Council Minutes 01/18/1978 Jan. 18, 1978 18 CITY OF AMMON January 18, 1978 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Asst-,. Engr. Robert Butler Councilman David Rowberry Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams 'Councilman Francis Lee absent--ill) Engr. DavidE. Benton Others present during the meeting were Auditor Walter Clapp, Garth I Cunningham of Ellsworth Engineering, and the following residents from the Midway Avenue area: Steven Shurts,' Mary Shurts, Ann Monson, John C. Smith, David Weller, Ted Bohn, Sherry Bohn, Wanda Mohr, Lynn Smith, and Steven Pierson. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilwoman Dille; Councilman Rowberry offered the invocation. The minutes of the meeting of January 4, 1978, were approved as prepared. Copies of the Fiscal 1977 Audit were distributed to the Mayor and Council members by Walter Clapp, who gave a brief review of the contents, and an appointment was made for Thursday, February 16, 1978, 7:30 P.M., to have a thorough report on the audit. The delegation of citizens listed above who reside at the north end of Midway Avenue expressed concern about the traffic problems that they felt would result from the planned development in that area which would open Midway Avenue as a 4-lane street all the way to 17th Street, especially referring to the danger to school children who would have to cross the street going to and from the schools which are located nearby. Mayor Weh- mann explained that the use of Midway Avenue as a collector street, wide enough to safely handle the flow of traffic to the park and school areas, I had been on the master plan for the City for_a number. of years, and that one of the principal reasons was for providing a safe, straight way for fire equipment to get to the northwest part of the City. Engineer Benton pointed out that the Planning and Zoning Commission made a recommendation on the width of Midway Avenue and the need for sidewalks and curb and gutter on that street a few years ago, so. that has become a part of the development plans. It was noted that stop signs are to be installed at appropriate places so that traffic will not be allowed to go all the way from 17th Street to Sunnyside Road without stopping, and that the proposed" finished width of 65 feet is intended to provide for parking and two lanes of moving traffic, and not for four lanes of through traffic which the residents mentioned as bei~g of concern to them in a residential area. The Council indicated approval of Mayor Wehmann's suggestion that this matter be included in the traffic study which was recently authorized. A complaint about the law enforcement ~ith regard to traffic control was brought up for discussion, and the City's position regarding the adequate number of patrolling hours spent in Ammon under the agreement with the County Sheriff's Department and the cost involved in organizing a City police force again were explained by Mayor Wehmann. Later in the meeting, Steven Pierson, who lives near the south end of Midway, appeared and re- quested information on plans for that street, stating that rumors are I being spread, and he was assured that there are no intentions of making any immediate changes in his area. The final plat of Tie Breaker Village Division No.2 was presented for consideration by Garth Cunningham,representing the developer. It was noted that approval for annexation was given after the public hearings on the preliminary plat, and that the Planning and Zoning Commission re- commends acceptance of the final plat with the stipulation that the drainage be checked and worked out by the City Engineer to the satis~ faction of the City. Councilwoman Dille moved to accept the final plat of Tie Breaker Village Division No. 2 subject to the approval of the Ci ty Engineer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. The development drawings and annexa- tion agreement are to be approved before the new subdivision is annexed. I ~ CD I'- U ~ <.t I I January 18, 1978 1H The ordinance establishing an area of city impact (Ordinance No. 155) was brough~ up for action. Councilwoman Dille reported that the re- commendation of ~he County Planning and Zoning Commission at the recent public hearing on proposed impact areas was for approval of the Ammon boundaries on the nor th, south,' and west, but to limit jurisdiction on the east to one-half mile, which Mrs. Dille explained is not consistent since a 'one-mile impact area rQr other towns in the county was accepted. She pornted out, however, that 'the County Commissioners indicated that there will likely be approval of Ammon's proposal when the matter comes to them for action. Councilwoman Dille moved that Ordinance No. 155 be placed on the third reading by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor;' motion carried. Ordinance No. 155 was read by title only by Attorney Anderson. Councilman Swensen moved to approve Ordinance No. 155 Establishing an Area of City Impact on the third and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Row- berry; voting was all in favor; motion carried and Ordinance No. 155 enacted. The Iona-Bonneville Sewer District Agreement, prepared with the terms as designated in the motion approved at the previous meeting, was checked by Attorney Anderson and found fo be satisfactory and ready for signature. