Council Minutes 9/12/2006 (43) CITY OF AMMON July 20, 2000 I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order by Mayor C. Bruce Ard at 7:30 p.m. in the City Building, 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho, with the following City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilmember W. Lee Bean Councilmember Harvey L. Crandall Council member Leslie Folsom Engineer Bill Manwill Public Works Director David Wadsworth Attorney W. Joe Anderson City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen Deputy Clerk Connie Guymon I Others Present: Cleve and Dixie Delaney, 3320 Southwick Lane, Ammon G. Lance and Ranae Miner, 3280 Southwick Lane, Ammon Sue Miller, 2195 Cabellaro, Ammon Brooksie McEvers, 2325 Midway Avenue, Ammon Jay T. and Sally Ellis, 2195 Midway, Ammon Cindy Donovan, 3725 East Sunnyside Road, Ammon Stafford Smith, Smith Group Coral Terry, Caselle, Inc. Tom Hunsaker, 2925 Carolyn Lane Judy Brower, Galusha, Higgins, and Galusha David Benton, Benton Engineering Brad Pickett, Pheasant Estates Developer Absent: Council member Ira K. Hall Council member Bean led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Council member Crandall offered a prayer. Coral Terry of Caselle, Inc., Spanish Fork, Utah, presented a municipal software service proposal and demonstration. Caselle concentrates on municipalities. The company knows what is needed to be efficient, how to get the City there, how to train the employees, how to do the conversion and how to get the City up and running with the new program. The program is user defined. The City tells Caselle what is wanted and Caselle structures the program to fit our needs. All programs run in a similar mode. You cannot separate software from accounting. The package includes general ledger, budgeting, bank reconciliation, utility billing, cash receipting, payroll/benefits, accounts payable, and animal licensing. Training of the employees will be in Spanish Fork, Utah, using our own program. A support system is available to keep everything running smoothly. I Councilmember Folsom discussed details of the proposal. Three software companies were considered - Hitt Industries, Caselle, and Directive Date (the program the City is now using). The program is designed to handle our growth. It will require about $6500.00 for hardware to update the City's computer system. Plans are to have the program in operation at the beginning of the new fiscal year, October 1, 2000. In order to keep the training expense at a minimum the employees will be cross-trained. References of other program users were checked out, and all of them are pleased. It is up to the City to decide whether or not to replace the coupon method of billing with a monthly statement. If we go with monthly statements, a postcard method is preferred and most cost effective. The City Council thanked Coral Terry for her presentation. They desired to discuss the proposal further before making a decision. City Council Meeting, July 20, 200 - Page 2 I Stafford Smith attended the meeting to discuss the request for annexation to the City of Ammon of his property on Hitt Road and Lincoln Road. He specifically was interested in the posture of the City Council relative to the annexation. The other issue is the timing of annexation and provision for services. His motivation in requesting annexation to Ammon is to access both water and sewer. Timing is important because he is already in construction. If the timing goes beyond October, the advantages of annexation go away. They would have to provide for their own services with water from Falls water and sewer would be a septic system. Municipalities generally move slowly so he wanted to feel out the status from the Council point of view. Mr. Smith explained that his business will be RV Sales and Service. The details of his plans were reviewed and the property location was pointed out. The estimated completion date for construction is October or November of 2000. He is not particularly interested in annexation to Ammon if services are not available. It was recommended that the City sit down with Falls Water and the lona Bonneville Sewer District to determine what the City can do and what the other entities could do. The Council promised to get back with Mr. Smith. A Public Hearing to consider a request for annexation by Stafford Smith has been scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday, August 8, 2000. I Brad Pickett, developer, and David Benton, engineer, presented revised plans for continuing the Pheasant Estates project. The revised plans were explained. Mike Armstrong built units 101 and 102. Units 103 and 104 are now under construction. Brad Pickett was issued a building permit to build units 103 and 104, but he had to provide an acceptable development agreement before any further development. The plans are basically the same as Brad previously submitted. The street system was reviewed. The map, Pheasant Estates Twin Homes, pursuant to Idaho Code, Title 55, Chapter 15, separates the ownership of Pheasant Estates from the new development. The deeds have been exchanged. The town houses are similar to the ones that Jay Johnson has been building except Johnson put his townhouses on platted lots. The boundary line of these units is intended to go down the center of the wall. The improvement drawings were discussed. A development agreement was submitted for the Attorney and Engineer to approve for and the Mayor to sign. I Tom Hunsaker reported on the actions of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Anderson Lumber Company has sold their property on the north side of East 17'h Street to Arave Construction. The property is proposed for development as Oak Ridge. The Council was oriented to the revised plat. As recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, some of the street names were changed. The access road on to 1 ih Street was to line up with Curlew Drive, and the street layout shown on the plat was revised. The revised plat was recommended for approval. NewCom was advised to do their site testing, and then come back for a Conditional Use Permit when they have selected a suitable site for a wireless communication pole. Bonneville Joint School District 93 has requested a Conditional Use Permit to place a modular classroom unit at three schools. One is a replacement for the present unit at Sandcreek Middle School. One is for TieBreaker School, and one is for Ammon Elementary School. It was recommended that the Conditional Use Permit be approved and a Public Hearing be held before the Board of Adjustment. Dan Judy, 3110 East Sunnyside Road, requested a permit to build a RV storage garage on property between his house on Sunnyside Road and a townhouse on Brookstone. He proposes to sell his house on Sunnyside and buy the townhouse. He wants to retain a driveway into the garage from Sunnyside Road. It was approved because the access from Sunnyside already exists. A Public Hearing was held to consider a request for annexation of Hillpoint Properties/Quail Ridge. It was recommended that the request be denied because the corridor was too narrow, it winded too much, and the development was too far out of our planning area. The developers plan to revise their request