials could be present. It was agreed that the evening of November 28th would be suitable. The City Clerk's report listed claims to pay in the amount of $3,563.48 and a General Fund checking account balance of $6,429.70. Claims were approved for payment. It was moved by Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Rowberry that the meeting be adjourned; voting was all in favor; motion carried; meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. /' ATTEST: A:k<,>~ '~~~7 ~t d:U~/ CITY' CLERK ;/' .- MAYOR CITY OF AMMON November 22, 1978 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Official present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman David Rowberry Councilman Francis Lee Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Director of Public Works Hayse L. Whiteley The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilwoman Dille and the invoca- tion was offered by Councilman Lee. The minutes of the meeting of October 18, 1978, were approved as prepared. As a matter of record, the regular meeting on November 15, 1978, was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum, and was rescheduled on this date. Mayor Wehmann explained that J. R. Hayes, building contractor, who had asked to be on the agenda regarding. the City's policy to charge for water during construQtion, was not able to be in attendance, but will come to the next meeting. The subject was discussed, and Mayor Wehmann indicated that, since the main purpose of the policy was to insure that the contractor notifies the City when a new home is occupied by asking to have the billing for during construction discontinued and since the City now has its own building inspector who should be on top of the occupancy situation, there may be no problem with eliminating the charge. Further comment was delayed until Mr. Hayes has come forth with a proposal. It was also noted that Ron Parrish of Consolidated Agencies, Blackfoot, was to have been present regarding the City's new insurance coverage, but he was unable to come. An application for a non-commercial kennel license submitted by Galen Anderson, 2240 Curlew Dr., was considered and found to be in order. Councilman Rowberry moved to grant the non-commercial kennel license for the remainder of 1978 as requested. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was agreed that the same appJication would be acceptable as meeting the requirement for obtaining a non-commercial kennel license for the year of 1979 also, on the basis that this approval was being given just five weeks from the end of the year. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that the response received by telephone from the mailgram sent to M~ A. Kahn, Chairman of the Council on Wage and Price Stability, was not satisfying, so he intends to write to Jack Watson, Special Presidential Assistant, regarding the Utah Power & Light Company rate increase request. According to Mayor Wehmann, the drive- way on the west side of the Valley Care Center will be put in next spring when the weather conditions improve. He noted that the firm of Energy Incorporated has plans to go ahead with the public information meeting in the Ammon School during the evening of Nov~ 28th, and Councilman Rowberry agreed to be in attendance to represent the City unless Council- man Swensen can be there. Mayor Wehmann reported that he had contacted the EPA office in Seattle relative to the amount due from the City of Ammon as a result of the audit on the Sewer and Water Project costs, and a letter will be sent out on this matter; also the EPA representative was told about the sewer leakage problems that have been discovered.