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann regarding the need to establish a policy in connection with irrigation water rights for new subdivisions in -the area of city impact, Attorney Anderson advised that taking action to withdraw such rights is up to the developer, but the City can make a recommendation, and' that the irrigation company is to be given an oppor- tunity to approve all final plats in relation to water rights. It was noted that, if water rights are withdrawn at the time of development, the irrigation company will lease the rights back to individual property owners if requested. Attorney Anderson stated that he has received the Title to Well #5, and it will be placed in the City files after being recorded. Appointments were scheduled to interview two applicants for the position of City Engineer/Director of Public Works. REPORTS Councilman Swensen noted that the City had participated in a recent Civil Defense Exercise, which included calling in fallout readings from a pre- tend nuclear detonation. He recommended that a survey of the community be made to determine if there are any suitable facilities which can be designated as fallout shelters. It was mentioned by Councilman SweBsen tha~ he was elected secretary of ~ at the meeting last week. According to Council~an Swensen, there is to be a representative of the Bureau of Reclamation at a meeting in the City of Idaho Falls Council Chambers on January 25 regarding a proposal to pump water from the aquifer into Snake River to go to the Burley area for land to be developed. He pointed out that he is against giving up any water from here xor this purpose, and recommended that the level of the water in the City wells be checked per- iOdically. A report on the action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission following a public hearing the previous -evening was given by Councilman Rowberry as follows: On the proposed annexation of areas to square up ci ty boundaries, the Commis-sion postponed a recommendation on Parcel No.1 to await further contact from the property owner, W. LaVern Judy, who is out of town; a recommendation for annexation with C-I Zone was made on Parcel No. 2 with the existing Ernest Martin business and others located there being considered as non-conforming; the hearing on Parcel No.3, which is Jennie Jean Estates, was contiued until the February 21, 1978, meeting in order to get more information to the property owners, and no recommendation was made on Parcel No. 4 pending a decisi on on the adjoining Jennie Jean Estates; Parcel No.5 was recommended for annexa- tion with R-l zoning, and Parcel No.6 for annexation with RSC-l ioning. Jan. 18, 1978 20 Also, it 'was recommended that Meadow Lark Estates Division No.2 be approved for annexation with zoning of R-l and R-3A as requested. Public Hearings before the City Council were scheduled on February 15, 1978, for the Meadow Lark Estates Division No. 2 and Parcel No. 6 (property north of 17th Street including Sand Creek), but it was agreed that Attorney Anderson should check some legal details before going ahead on Parcels No. 2 and No.5. Engineer Benton stated that the owner of Parcel No.5, Hatch Investment Co., does not want that land to be annexed. With reference to activity in new sub- divisions, Councilwoman Dille suggested that Kent Wood should be notified to install stop siqns in the Westwood Addition because of the traffic in- volved during the construction of homes. In relation to action taken at the December 21,1977, meeting regarding horses at the William Burns residence, 3240 Dal Avenue, Councilwoman Dille reported that the horses are no longer there. She noted that a meeting with the County Commissioners on the animal shelter costs re- sulted in a decision to keep a better check on the records then meet again in sixty days for further action. It was mentioned that the County will pay Ammon's share of the amount that was added to the animal control ex- penses after the Fiscal 1978 budget was set. I In the absence of Councilman Lee, a matter of law enforcement was broqght up by Councilman Rowberry, who requested action on an application for a non-commercial kennel license submitted by Roy Chapman, 2980 Teton St. The signatures of 75% of the neighbors were acknowledged, and Councilman Rowberry moved to accept the application as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Attorney Anderson reported that a letter has been written to Alton Nebeker, 2985 E. 17th Street, regarding follow~up action on his litter- ing problem, and the agreement on the Felt and Waite waterline has been signed so is ready for the City files. He reviewed the proceedings of I the IPUC hearings on the re-opened Utah Power & Liqht Company rate in- crease~ch he attended as a representative of the City of Ammon. According to Enqineer Butler, there is no problem with the new equipment at the sewer meterinq station. He noted that the sand separator equip- ment which has been ordered for installation at Well #6 is now expected to be delivered on January 27. It was indicated that the work of clean- ing the sand out of the water storage'tank has been completed and the tank has been flushed out and chlorinated, so it ~s ready to be tested by the Health Department. Reference was made to an agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Co. for putting water and sewer lines under the train tracks when needed for the development of Mountain Valley Estates, and it was pointed out that an amount of $200 is to be paid to the City by the developer which is to go to the railroad company. Engineer Benton explained that the developer of Meadow Lark Estates would like to go ahead with the opening of Midway Avenue as soon as possible, and he suggested that the intention to create a Local Improvement Dis- trict for the east side of that street from Southwick Lane to 17th Street I be discussed at the next meeting. Councilwoman Dille recommended that this matter be postponed until the traffic study on Midway Avenue, as mentioned earlier in the meeting, is completed. Another subject men- tioned by Engin~er Benton was the availability of qrant funds for studies, and he was asked to check the details on this. M~vor Wehm~n requested that the Council be prepared to make a decision on a water hookup fee at the next meeting. He commented that records, show approximately $8,000 in deposits and that consideration should be given to refunding these systematically. The Clerk reported claims to pay in the amount of $23,424.28 and a bank balance of $45,223.50. Claims were approved for payment. Councilwoman Dille moved to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Rowberry; the ~etin~7 ~s ~djourned at 11: 15 P.~ /J } /J /l'0:'~~~~ r-v ..P~e:y~o ~~~ C~ty C.lerk Y - (j - l'SIa;yor