Council Minutes 11/16/1977
November 16, 1977
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with
the following City Officials present:
Mayor George Weh mann
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Francis Lee
Councilman-Elect David Rowberry
Ab8en~: Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Others present during the meeting were Scout Leader Larry R. Fullmer and
Scouts Bill Fullmer, Kenneth Fullmer, and Shawn Jorgensen.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Asst. Engineer Rod Blossom
Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilwoman Dille; the
invocation was offered by Councilman Swensen. The minutes of the Special
Meeting (Public Hearing) on November 2, 1977, were approved as prepared.
The minutes of a special hearing on a nuisance complaint on November 2,
1977, were approved as prepared. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of
November 2, 1977, were approved as prepared.
The actions taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the meeting on
the previous evening, November 15, 1977, were reviewed by Councilwoaan
Dille, and on the recommendation of that board it was determined that
public hearings should be scheduled for December 7, 1977, on the annexa-
tion, preliminary plat, and zoning of Monty Howell Addition Division No.2 &
Tie Breaker Village Division No.2, and the rezoning of a portion of
Chambers Addition from Rl to R3A. Regarding the action on a new portion
of the Felt and Waite ~dition, it was reported that the Planning and
Zoning Commission had recessed the hearing until December 6, 1977, due to
a _problem which had occurred in the notification procedure, but since if
is known that the developer is desirous of getting the hearing process
completed in December, the Council agreed to hold a special meeting to set
the second hearing date on December 21 if the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion will move their continuation date forward enough to get the necessary
legal advertising done in accordance with the IS-day requirement. Council-
woman Dille is to contact the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion about this. Regarding citizen input on all these matters, the report
was that there were no objections from adjoining property owners present
at the hearing, but Veldon Hix, representing the School District, expressed
concern about the new growth in the~ea as it relates to the District's
present financial problems, but did not offer any positive solution. It
was noted that all of the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission were by unanimous vote. Another matter which the Planning and
Zoning Commission handed on to the City Council with its approval was to
take action on the final plat of Mountain Valley Estates with a stipula-
tion that a decision needs to be made about whether or not to include the
lot in the northeast corner of the subdivision due to the difficulty of
serving that area with water and sewer service at this time.
The Ammon-Iona Bonneville Sewer District Agr_ement was discussed, and it
was indicated that the document would be ready for signing as soon as a
satisfactory payment schedule is worked out.
Mayor Wehmann explained that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission hearings
on the Utah Power & Light rate case are being re-opened in January, and it
was the feeling of the Council members that the City of Ammon should take
part in the new hearings in support of the decision made by the IPUC in
September. The Mayor also made reference toa meeting that is being held
on the Bonneville Power Administration's Environmental Statement, noting
that Governor Evans is contending that more BPA power should be available
in Idaho because or the water source being in this state.
Councilman Lee reported that he had been advised tpat the new snow plow
should operate- satisfactorily, but it should be used at a speed of no
raster than 25 miles per hour. Regarding the <j&.tevror -che fence at the
Nov. 16, 1977
17th Street storm sewer pump station, Councilman Lee mentioned that there
is s ti 11 a need to do some th ing about the pri va te fences that ar e in the
easement. The poor repair work done by Intermountain Gas Company on a cut
made on Dove Drive was discussed, and Mayor Wehmann pointed out that th;--
company has agreed to completely replace the patch next spring. In connec-
tion with an inq uiry from the Ci ty Clerk's office about whether the de-
posit on accoun~ should be changed since the monthly rate for servic;;-has
increased, Councilman Lee recommended that the deposit remain at $15.00
considering that there is a possibility of a state ruling to eliminate de-
posits. A recemmendation from the City Engineer that a 12-inch water main
be required on Falcon Drive in the -Monty Howell Addition to serve the
Pheasant Estates Condominium development was considered and determined
to be advisable;" but, since the money for the City's share of the cost
for this had not been budgeted, Mayor Wehmann indicated that negotiations
with the developer regarding when payment can be made would be necessary.
It was noted that, in the future, annexation agreements should include
information on the size of water mains.
According to Councilman Swensen, the coupon books for City utility billing
are ready to be sent out with -the statements at the end of the month, and
Mayor Wehmann agreed to write a letter to go with these. Councilman Swen-
sen mentioned that he is still working with the City Engineer on getting a
pump for cleaning the water storage tank. A report by Councilman Swensen
regarding matters discussed at the recent meeting of the Bonneville -Council
of Governments indicated that there is to be a grant-funded study on solid
waste to determine if the present sanitary landfill method of disposal
will continue to be satisfactory or if .a plant which would recover energy
from waste is practical; also it is recommended that a loq of water levels
in the City wells be kept in connection with a proposal to pump ground
water into the Snake River in this area. He pointed out that BCOG members
are of the opinion that areas of city impact should be finalized by Jan. 1,
1978, and Mayor Wehmann requested that the City Engineer prepare a map to
go with the ordinance regarding impact area.
