Council Minutes 9/12/2006 (205) I I I Book 7-261 January 18, 1990 CITY OF AMMON January 18, 1990 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P.M. by Mayor C. Bruce Ard with the following City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilman Michael B. Browning Councilman Harvey Crandall Councilman Greg J. Maeser Attorney W. Joe Anderson Acting Public Wks. Dir. David Fire Chief Ca1 L. Smith City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen Wadsworth Others present were: Hazen T. and Gui1a Olsen, 3210 East Sunnyside Road, Ammon Sylvia Wadsworth, 2190 Dove Drive, Ammon Russell N. Swensen, 2660 Central Avenue, Ammon Walter Clapp, 2210 Dove Drive, Ammon Kitty Dooley, C.P.A. of Young, Bell and Webb Absent: Councilman Marvin J. Anderson and Engineer David E. Benton The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilman Crandall, and the invocation was offered by Mayor Ard. Councilman Browning moved to approve the minutes of City Council Meetings held December 21, 1989, and January 4, 1990, as prepared. The motion was seconded by Councilman Maeser. Roll call vote: Browning - Yes; Maeser - Yes; Crandall - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. Unfinished Business: The Council discussed the procedures to follow on the request of Kay and MarJean Reiman, 3155 Rawson Street, for a Special Use Permit to make improvements to a non-conforming residential use by replacing an existing mobile home with a larger one. The request has been pending before the City Council acting as the Board of Adjustments since the Public Hearing was opened on December 7, 1989. On January 4, 1990, the request was tabled to allow time for an inspection of the proposed addition to see if it could conform to the building code requirements of the R-1 zone. The building inspector from Bonneville County was reluctant to make such an inspection, and he recommended that Reimans obtain building specifications from the manufacturer. It was determined that a Special Use Permit is probably the proper form of request; the Council could grant a Special Use Permit if the applicants would accept the limitations; denying the request would necessitate the Reimans starting over; and the Public Hearing had not been officially closed. To date, the testimony received from interest parties has favored granting the request. The Mayor asked if anyone desired to add their testimony. Hazen T. Olsen, Gui1a Olsen, and Russell N. Swensen spoke in opposition to the request. They did not oppose upgrading or improving the property, but they believed any improvements should conform with the established laws and regulations. Councilman Browning stated he had received three phone calls to encourage the Council to deny the request. Mayor Ard declared the Public Hearing on the Reiman request closed. Councilman Browning moved to table the action on the request for a Special Use Permit until Council Meeting on February 1, 1990, and to notify the Reimans that Council action would be taken at that time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Maeser. Roll call vote: Browning - Yes; Maeser - Yes; Crandall - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. Utah Power and Light Company is in the process of revlslng their street light purchase program. The new program will be ready for consideration in the summer. Bonneville County reviewed the Joint Powers Agreement for Building Inspections, and they recommended a few wording changes. With the changes the agreement is ready for acceptance. The County will issue the Certificate of Occupancy upon completion of the construction. Councilman Maeser moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Joint Powers Agreement establishing the building inspection program by Bonneville County. The motion was seconded by Councilman Browning. Roll call vote: Maeser Yes; Browning Yes; Crandall Yes. The motion carried unanimously. Kitty Dooley, Certified Public Accountant with Young, Bell, and Webb, reviewed the annual audit of the financial statements of the City of Ammon for the fiscal year 1989 (October 1, 1988, through September 30, 1989). Councilman Crandall moved to accept the audit as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Browning. Roll call vote: Crandall - Yes; Browning - Yes; Maeser - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. Reports: Acting Public Works Director David Wadsworth reported on Well No.6 repairs and repainting the 1980 Chevrolet pickup. Fire Chief Smith reported on 262 January 18, 1990 mechanical problems with Fire Engine No.1. The Council is scheduled to meet with the Fire Department on Thursday, Jan ary 25, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Building. Councilman Browning has been working with the City of Idaho Falls on the sewer agreement and EPA requireme ts. Plans are underway for a meeting of the two cities to review the agree ent. The decision has been made to surplus the 3/4 ton Dodge pickup. Mayor Ard met with Forsgren and Associate had one meeting with the State Transpo estimated a reasonable fee of $140,000. September 1, and they may even be able to At a meeting with Utah Power and Li ht announced to be available in the summer. system for the City. All of the account billing which should be advantageous to t on the Ammon Road project. They have tation Department, and the State has Forsgren moved the design stage up to meet an August 1 deadline. a new street light program was UP&L is working up a different billing will be consolidated into one summary e City. General Government (Fiscal Operation ) Mayor Ard made the following Council assi nments: Parks and Recreation Department Police and Fire Department Public Works Department Planning and Zoning Commission Civil Defense Public Safety (Traffic Safety Com.) Mayor Ard encouraged the Chairmen to use will be given to appointment of a Cleanu The Council was asked to study the aud worthy projects. Claims were approved. Chairman, Harvey Crandall Advisory, Mayor C. Bruce Ard Chairman, Marvin J. Anderson Advisory, Harvey Crandall Chairman, Greg J. Maeser Advisory, Michael B. Browning Chairman, Michael B. Browning Advisory, Greg J. Maeser Michael B. Browning Greg J. Maeser Greg J. Maeser Fire Chief Cal L. Smith Harvey Crandall their Advisory member. Consideration Committee and a Board of Adjustments. t report and make recommendations of Councilman Browning moved to adj ourn th meeting. Councilman Maeser seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. ATTEST CITY CLERK O~0 - I I I