Council Minutes 05/21/1992
Book 7-429
May 21, 1992
May 21, 1992
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order
ing City Officials present:
Mayor C. Bruce Ard
Councilman Harvey Crandall
Councilman Ira K. Hall
Councilman Greg J. Maeser
at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor C. Bruce Ard with the follow-
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton (Arrived 8:00 P.M.)
Public Works Director David Wadsworth
City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen
Others Present:
John Bokor, Groundwater Technician, Idaho Rural Water Association
Gene Killian, 3225 Circle S Drive, An~on
Robert and Kathy Dansie, 575 Matchpoint Drive, Ammon
Kent Davies, 535 Matchpoint Drive, Ammon
Jeanell Coyne, 2020 Heather Lane, Ammon
Carol Lee Hill, 1925 Heather Lane, Ammon
Absent: Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was directed by Mayor Ard, and the invocation
was offered by Councilman Crandall.
Gene Killians, 3225 Circle S Drive, explained about a problem with the fire hydrant
in front of his house. When the hydrant is used, water backwashes the soil and
leaves a large hole. This especially occurs if the hydrant is only partially turned
on. Mr. Killian has had to repair the damage a number of times, and the last time
he tried to correct the problem by replacing the sod around the hydrant with
decorative rocks. Recently Lawn Tech used the hydrant and left a hole. Killians
were very upset, and they contacted the City to get the problem corrected. They
were advised the problem was the property owner's responsibility, but they could
file a claim against the City. After some dispute, the City sent workers to fill
the hole. Mr. Killian stated the crew did a good job, but he believes the hydrant
should be reserved for Fire Department use. Also, whoever uses should be held
responsible to restore any damage. The City Council discussed restrictive use of
fire hydrants, and the Public Works Director agreed to monitor usage to prevent
John Bokor, Groundwater Technician for Idaho Rural Water Association, explained
their new Ground Water/Wellhead Protection Technical Assistance Program. This
program is directed at assisting small municipal and rural water systems in
establishing a plan to protect the quality of their drinking water, now and for the
future. The Association assists in the formation of a plan, in defining the area
that needs protection, in identifying problems that may lead to contamination of
water supply, in developing special management procedures for possible contamination
sources in the protection area, and in planning for the future. Membership in the
Association is $150 per year, but this technical assistance program is offered at
no cost regardless of membership. Following a slide presentation and discussion,
Mr. Bokor agreed to go with available City Officials to visit each of Ammon's wells
at 7:00 A.M. on May 22, 1992.
Jeanell Coyne accompanied by Carol Lee Hill, both residents of Meadow Lark Estates,
expressed concern about the safety of children on Heather Lane since it goes through
to East 17th Street. She requested speed limit signs or "children at play" signs
to be erected. She was advised that Groberg, the developer, is responsible for the
signs. However, if the developer does not erect signs, the City will. The speed
limit is twenty-five (25) miles per hours. Mayor Ard asked for a street sign to
be erected to identify Del Rio Circle. Mrs. Coyne reported the street light is out
at Heather and Spencer.
Councilman Maeser moved to approve the minutes of City Council Meeting held May 7,
1992, as written. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crandall. Roll call vote:
Maeser - Yes; Crandall - Yes; Hall - Yes. The motion carried unanimously.
Regarding Tie Breaker Park, Robert Suitter (developer) is ready to make the donation
of property for the park provided the City agrees to pay for improvements on 215 feet
of frontage at an estimated cost of $60 per foot or $12,900. The improvement costs
include street paving, curb/gutter, and a drainage area. Additional closing costs
will be $168 for title insurance, $100 miscellaneous closing fees, and $3 recording
fee. The City has been asked to set a date for closing. The Parks Department
budget provides $10,000 for capital improvements, and the balance is to be charged
to Streets. Councilman Crandall motioned to approve the acquisiton of Tie Breaker
Park and to authorize the expenditure for improvements and closing costs. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Hall. Roll call vote: Crandall - Yes; Hall -
Yes; Maeser - Yes. The motion carried unanimously.
