Council Minutes 06/07/1978
June 7, 1978
June 7,1978
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following
City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman David Rowberry
Councilman Francis Lee
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Others present during the meeting were Bill Manwill, Garth Cunningham, and Farrell Adamson.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Engineer David E. Benton
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilwoman Dille; the invocation I
was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the Special Meeting on May 3, 1978, were
approved as prepared. Minutes of the Regular Meeting on May 3, 1978, were approved as
The matter of the public hearing on May 18, 1978, being recessed until this date was
brought up, and it was noted that the developers of West Ammon Estates are not yet pre-
pared with a revised plat. Councilman Swensen moved to continue the public hearing until
7:30 P.M., June 21, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rowberry; voting was all
in favor; motion carried.
A claim submitted b Carol
filed by Chase Driggs, 3
Councilman Rowberry agreed
disposition of the claims.
Farmer 660 Geneva Dr., for damage to a tricycle, and one
o Georgia Lane, for loss of a garbage can, were considered, and
to investigate the circumstances and make a decision about the
Regarding the fine for the violation of waterin re lations, Councilman Lee
moved that this be set at 7.50 per citation during the 1978 watering year. The motion
was seconded by Councilwoman Dille. Councilman Swensen moved to amend the motion by
striking out $7.50 and inserting $10.00; this motion died for lack of a second. Voting
on the original motion was all in favor; motion carried.
Mayor Wehmann gave a brief review of the proceedings at the Utah Power & Light Company
rate-increase hearings before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission which he and Attorney
Anderson have been attending in Pocatello. He noted that the Idaho Electrical Consumers
Office is going to assume a lot of the work for the intervenors in this case.
Concerning the Idaho Falls tranmission line which is planned along the ra.ilroad tracks
at the Ammon city limits on the east, Mayor Wehmann informed the Council that a meeting
with the City of Idaho Falls officials is scheduled on Tuesday, June 13, and he asked
that Councilman Rowberry and Councilwoman Dille be in attendance, along with Attorney
Anderson, to represent the City of Ammon. Copies of a letter which the Attorney has sent
to Union Pacific Railroad Company on this subject were distributed to the Council members.
With reference to the action taken at the previous meeting on the variance requested by
New Concept Realty, Mayor Wehmann pointed out that the conditions have not been adhered
to, so the variance is denied.
Councilwoman Dille agreed to attend a meeting set for 2:30 P.M. on June 28 with the
County Commissioners, City of Idaho Falls, and the Humane Society.
Garth Cunningham, the engineer representing the developer of the proposed Aimee Ann Es-
tates, located between the east city limits and Crowley Road north of Sunnyside Road,
was given time to discuss the water and sewer systems for that development which will be
in the Ammon impact area. It was felt by the Mayor and Council members that this matter
needed further study, and a decision at the meeting on June 21 was indicated. Restricted
access on Sunnyside Road was also mentioned as a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, and it was noted by Mr. Cunningham that a consistent guideline on this subject
is needed.
Mayor Wehmann announced the appointment of James Southwick. 3968 E. 17th St. to the
Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Joseph Wenger until March 1,
1981, and Councilman Rowberry moved that the Council concur with this appointment. The
motion was secondeQ by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Bill Manwill from the County Engineer's Office described the experience of the County
with a successful signing project. and recommended that the City apply for a grant to
update the signs in Ammon, noting that federal funds should be available for 98% of
such a project. but the City must assume maintenance after installation. Councilman Lee
agreed to check with Bill Kroll at the Rigby office of the State Highway Department re-
garding this matter.
June 7, 1978
Farrell Adamson, 3250 Rawson Street, appeared and inquired about the outcome of the 4~
variance for New Concept Realty which was mentioned earlier in the meeting, and he was
informed that the request had been denied, but indication has been given that the develop-
er intends' to change the house designs so that a variance will not be needed. Mr. Adamson
asked about height restrictions on fences and indicated that he plans to put up a high
fence along his property line to separate his yard from the adjoining land if four homes
are to be built there, and he was advised that height regulations only apply in the front
yard areas and that a permit must be obtained for fence construction.
Mayor Wehmann reminded Councilwoman Dille that action must be taken on getting some sub-
stantial work going on the parks improvement project for which a BOR grant has been
awarded. He suggested that consideration be given to eliminating the lights for the
"grid kidwfield which were included in the plans in view of the need to conserve energy.
Regarding the Fiscal Year 1979 budget, Mayor Wehmann expressed the opinion that steps
should be taken toward tax reform and that a tax cut might be possible if the charge for
utilities is increased to more fully cover the cost of providing the
services. He suggested that the Council members give this idea some thought, and go out
and talk to the people before the budget preparations get under way.
Informatio~ presented by the City Clerk resulted in the following action: Councilman
SwenseB7~5 authorize the Clerk to destroy records as listed (as allowed by State statute):
Claims for 1972; water and garbage receipts for Sept., 1971, to March, 1972,received by
mail, ~tc. 45R~ ~n~ixidually receipted; receipt books No. 32401 dated Dec. 7, 1971,
throug~N01. r~, !~7~; bank statements, cancelled checks, and checkbook stubs for 1972
for General Fund; and bank statements and cancelled checks for 1972 for Guarantee Fund,
L.I.D. #4, and L.I.D. #3. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in
favor; motion carried.