Councilwoman Dille reported that there is a need to take action on a pro-
blem of horses being kept in the yard at a residence on Dal Avenue. She
reviewed the monthly fire department report, and comments were made that
there is a need for more volunteer firemen and an effort should be made
to get better attendance at the training sessions. Reference was made to
future plans for a City Library, and Mayor Wehmann noted that he had sent
a letter to the Union Pacific Railroad Company to inquire about the possi-
bility of getting the donation of a discarded train passenger car to be
set up in the park with the thought in mind of using it for a librar~ as
well as a museum piece.
Rod Blossom, representing the City Engineer, reytewed recent developments
regarding the sewer metering station equipment to the effect that a totally
different system is to be installed, since the original equipment has not
ever worked properly, and H-K Contractors have agreed to put in the above-
ground structure which will be needed for $2,500. It was indicated that
the telephone service will not be needed with the new device so that cost
will be eliminated. According to Engineer Blossom, the repair of the
pump at Well #6 is under way and will take about two weeks to complete.
The City Clerk reported that there ate::claims to pay in the amount of
$7,725.46, and a General Fund checking account balance of $15,666.97.
Mayor Wehmann explained that, due to increased work load, it is being
planned that the city office working space__be expanded to the use of the
back office, and a new typewriter and perhaps Some other equipm~nt will
be needed.
The Council memb~rs were very much in favor of a suggestion made by
Mayor Wehmann and gave approval for him to get a special gift for Idaho
Falls Mayor Eddie Pedersen in appreciation of his cooperation with the
Ci ty of .A.mmon-:during his administration and his concern for the welfare
of Ammon at all times, especially during flood threats, etc. This would
be presented to Mayor Pedersen at a special reception which is expected
to be held at the end of his term in office.
Nov. 16, 1977
Mayor Wehmann made the following new assiqnments for the Council members
effective January. 1978:
Fiscal Operations . . . .
Parks and Recreation ..
Police and Fire Department
Public Works ....
Special Assignments:
Bonneville Council of Governments . . Councilman -Swensen
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . Councilwoman Dille
Planning and Zoning . . . . . . . . . Councilman Rowberry
Traffic Safety .... . .. . . Councilman Lee
It -was noted that the Mayor will plan to attend the County Traffic Safety
meetings since they are held at a time when it will -be difficult for
Councilman Lee to go, and that making a change on the State Traffic Safety
Committee will have to be handled through the proper channels. Election
of a Chairman for the City Council is to take place in January.
Regarding tpe enforcement of the parking in the street regulations,
Mayor Wehmann pointed out that there has been an incident where an officer
issued tickets to people at a group activity at the home of Mrs. William
Horne, 1910 Falcon Dr., even though the cars were being moved at the time.
In view of this and other problem situations, Mayor Wehmann recommended
that the Council consider a suggestion made by Attorney Anderson that the
resolution concerning parking be rewritten to allow parking in the street
for special occasions so the law enforcement officers will have the guide-
lines they need under such circumstances. Also, it will be requested that
the Engineering firm of CH2M accelerate the traffic study which has been
ordered, while the study to be made on the need for water meters in the
existing part of town can be postponed until spring.
Councilman Swensen and Councilwoman Dille
Councilwoman Dille and Councilman Swensen
Councilman Lee and Councilman Rowberry
Councilman Rowberry and Councilman Lee
Mayor Wehmann reported that the Simpson property at 2045 Dove Drive has
been cleaned up in accordance with the promises made at the complaint
hearing two weeks ago, and the neighbors have expressed satisfaction with
the results. It was noted that the litterinq problem At the Alton Nebeker
residence. 2985 E. 17th Street, has not been remedied; consequently,
Councilwoman Dille moved to require a hearing for the Nebekers to show
cause why their yard should not be declared a nuisance. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried.
The subject of squaring up the boundaries of the City by annexing some
parcels of land was brought up for discussion, with reference being made
to the provision of the law which allows annexation of areas which con-
tain less than 5 acres or which are already part of a previous subdivision.
Councilwoman Dille moved to go ahead with whatever procedure is necessary
for the annexation of certain areas in order to square up the boundaries
of A~mon, including tRest~~Ain~5fi oth~h~ ~~~g~~ ~fXkkAddition, all of
Jenn~e Jean Estates,jpart of ~fie ~a~ern juay proper{y'(east of Ammon Road
and south of Sunnyside),and to one-half mile north of 17th Street. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion
passed unanimously.
Claims were
seconded by'
approved for payment. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn;
Councilman Lee; the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 P.M.
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