May 21, 1992
Kathy Dansie, park promoter, introduced Kent Davies, another resident of the Tie
Breaker area, who has drawn up some plans for Tie Breaker Park for Council
consideration and possible approval. The plans and ideas were reviewed in detail.
The City has approved expenditure of what funds are available at this time, but
some materials are on hand to utilize for a sprinkling system. Robert and Kathy
Dansie are preparing a CHC Foundation grant application for funds to build a rest-
room/shelter. The application deadline is August 1, 1992. Neighborhood groups
have agreed to provide labor and shrubs for landscaping. The City was asked to
grade the land in preparation for planting and to seek out some landscaping ideas
or plans from nurseries.
Mayor Ard presented a Status Report for Right-of-Way acquisition on Ammon Road
Project M-7436 prepared by Winston R. Dyer, Project Manager of Forsgren Associates, I
P .A., dated May 19, 1992. The right-of-way acquisition process looks very good
with the exception of Kvarford and Tirrell. Dyer requested that a representative
from the City be present with them when a last and final offer is made to any
property owner where condemnation is being considered. Councilman Hall suggested
a possible revision of plans to narrow East 17th Street after it intersects Ammon
Road and proceeds east along Karford's property. Mayor Ard agreed to inquire about
such a revision, but any revision might result in additional complications to the
Craig Z. Hall wrote a letter to John H. Costello and the City of Ammon volunteering
to donate his parcel of land which is needed for Ammon Road in exchange for
construction of a different approach. Mayor Ard will discuss the request with
Attorney Anderson discussed a law covering the protection of underground utilities
which became effective July 1, 1991. This law affects how the various road
departments in Idaho maintain rights-of-ways and permit utilities to bury within
these rights-of-ways. The purpose of the discussion was to determine "if it is
desirable from the City's standpoint to enact an ordinance or whether it is of a
serious enough nature to put another law on the books." (Letter from W. J.
Anderson dated April 29, 1992) The City is required to call "Dig Line" before
doing any digging. Also, the City has been requiring contractors or individuals
to obtain an excavation permit from the City before doing any excavation in the
rights-of-ways. No ordinance revision was recommended.
The City of Ammon needs to appoint three representatives to serve on the BMPO I
Citizens Advisory Committee. The representatives include a member of the Planning
and Zoning Commission and two citizens. Ron Folsom has agreed to serve from the
Planning and Zoning Commission. Doug Crabtree expressed a willingness to serve
on some committee, and he agreed to represent Ammon on this committee. Another
citizen is needed, and names suggested were Steve Wetzel, Jay Perrenoud, and Mike
Jacox. Mayor Ard will make some contacts and have another recommendation by
Council Meeting on June 4.
Attention was called to the Association of Idaho Cities Annual Conference scheduled
for June 17 through June 20 in Boise.
Mayor Ard received a letter from Ken Nilsson, Transportation Supervisor of School
District No. 93. They are considering changes in the Ammon area, and they are
proposing crossing guards on Ammon Road between the flashing yellow lights. This
would enable more students to walk and eliminate some bus traffic. They have
requested the City of Ammon to share costs. The City Clerk was asked to check with
City of Idaho Falls on their policy.
Attorney Anderson had Mayor Ard sign a deed to correct the property description
for Roland T. Romrell as confirmed by Mountain River Engineering.
Regarding the problem with no access on the east side of Hitt Road, Attorney
Anderson discussed the issue with City of Idaho Falls' Attorney Dale Storer.
Attorney Storer did not see a problem, but City of Idaho Falls desires to protect
the Hitt Road distance so as to not foul up their signal system. Also, they want
to recover some of the development costs and to maintain standards. Mayor Ard
discussed the issue with Councilman Carlson of Idaho Falls. It was suggested both
entities sit down together to hash out and set policies so the east side and the
west side can have equal access. The developer of Deseret Mutual property appears
to be willing to participate in development costs. Both interviews indicated that
the City of Idaho Falls would be receptive to working with the City of Ammon.