Mayor Wehmann indicated that a letter has been written to Wayne Wilcox of Falls Water
Com~ny verifying the procedure agreed upon for collecting and remitting payments for
water services in Tie Breaker Village subdivision. He also noted that he had made a
visual check of the location of the line for the east and south im~act area boundaries
which were voted on at the previous meeting and found that there would be problems with
regard to private property lines, etc., so, in order to not delay the matter longer, he
had listed the middle of North Iona Road and the middle of Township Road in a letter to
the County Commissioners. The Council members indicated approval of this action. In
response to inquiries made by Mayor Wehmann, Councilman Rowberry reported that arrange-
ments have been made to have the private collector continue garbage pick-up in Jennie Jean
through July, with the first City collection day in that recently annexed area to be on
August 4, and Engineer Benton reported that Neahl Johnson, developer of Mountain Valley
Estates, has sent a reply to Union Pacific Railroad regarding the grade crossing and has
signed the annexation agreement. According to Mayor Wehmann, there may be complaints
about an objectionable religious group soliciting door to door with cookies, etc., and
he proposed that counsel from the City Attorney be requested with regard to putting a
"Green River Ordinance" into effect in Ammon.
Councilman Lee made a recommendation to help solve the traffic problem at the corner of
Rawson Street and Hillam Drbre",. and later in the meeting Councilman Swensen moved that a
"Stop" sign be placed at said intersection for south-bound traffic. The motion was second-
ed by Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was agreed also
that the intersection should be painted with double yellow lines.
A report by Councilman Swensen noted that the water is in the irrigation ditches in the
townsite area, and he suggested that the law enforcement officers be notified to watch
for flooding from the ditches as they patrol. He mentioned that he had been working with
the City employees on the problems at Well #6, and the seal on the 30 hp booster pump has
been repaired and the man from Waterworks Equipment Co. is to adjust and calibrate the
automatic controls some time next week. Mayor Wehmann asked that this be completed by
no later than June 21.
Councilman Rowberry brought up the matter of how to charge the nursing home, which is
nearing completion, for water and sewer services, a.nd he agreed to contact the contractor
or owner and made a recommendation on whether a meter is to be required or if the billing
should be on a flat rate. He inquired about the possibility of adopting an ordinance to
hold landlords responsible for unp~d-bills for City utilitie~ left when renters move out,
and Mayor Wehmann stated that he would ask Attorney Anderson for advise on this subject.
Councilwoman Dille mentioned that the pool manager, Floyd Young, reported damage to the
paint and walls in the girls' dressing room at the pool with the names of the violators
being provided, and Mr. Young's suggestion that the girls responsible should repair the
damage was felt to be a good move. A report on items discussed at the recent County
Traffic Safety Meeting was made by Councilwoman Dille, including information to the
effect that the County now has standards for paving width on new streets under its juris-
diction which are the same as those in the City of Ammon. Regarding the traffic problem
June 7, 1978
at Woodruff Avenue and 17th Street in Idaho Falls, Councilwoman Dille suggested that the
City of Ammon write to the City of Idaho Falls requesting a light at that intersection,
and Mayor Wehmann noted that he understood that this has already been ordered. Council-
woman Dille asked if contractors could be required to post bond when trenches are cut
in the streets so that there would be a way to take care of making repairs when they are
not done satisfactorily, and it was acknowledged that the City Attorney would have to be
contacted to answer this question. Having the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning
Commission or a designated member present information on plats to the City Council after
they are reviewed at Planning Meetings was recommended by Councilwoman Dille, and it was
indicated that such a procedure will be requested.
Engineer Benton presented copies of recommended water meter specification~ for approval
of the Council. In response to a question by Mayor Wehmann, Mr. Benton reported that the
officials of the Iona Bonneville Sewer Districtpa?sed a motion at a meeting this evening
to the effect that the sewer line would be furnished for the residents on the west end
of Wanda Street if funds are available, but Mayor Wehmann stated that something more
definite is needed on this situation immediately. Regarding the paving work in the
McCowin Park area, Engineer Benton noted that the contractor is working on the finishing
details and that fill dirt will be put along the paving to cover the rocks. In connection
with this project, Councilman Swensen expressed concern about the curve that was left on
Midway Avenue near Circle S Drive, and it was determined that straightening the street
at that location was not included in the job and would have to be taken care of at a
later date if felt to be necessary. Mayor Wehmann recommended that appropriate signing
be installed because of this hazard. Councilman Rowberry moved to authorize the in-
stallation of 4-way "Stop" signs at the intersections of Rawson Street and Midway Avenue
and Southwick Lane and Midway Avenue. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille;
voting was all in favor; motion carried. Engineer Benton mentioned again the annexa-
tion agreement for Mountain Valley Estates, and Mayor Wehmann requested a copy to study.
Regarding West Ammon Estates, Mayor Wehmann informed Engineer Benton that he could noti-
fy the developers that the City will approve the preliminary plat and zoning on the
whole subdivision, but will annex by divisions. Approval was indicated to a request
made by Engineer Benton in behalf of the developer of Meadow Lark Estates Division #2
that the paving width of streets in that area be allowed to continue the same as those
in Division #1 in view of past arrangements. The matter of purchasing a well from Mel
Brown was brought up, and Mayor Wehmann specified that two independent appraisals and an
independent pump test must be presented before any consideration will be given to this
proposal. Mayor Wehmann also asked that Engineer Benton check to see if Well #5 would
be usable by drilling deeper or nearby.
The approval of a $7,000 grant for an annexation study was announced by Mayor Wehmann.
Councilwoman Dille informed the Council that Paul Bunnell has given notice that he will
not be able to Chairman of the Ammon Day activities on A~gust 12.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn; the motion was
seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
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