Council Minutes 10/18/1978
October 4, 1978
Attorney Nelson explained that Gary, Jensen, County Prosecuting Attorney, has given 71
notice that his office will no longer prosecute cases involving traffic offenses and
misdemeanor crimes which occur within the City of Ammon (due to what Mr. Jensen calls
a conflict with the City in relation to his development of Aimee Ann Estates). Con-
sequently, it was recommended by Attorney Nelson that a new prosecutor be named. Council-
man Rowberry moved to adopt the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that Jack G. Voshell and Roger B. Wright, of the firm of
Voshell and Wright, Attorneys at Law, Idaho Falls, Idaho, be and they hereby
are appointed as Deputy City Attorneys of the City of Ammon, Bonneville County,
Idaho, for the purpose of representing the City of Ammon in prosecution for
violations of the statutes of the State of Idaho or ordinances of the City of
Ammon brought in the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the
State of Idaho, for the County of Bonneville and for which the City of Ammon
is responsible for presecuting.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was unanimous in favor; motion
Engineer Brad Nield uresented drawings for typical road cross sections for signature.
Regarding the re-paving of Wanda Street immediately west of the railroad tracks, about
which residents there have expressed concern, the Council was informed that this is to
be taken care of at the time when the streets are paved in the adjoining new subdivision
of Mountain Valley Estates. The matter of getting a machine and camera for sewerline
maintenance was mentioned by Mayor Wehmann, who noted that grant or loan money may be
available for such equipment and it could be used jointly with the Iona-Bonneville
Sewer District,'
City Clerk, Deon Hemingway, reported on her attendance at the ICCFOA Institute and the
Civil Defense meeting on national and civil preparedness, and listed claims to pay in
the amount of $10,925.55.
Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn; the
voting was all in favor; motion carried;
motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille;
meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M.
October 18, 1978
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at
following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Francis Lee
Councilman David R. Rowberry
Others present during the meeting
9:05 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Director of Public Works Hayse Whitley
Engineer David E.Benton
were J. R. Hayse, Boyd Thompson, and Duane Crook.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Swensen, and the in-
vocation was offered by Councilman Rowberry. The minutes of the regular meeting of
October 4, 1978, were approved as prepared (with a correction in the last paragraph
on Page 70).
It was noted for the record that the Mayor and Council members had been in attendance
from 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. at an information hearing held by the City of Idaho Falls, wherein
that City's consultant from the firm of CH2M gave a presentation on the high voltage loop
routir~ .
J. R. Hayes, a building contractor, appeared to discuss the City's policy regarding the
charge of a plan check fee, and especially to question the need to add such a fee to the
cost of a building permit when the same plan is used for several homes, noting that he
was concerned about all items which added to the selling price of a house. He pointed
out that no other cities in the area where he has obtained building permits charge this
fee. It was determined that the adoption of the Uniform Building Code authorized the
City to collect a plan check fee of one-half of the building permit fee, and that the
building official must check all duplicate plans in order to know if any revisions have
been made. The water and sewer connection fees were also mentioned, and Mayor Wehmann
explained the need for these charges, but Mr. Hayes only proposed to eliminate the plan
check fee on duplications. City Building Inspector, Hayse Whiteley, stated that all
plans for the approximately 35 permits for new homes issued since the Ammon Building
Department came into operation in April of 1978 have been checked to be sure they meet
the code and have had a plan check fee charged. Mayor Wehmann expressed the opinion
that perhaps some consideration could be given to Mr. Hayes' suggestion that this fee
be eliminated when the same plan is used more than once if the builder had obtained
October 18, 1978
a certification by a professional architect that the plans were not altered. It was de-
cided that advice from the City Attorney was needed and that the Council needed time to
give some more thought to the matter, so the item is to be put on the agenda for the
November 1st meeting, and Mr Hayes was asked to return at that time, if possible.
