Council Minutes 11/07/1971 I t." ::.0 t"'f'" .. ., ~ - ~ :0 I I 2fiP members have gone through the analysis of the report from the State Commission. A recommendation as been made to have the intersections sanded whenever needed during the winter m nths, and the committee is interested in knowing what equip- ment is now on han. Councilman Swensen was informed that the present equipment is not really adequa e, so the possibility of buying something more suitable should be taken under advi ement. The operation of th sump pumps along the south end of Hillview was discussed to the effect that the c eaning of the Avocet Dr. pump with the farn~ equipment as arranged by Counci man Swensen was very successful, and Councilman Davidson was assigned to get in touch'with property owners Garde Bowman and Jim Southwick to have fences, etc., moved so the pump on Curlew Dr. can be cleaned. The sump puI1.'1P on Eagle Dr. as a twisted shaft and needs repair work. Pe:i1'taining to the ne ly organized Planning and Zoning Commission, Councilman Richardson reporte that this. committee had voted to use the City of Idaho Falls zoning ordinance al ost intact except for horses and off-street parking. Members are working on a zo ing map, and will be meeting again on October 27 to get the fir$lt preliminary m p started, then individual people within the various areas will be tontacted to get omments. The matter of a sideyard requirement for a home to be built on Rq\Vson t. was mentioned, and Engineer Benton will take care of this. Mayor Turnbow req ested that Councilman Richardson notify the Planning and Zb:ning Commission of a meeting set for Nov. 18 in the City of Idaho Falls Council Chambers for elect d officials and planning committee members from all of Bonne- ville County. C01i1ncilman Swense moved that Almira Richardson, Ethel Pickett, Vera Lee, ElI1.'1oyne Bailey, a Rosalie Hutchens be appointed as election officials, with LOlllise Hess as alte nate, for the General City Election to be conducted on Nov. a, with the compensat' n to be the same as in the election of 1969. Seconded by Council- man Davidson. Vo 'ng: all in favor.. Motion carried. Councilman Swensen moved that Alrrtira Richar son be in charge as judge of the election. Seconded by Council- man Davidson. Vo ng: all in favor. Motion carried. A.W. Brunt stated that he has come to an agreement with the City of Idaho Falls for a sewer line for his Eastgate Mobile Village, but now needs to work out a water and garbage collect on rate with the City of Ammon that will allow him to meet the cOrln.petition of the c arges for such utilities at other trailerhome parks in the area. COlltncilman Swense requested some time to give the Council members a chance to to !esearch on the atter, so it was arranged to have a special meeting with Mr. Brtnt the following' onday, Oct.. 25, 8: 30 P. M. Dotard Kopp, Com ander of the local American Legion Post, inquired about the PO~i,sibility of using' he garage area of the City Building for a gun range for young- stelts. Considering the inadequa.cies of the building, however, it was recommended tha~ Mr. Kopp appr ach the School Board for use of the Ammon Junior High School gyrtmasilum for this activity. Cotncihlnan Swense moved thatfhe meeting adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Datidson. The me ting adjourned at 10:30 P. M. .Claims were approved for payment. /' ,J. ~~C\7~ Mayor -./ ~'/~ Cle SPlECIAL MEE TIN The Mayor and City Council met in a special meeting to canvas the votes cast at the General City Electi n of Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1971. The election records were checked and Councilman Ga L. Davidson moved that the Council accept the"'Combined Tally List and Official Re urns" as recorded by the election officials with the results as follows: For Mayor Keith C. Turnbow 176 votes Elected for 4-year term For Councilman Donald J. Holm 139 votes Elected for 4-year term For Councilman Lynn C. Richardson 155 votes Elected for 4-year term For Councilman R. Dean Welker 105 votes Defeated (W1!'ite-in votes for ayor were 21 for George Wehman, 1 for R. Dean Welker, 1 for Orland Bailey, 1 for Me1 Richardson, 1 for Gary Davidson. ) The. motion was sec nded by Councilman Russell N. Swensen. Voting: Davidson, yes; Swensen, yes; Richa dson, yes; Anderson, yes. Motion carried. ~ ...<1..