Council Minutes 08/18/1969 I an u: CO': --. - x Q:j I I :). ] r-: ,,' . . Ql.: CITY OF AMMON REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILOF THE CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO August 18, 1969 The Mayor and City. Council of the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho, met in regular session at the City Hall, Ammon, Idaho, on the 18th day of August, 1969 at 8:00 O'clock P. M. Mayor Richardson presided at the meeting. The meeting was commenced with opening prayer by Council- man Turnbow. Those present upon roll call were as follows: Mel Richardson, Mayor Keith Turnbow, Councilman Roy Southwick, Councilman George Wehmann, Councilman Absent: Leo Heer, Councilman } ~ " Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with the correct- ion of the bids received for the restroom at Lion's park. .also present at the meeting were auxilliarlf Police Ken Nilsson, City main- tenance supersmsor Lavern Williams, Assistant Lloyd Cousin and Clerk Jesse Bunnell. A motion was made by Councilman Wehmann to rescind passage of Ordinance 89 because of failure to publish the ordinance 30 days prior to passage by the council. Councilman Turnbow seconded the motion. A vote was taken by the Clerk and all present voted in favor. }\.1ayor Richardson stated the Circle K Corporation had applied for a beer license for package beer not to be consumed on the premises. The beer license was approved by the Council. A representative of the Circle K Corporation had also left a set of plans for a grocery store to be con- structed west of the Red Steer Drive in, which was checked over by the council. Mayor Richardson stated there was one bid so far on the tennis courts for McCowin park from Harts of Lehi, Utah Harold Loveland and Tom Infanger arrived at 8:45 to discuss a proposed park in the Peterson park area. After dis~ussion the Council decided to table the proposal until a later date. ! Mayor Richardson stated that Jesse Bunnell had asked permission to drive a school bus again this year. After discussai:m a vote was taken by the Clerk. Councilman Heer had arrived at the meeting by this time. Three of the "'-Councilmen voted in favor and Councilman Wehmann voted against the proposal. City Engineer Dave ])enton arrived at 9: 30 together with A. W. Brunt! also Ethel Weekes, chairman of Ammon Days arrived about this aame time and was asked by Mayor Richardson to report on the progress of plans for the Ammon Days celebration to be held August 22~ and 23. She reported that there were several things yet to be done before all would be in order fb-r the event but that everyone concerned was working hard to make it a success. She gave the schedule of the events such as the talent show Friday evening, the pancake breakfast Saturday morning and many other events throughout the remainder of the day Saturday and there was a full schedule. Mr Brunt was there to discuss with the Council the }px:o~CDsed mobile home village south of the Eastgate shopping center. Members of the Council raised questions such as who was to furnish police protection, fire protection, garbage collection, water service. After a lengthy discussion Mayor Richardsolllbstated that because of the legal and engineering problems in- volved he set another meeting with Mr. Brunt for August 28 at 9.00 P M and asked Councilman Wehmann to check on the engineering problems' an~ he would check out the legal problems with the City Attorney'