Boyd Thompson, 3100 Midway Avenue, was given an opportunity to present information re-
garding the development of his property on Rose Dale Lane between Molen Street and
Sunnyside Road in the Original Townsite. He specifically requested a decision on the
width of street paving that would meet the approval of the City. It was pointed out
that the dedication of the street is 33 feet, and that it is the policy of the City, as
recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, to require that an additional 5 feet
on each side be dedicated to the City for future sidewalk, etc., when building permits I
are applied for. Mr. Thompson indicated that a paving width of 24 feet had been talked
about as being agreeable when a lot-frontage variance had been granted to him in March
of 1978, but nothing to this effect was found in the minutes. Councilman Rowberry
voiced objection to such a narrow street, and Engineer Benton mentioned that the 33 feet
of right-of-way would leave 4i feet of shoulder on each side if asphalt is laid to 24
feet or shoulders of 2t feet with 28 feet of paving. It appeared to be the feeling of
the Mayor and Council members that paving without curb and gutter would be acceptable
even though the lots are to have only 80 feet of frontage, since other streets in that
area are also without these improvements. Councilman Lee moved to grant Vrr. Thompson
a variance from the recently approved road-cross-section standards and allow him to put
in 'a 24-foot asphalt road on Rose Dale Lane from Sunnyside Road to Molen Street. The
motion died fcr lack of a second. Further discussion followed, including an observation
by Engineer Benton that all other streets in the Original Townsite except one block on
Meadow Lane have 24 feet of paving without curb and gutter. Councilman Swensen moved to
allow a variance and approve 24 feet on the pavement with 4i feet on each side on the
shoulders and 5 feet of additional dedicated right-of-way on each side for sidewalks
on Rose Dale Lane between Sunnyside Road and Molen Street. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Mayor Wehmann informed the Council that the offer on the Mel Brown Well of $70,000 for
the well and existing building along with 4.71 acres of land was accepted by Mr. Brown,
and that a letter from the State of Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reports that
the water from the well meets the State water-quality standards. Details on the legal
papers and the financing needed to complete the deal are to be worked out with the help
of Attorney Anderson and Engineer Benton. It was agreed that Engineer Benton should I
check out the cost involved in transferring the large pump at Well #6 to this new well,
as suggested by Hayse Whiteley, Director of Public Works.
Reference was made by Mayor Wehmann to a letter received from Larry Boyle of 3750
Marlene Street complaining about the condition of that street now that the sewer con-
struction by the Iona-Bonneville Sewer District contractor has been completed, and it
was felt that a response should be made.
According to Mayor Wehmann, the Association of Idaho Cities has sent information on a
service which is available for handling the paper work when claims are filed on Unemploy-
ment Insurance, which he felt that the City does not need.
Regarding the City's liability and property insurance, Mayor Wehmann told the Council
that the renewal premium on the present policy with Tandy & Wood (a policy which does
not include errors and omissions and has an audit feature) would be approximately $8300,
while the policy from a Blackfoot agency that is being considered and which has a higher
liability coverage, has errors and omissions, and is not subject to audit, has an esti-
mated premium of $6750 for one year. He noted that Attorney Anderson is acquainted with
the policy and the firm since the City of Shelley had him review the sa;e policy, and he
has advised that the proposal is in order. Councilman Rowberry moved to proceed with
securing the policy from Ron Parrish of Consolidated Agencies of Bla,ckfoot. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Engineer Benton presented a request for payment submitted by the contractor on the Local
Improvement District #8 construction in the amount of $10,179. After obtaining advice I
by telephone from Attorney Anderson, Mayor Wehmann recommended that funds be obtained
through interim warrants to make payments on this project. Councilman Swensen moved
that Mayor Wehmann call for interim warrants for L.I.D. #8. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Swensen moved
that the City approve the payment with interim warrant funds in the amount of $10,179 to
o & F Construction on Payment Request No.1 for work completed to date on L.I.D. #8. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
According to Engineer Benton, cost figures should be available now so that a hearing on
the assessment roll can be scheduled soon.
