Council Minutes 02/01/1978
February 1, 1978
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with
the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Asst. Engineer Robert Butler
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson
Councilman David R. Rowberry Asst. Maint. Supv. Gene Simpson
Others present during the meeting were Scout Leader Clayton Adams and
Scouts Jon Johnston, Jeff Syverson, Barry Floyd, Vaughn Adams, Todd S.
Richardson, Shawn Robison, Vance McGary, and Todd Hansen.
Th€ pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Mayor Whemann, the
invocation was offered by Councilwoman Dille. Minutes of the meeting of
January 18, 1978, were approved as prepared.
The water connection fee, which Mayor Wehmann has recommended that the City
put into effect, was brought up for discussion. It was pointed out that
the procedure for doing this is to amend Section 4-3-14 of the City Code,
then adopt appropriate resolutions to establish the desired "Main Connection
Charge" and "Service Connection Charges". Attorney Nelson noted that the
amount of the fee should be supported by cost information, and this was felt
to have been provided in a study recently completed by Engineer Butler. As
a result of the discussion, it was determined that the fee for multi-family
and commercial buildings should be based on the num~er of units in the
building rather than per connection. The study made by the Engineer indi-
cated tha,t a reasonable fee would be $300 for the first connection and
$250 for each additional unit in the building. Attorney Nelson was in-
structed to prepare the necessary amendment ordinance and resolutions for
action at the next meeting.
With reference to a letter from David Benton, representing the Iona-
Bonneville Sewer District, Mayor Wehmann informed the Council members that
it appears to be advisable to make an arrangement whereby applicants for
building permits in any new part of the City which is in the Sewer District
can pay the sewer hookup fee by separate check to the Sewer District when
the permits are obtained at the City Office, with the checks then to be
transmitted to the IBSD office. Approval of this proposal was indicated.
It was noted that, if the builder prefers to pay at the IBSD office first,
he must show a receipt for the sewer hookup fee at the City Office before
the building permit can be issued. Engineer Butler mentioned that a
similar procedure is being set up with the County, so the City of Ammon
ean be notified when a structure is be1ng built outside the City but on
the Ammon side of the Sewer District meter station. Mayor Wehmann is to
answer Mr. Benton's letter.
The following business regarding the expiration on March 1, 1978, of
three positions on the Planning and Zoning Commission was transacted:
Nomination~ of James McNett and Joseph Wenger for reappointment were made
by Mayor Wehmann, with the notation that willingness to serve has been
obtained. Councilman Swensen moved that the reappointment of James McNett
for a three-year term, qntil March 1, 1981, on the Planning and Zoning
Commission be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rowberry;
voting was all in favor; motion ~arried. Councilman Swensen moved that
Joseph Wenger be approved for reappointment to a three-year term on the
Planning and Zoning Commission, effective March 1, 1978. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
Mention was made that it is understoOd that Elmoyne Bailey does not wish
to be reappointed, so a recommendation to _fill the vacancy for her position
will be made at the next meeting.
Mayor Wehmann referred to a recent regulation set by the Idaho Public
Utilities Commission which prohibits the collection of de~sits by private
utility companies except under certain circumstances. He noted that, even
though this does not apply to the public utilities provided by cities, he
February 1, 1978
intends to present to the Council for action a change in the City's deposit
policy which would refund the amount collected as a deposit on those
accounts which have good paying records for 12 months by giving credit on
accounts on a schedule extending' over at least the next three years. He
pointed out that the City of Idaho Falls plans to continue charging a de-
posit with a refund being made after two years subject to a good paying
Councilman Rowberry reported that a complaint has been ~ceived from the
custodian of the church in the Hillview area regarding the material used
for sanding streets which he claims tracks into the church and damages the
floors, and the f"eeling was expressed by the Mayor and Council members
that caution can be used about the amount of sanding done in that location,
but the City must be more concerned about traffic safety in this matter.