and to resubmit it to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Brad Pickett, developer, was in attendance at the meeting, and he explained the proposed revisions to the City Council. Bill Manwill, City Engineer, added input to help orient the Council to the revised area. Wood Funeral Home requested a zone change from R-1A to R-3A for property along Ammon Road north of Lawrence Ricks' home. They are interested in building a Funeral Home on the property and they included an application for a Conditional Use Permit in their request. It was recommended that the rezone with the Conditional Use Permit be approved. City Council Meeting, July 20, 2000 - Page 3 The Planning and Zoning Commission is still working out the details of the Future Land Use Map. The proposed Impact Area was pointed out. Van Arnold wants the Land Use Map to show his property as commercial. He plans to request annexation of some of his property in the near future. I At the Council Meeting on July 6, 2000, the Council acknowledged receipt of a notice of appeal of the decision of the Board of Adjustment to deny the request of Ashley and Karen Roberts for a Special Use Permit to operate a daycare at 2255 Midway Avenue. Attorney Anderson advised that he had combined the preliminary draft copies of the findings and conclusions of the hearing, which were prepared by himself and the City Clerk. The final copy was presented to the City Council for approval and signature. A copy of the findings will be sent to the applicants and their attorneys. The point of the appeal is to say that the Board of Adjustment made error in their decision and therefore the decision should be reversed. By filing the appeal, the applicants are protecting their rights if they want to have a court hearing. They have to follow their administrative procedure to the full extent before they have a right to go to a court of law. It is not known if they are planning to pursue a court hearing. The appeal will not be a public hearing where testimony is taken. It will be a question of an argument before the City Council. Councilmember Folsom moved to accept the findings and conclusions of the Board of Adjustment to deny the application for a Special Use Permit for Ashley and Karen Roberts for a daycare at 2255 Midway Avenue. Councilmember Crandall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Folsom - Yes; Crandall - Yes; Bean - Yes. The motion carried. Attorney Anderson recommended that Councilmember Bean should not sign the findings since he was not at the hearing. It was decided to hear the appeal at City Council Meeting on August 17, 2000. I Councilmember Folsom moved to approve the minutes of City Council Meeting held June 1, 2000. Council member Bean seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Folsom - Yes; Bean - Yes; Crandall- Yes. The motion carried. Attorney Anderson and Mayor Ard prepared a letter of response to a letter received from Mayor Milam of the City of Idaho Falls regarding a number of concerns, including the sewer agreement and the proposed impact area. The Council was asked to approve the letter. Councilmember Bean moved to approve Mayor Ard to sign the letter addressed to the Honorable Linda Milam, Mayor of the City of Idaho Falls. Councilmember Folsom seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bean - Yes; Folsom - Yes; Crandall-Yes. The motion carried. Attorney Anderson instructed the City Clerk to mail copies of the letter to each of the Bonneville County Commissioners and one to Dee Armstrong of the lona Bonneville Sewer District. The Council authorized Attorney Anderson to prepare a resolution to eliminate a reduced rate for City services when the resident is away from his residence for two months or longer. The reduced rate has caused billing problems. Residents should pay the full charge or have their water turned off. I Kent Blatter filed a claim for articles mistakenly taken for garbage. David Wadsworth, Public Works Director, explained on clean up day the Blatter's articles were left on the curb. The City crew picked them up with the other articles left out throughout the City and took them to the landfill. There was a discussion about whether or not it represented negligence on the part of the City. Attorney Anderson recommended that the claim be filed with our liability insurance carrier. Rex and Alice Shurtliff have had problems with all the kids playing in their yard/bushes and cars parked on their lawn on swimming lesson sign up day. It has been hard to control, but the City will work with Shurtliffs. Councilmember Crandall agreed to keep in contact with them. Reports: David Wadsworth reported for Public Works. He has been busy keeping the buildings and parks under control. City Council Meeting, July 20,2000 - Page 4 Attorney Anderson discussed the vacation of Judy Street in the Olson Park subdivision. It requires a fifteen-day legal notice of hearing. The two property owners involved should pay the advertising costs in advance. I Council member Bean called attention to the Budget for the 2001 Fiscal Year. A budget work session was set for August 9 at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Ard encouraged the Council to get their "wish lists" together and to set priorities. Engineer Manwill reported on the lona Bonneville Sewer District meeting. The Board has requested that City of Ammon be included in any sewer negotiations the District has with City of Idaho Falls. Also, they request to be included in any negotiations the City of Ammon has with the City of Idaho Falls. Councilmember Bean moved to go into an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Councilmember Folsom seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bean - Yes; Folsom - Yes; Crandall- Yes. Following an executive discussion, Councilmember Bean moved to go out of Executive Session and return to Regular Session. Councilmember Crandall seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous in favor. I The Council discussed the software and services proposal of Caselle as presented by Coral Terry. Council member Bean moved that whereas the City Council does hereby find that the software and services to be acquired for use by the City for the City's municipal services are not readily available from other sources; that other sources having software programs do not fit the needs of the City; and the City Council does further find that it is impractical and impossible to obtain three quotations for the software and type of services that the City desires; now, therefore, it is hereby resolved that the City Council accepts the proposal of Caselle for the purchase of the software and services in the amount of: Total Application Software Less Special Consideration Discount (Animal License) Net Application Software Total Conversion Total Investment $17,900.00 ($ 2,300.00) $15,600.00 $ 7,290.00 $22,890.00 A deposit of 50% of the contract price is required with order. Council member Folsom seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bean - Yes; Folsom - Yes; Crandall- Yes. The motion carried. Claims were approved. Council member Crandall moved to adjourn the meeting and Councilmember Bean seconded the motion. The meeting was ad' rn at 11:15 P.M. ATTEST I City Clerk