Councilman Lee mentioned that there are no developments at this time on the possibility
of obtaining a fire truck from surplus at the lNEL Site. He reviewed the law enforcement
report for the month of September, and noted that he had received some complaints about
stop-sign violations lately which he had reported to the Sheriff's Department.
October 18, 1978
Councilman Swensen commented that the new coupon books for utility billings are 73
being printed.
A report by Public Works Director Hayse Whiteley included information on the status of
the street lights which UP&L have been authorized to install in new subdivisions, on the
water meter situation at the new apartment complex on Maiben Drive, on the repair of the
emergency generator for Well #6, and on the progress of the work at the new Peterson Park.
He presented a graph showing the rate of sewage flow through the meter stations based on
readings taken over the past several weeks. The approval of the Council was indicated
on a recbmmendation by Mr. Whiteley that employee Robert White be advanced from Grade
4-1 to 4-2 retroactive to the pay period beginning with Sept. 29, 1978, as a result of
satisfactory performance in his assigned supervisor responsibilities. He also expressed
appreciation for the advancement for himself to Grade 7-} which was approved by the
Mayor and Council at a executive session following the previous Council meeting. In-
structions were given by Mayor Wehmann to proceed with the installation of water meters
for the homes in Tie Breaker Village Division No.1 as agreed upon at the time of the
annexation of that subdivision.
Engineer Benton reported that the seal coat on Taylorview Lane was done some time ago.
It was noted by Councilman Rowberry that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends
annexing the railroad property along the east boundary of the City, subject to legal
advice from the City Attorney. Mayor Wehmann asked that action on this proposal be
The City Clerk's report listed a General Fund checking account balance of $7,904.96,
with new claims to pay in the amount of $6,233.68 and unpaid claims held over from the
previous meeting totaling $5,026.26, so the additional revenues which are expected
shortly from revenue sharing, highway excise tax, and liquor tax allocations are needed
to get the City's financial condition in order.
A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Rowberry, with
voting all in favor; the meeting adjourned at 11:35 P.M.
AT1EST: ~~ ;JZ..7~-' ~~J-P M'L~_
November 1, 1978
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following
City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Councilman Francis Lee Asst. Engineer Brad Nield
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Director of Public Works Hayse L. Whiteley
Also present during the meeting were Brad and Julie Jahn, Claudia , Steve
Paschke, Douglas Drury, Gil Putnam, and David Weaver.
Councilman David
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Rowberry, and the
invocation was offered by Councilwoman Dille. The minutes of the meeting on October 18,
1978, were approved as prepared.
Mayor Wehmann explained that he had invited Mr. and Mrs. Jahn to be in attendance to
show some slides relative to the Idaho Falls high transmission powerline which had been
shown at the Idaho Falls information meeting on October 18th after he and the Council
members left there. The slides were shown and included scenes along the proposed power-
line route on the west side of Idaho Falls in the area where the Jahns reside, pictures
of powerlines similar to the one planned already located in other places in southeast
Idaho and northern Utah, etc. Special mention was made of the intentions of the City of
Idaho Falls to use a route near the airport for the powerline, and Mayor Wehmann indicated
that he might check with FAA officials in Seattle about this when he is in that city later
this month.
Regarding a decision on the plan check fee which was promised, it was noted that Gil
Putnam was present representing J. R. Hayes who was in attendance at the previous meeting
in connection with this subject. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, the Council
members agreed that plans should be checked when a building permit is applied for. Hayse
Whiteley, Building Inspector, explained that a plan check fee is charged only on buildings
with a construction cost of over $5,000. Mayor Wehmann suggested that the Council con-
sider setting a charge for this service based on the time spent for plan checking, which
should result in a lower fee when the same plan is used more than once because it should
take less time for checking after the first examination of the plans. Councilman Rowberry
moved to establish the plan check fee as 2.0 times the cost of the actual time spent by
the staff involved. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in
favor; motion carried.