Councilwoman Dille reviewed it~ms listed on an application for matching
funds for the purchase of fire department equipment which has been filed
under the Rural Community Fire Protection program. In connection with the
Fire Department, Mayor Wehmann announced that the base station and the two
mobile units of the 2-way radio equipment which was ordered some time ago
has been installed and is in use; also there are three monitors (pagers)
which are being used by himself, 'the Fire Chief, and the Assistant Fire
Chief in order to respond more effectively under the mutual agreement with
the County Fire District, and it is hoped that this may have some influence
on being able to keep the District tanker here even after the new County
fire station is built. Councilwoman Dille pointed om that the year-end
report of the fire department listed 16 calls for 72 man hours in Ammon
compared to 57 calls for 172 man hours in the County during 1977. Relative
to the application which haS been filed for matching funds from the Bureau
of Outdoor Recreation for development of the parks, Councilwoman Dille
presented some comparative cost figures which indicated that the purchase
of discarded railroad box cars for storage buildings in the parks, as sub-
mitted in the application, would be more economical than conventional metal
buildings, and this information is to be given to the local representative
of the State Parks Department.
According to Councilman Swensen, he is still working on getting some sand-
bags to replace those which the City had on hand that were used up during
the Teton Dam flood.
Attorney Nelson reported that the deed for Well #5 property has been re-
corded and will be delivered for the City files as soon as a correction is
made on the title insurance policy. He noted that Attorney Anderson did
not send any word about his research on properties which the City proposes
to annex or premium cos'ts for insurance on liability for decisions made by
Ci ty offici als.
Enqineer Butler delivered a signed copy of the lona-Bonneville Sewer
District Agreement for the'.'Ci ty records, along wi th a check for $2500 as
the down payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement. He ex-
plained the figures on a written report for the first month's operation
of the sewer metering equipment, and noted that tabulations indicate that
the Ci ty of Ammon has been over-paying during the months tha t the billing I
for collection and treatment has been on a flat rate, so this is being
checked out with the City of Idaho Falls. It was mentioned by Engineer
Butler that the lona-Bonneville Sewer District metering device is now in
operation, and that there is a need to work out arrangements with the
Sewer District officials about billing procedures, etc., for situations
expected in the future when some homes within the City boundaries will
be on the Sewer District system. Regarding the final plat of Tie Breaker
Village, Engineer Butler reported that there were some problems with
calculations, so it has been referred back to the developer's engineer.
He indicated that the Health Department has approved a method for chlori-
nation of the water ~torage tank, so this will be done before the tank is
put back into use. On the subject of grants for studies, which Engineer
Benton mentioned at the previous meeting, it has been determined that there
are no funds available for the particular kind of study that is being
February 1, 1978
') C)
considered. W.ith reference to f~nishinq Midway Avenue from Southwick
L 1 h S "s~~esse " " h"d h f h
ane to 7t treet, l.t waWaga.l.n that no; on t e Wl. tot at
street or any action; regarding a Local Improvement District in that area
are to take place until a traffic study is completed. Mayor Wehmann
recommended that consideration be given ~o having the paving done only
to a width of 43 feet with a city-maintained grassed area on either side,
since the City does not have funds available at this. time for its share
of the cost of a wider street with curb and gutter, €tc. A request was
made that the City Engineer get the necessary preparations done to call
for bids for the paving tha~ is to be done in the swimming pool area
this spring.
A report, by the City Clerk listed claims to pay in the amount of $9,006.94
and a checking account balance of $8,788.26, due to investments that were
made recently of the Property Tax and Road and Bridge monies received in
the amount of $63,465.13 plus an additional amount to make a total of
$65,000.00. It was explained that sufficient receipts are expected in
the next few days to be able to make timely payment on the claims to be
approved. Delinquencies on accounts past-due more than 60 days as of the
end of January totaled $342.50.
Mayor Wehmann asked if the Council members would be agreeable to having
the City pay the cost of $8.45 per month to have ~ special feature put
on his telephone at his:ri~:W hous~ to facilitate the City business he takes
care of at home by providing for conference calls, holding one call while
m~king another call, etc. Councilman Swensen moved that the City pay for
this feature. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was
all in favor; motion carried.
Councilman Rowberry suggested that the people of Ammon be, informed again
in a newspaper art~cle that the temporary parkinq permits are available.
It was mentioned by Mayor Wehmann that he expects to have, for comment
by the Council at the next meeting, a draft of a letter to the Planning
and Zoning Commission regarding some of the problems the City encounters
by having the Jennie Jean residents on City water but outside the City
so not subject to City regulations, etc., so that the Commission members
will be aware of these things when they make a recommendati9n af~er the
public hearing on February 21.
Claims were approved for payment.
meeting be adjourned; the motion
Adjournment was at 10:15 P.M.
Councilman Rowberry moved ~hat the
was seconded by Councilman Swensen.
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. Mayor >(
Ci ty Clerk /,
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