Engineer Benton explained about the quarter section maps on file at the Bonneville
County Assessor's office. The map does not show a through street from Avocet Drive
into McCowin Park. Benton stated that it does not show because the right-of-way
has not been deeded that way, but the road is there by prescriptive use.
Public Works Director David Wadsworth reported on the BPMO Technical Advisory
Committee meeting. Sandblasting of the swimming pool is nearing completion, and
Book 7-431
May 21, 1992
hopefully it will be ready to open on May 30 for some training programs. Mayor Ard
asked that the expenditures for Parks and Recreation be watched carefully because
we are close to budget.
Claims were approved.
Councilman Crandall moved to adjourn the meeting, and the motion was seconded by
Councilman Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
~J(! Q~
June 4, 1992
Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:.
The meeting was called to order
ing City Officials present:
Mayor C. Bruce Ard
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Harvey Crandall
at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor C. Bruce Ard with the follow-
Councilman Ira Hall
Councilman Greg J. Maeser
Public Works Director David Wadsworth
Clerk Aleen C. Jensen
Others Present:
Ray Blake of Collier, Heinz and Associates
Kirk Black, Deseret Mutual Properties
Russell Swensen, 2660 Central Avenue, Ammon
Richard Birch, 2865 South Ammon Road, Ammon
Absent: Attorney W. Joe Anderson and Engineer David E. Benton
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was directed by Councilman Anderson, and the
invocation was offered by Councilman Maes~r.
Mayor Ard opened the Public Hearing to consider the request of Deseret Mutual for
a rezone from RSC-l to C-l of the following described property:
Beginning at a point that is S 0011' 23"E 40.00 feet along the Section
Line from the Northwest corner of Section 27, T. 2 N, R. 38 E.B.M. and
running thence S 0011' 23"E 745.00 feet to the North line of property
recorded as instument No. 489378, thence East along said North line
418.59 feet to the West bank of Sand Creek; thence along said West Bank
the next three courses, N 104l'43"E 411.74 feet; N 5027'06"E 110.20 feet;
N 80l9'04"E 124.33 feet; thence N 89026'05"W 163.19 feet; thence N
0033'55"E 76.15 feet to a point of curve with a radius of 20.00 feet;
thence to the right along said curve 31.42 feet; thence N 89026'05"W
319.47 feet to the point of beginning, containing 7.084 acres.
A Notice of Hearing was published in the Post-Register on May 19, 1992, and radio-
television stations, the City of Idaho Falls, and property owners within 300 feet
were mailed notices. No citizens or other interested parties attended the hearing.
Ray Blake, representing the developer, and Kirk Black, representing Deseret Mutual,
were sworn in by Mayor Ard to present testimony. The Planning and Zoning Commission
recommended approval of the zone change. Mayor Ard called for questions.
Councilman Crandall asked about the status with the City of Idaho Falls regarding
access on to Hitt Road. Mayor Ard discussed the issue with Mayor Campbell and
Councilman Larry Carlson. He asked Idaho Falls to outline their plans for Hitt Road
so that Ammon could develop with equal access. He was encouraged to work with
Councilman Carlson. Idaho Falls Public Works Director Chad Stanger has been
negative about any access on the Ammon side.
Ray Blake discussed project plans. The property contains seven acres and is owned
by Deseret Mutual. Several years ago the property was considered for development,
but the timing did not seem right. Over the past six months, a number of maj or
retailers has expressed interest. In fact, more retailers are interested in the
project than there is land. A master plan for the area should include the trailer
park which is under different ownership. Preliminary plans are for 75,000 square
feet of retail space, but access on to Hitt Road is crucial. So far, Idaho Falls
has been reluctant to grant Hitt Road access.