Council Minutes 02/07/1972 I L":l c..o C": ..,.... ....... :a co I I 2f'lt Cdundi an Holm eported that the city-sponsored Basketball Program is going, 11 with 150 'boys involved in 16 teams, and will continue until the first week irt March. T1JLe possibility of starting a wrestling program was discussed. I ' Since g~ant applications were not made in advance, no funds are available through the La~ Enforcement Planning Commission for this year except for various small equipmient, accordilng to a report made by CounCilman Swensen. Counci1l6an Richardson listed the new officers of the Planning and Zoning Commission as !Jim 'Southwick, Chairman; Garth Cunningham, Vice Chairman, and Elaine McGary, Secretary; and requested i\1'erification of the appointment of Paul Maeser to the commission. i Councilman Swensen moved that Mr. Paul Maeser of 3615 Vaughn :St. be appointed for the unexpired term of Leo R. Heer on the Planning and Zoning !Commissi04. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Voting was all in favor. :'Motion carJied. Councilman Richardson moved that the Council approve the reCfrnmendatiot of the Planning and Zoning C,)mmission to approve the applica ..ion for a hobe bnsiness by Mrs. John Barry. 2000 Dove Dr.. for poodle grOmm'ng. secontd by Councilman Holm. Voting all in favor. Motion carried. Re~ard Ing the USe ~f snowmo;'iles on school grounds, Mayor Turnbow reported thcit the School Boatd Meeting was postponed, so this matter had not been discussed ye~ I Counci an Anderspn moved that the meeting be adjourned.' Seconded by Council- mam Ho m. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M. Claims were approved for payment. ~1!a~ " .... jl,.#1.~. ..:.. . < . 4' " I~~ . I' Clerk' · Ii r (For Minutes of Special Meeting I . .. . of January 27,1972, CITY OF AMMON February 7, 1972 see page 278,.) Mihutesi: of Regular lMeeting of the Mayor and City Council: : I" I The mehing was c~lled to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the foliowi~g City Offidals present: . Mayor eith C. Tu nbow' Cot.ncil an Russel, N. Swensen Col1ncil an Marvin J. Anderson Council an Donald J. Holm Counci an Lynn C Richardson ClE!rk eon Heming ay I Larry ,erkins of tJle firm of Perkins and Forsgren (engineers) was also present. Engineer David Benton Attorney Franklin Smith Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams Auditor Harvey Crandall Asst. Auditor LaMar John Pr.yer Ilwas offered!by Councilman Anderflon. Mi~utesll of the mee1ng of Jan. 17, 1972, were read and approved. Majyor turnbow reakI a street lighting agreement which had been present at the City Offlice bir Mr. Clyde Johnson of Utah Power & Light Co. In response to a question from C01p,ncil:l!nan Swenseh regarding rates, Mr. Johnson was contacted by telephone and qu~ted ~ charge of $3. 30 per month for each 7000 lumen light and $5.60 per month for eacl# 20, 000 lumen light. Councilman Richardson moved that the City of Ammon entler into said agre;!ement with Utah Power & Light Co. for power for street light serlvicei for ten yecirs. Seconded by Councilman Swensen. Voting: Richardson, yes; Swense~, yes; Hohlt, yes: Anderson, yes. Motion carried. The agreement was execute'4- by the sig4atures of the Mayor and City Clerk. i: II , . Hatvey f:randall pr sented the city officials with copies of the 1971 Audit Report which wa$ re tewed by La ar John. Councilman Swensen moved that the Council accept the Au~it R i port as giv n by Mr. John and Mr. Crandall of the Crandall & Hinckley, li