Council Minutes 05/10/1965 I tn c..o C""; - - :0 co I I 11 ~{ ]egul,:11' monthly meetin:,. of City Council held 10, 19()5 .1-\ rnrn () n 1'i'~:t "!;T _Cj Neetinc~ c,'lled to o:::-'der b~T ]'I":;7or lteed Holen at :~: 15 p.m. Those pres(;nt '.'rere-- l'Ic'yor Reed Falco.; Councilmen- H,~rold Loveland; George ''Tehrr:c,nn; 'Jon Eiller; Keith BrOlm. Freyer by Council men HeTOld Lovelc:nd. Opened bids for street repoirs <3 t 8: 20 p.m. They Here c: s follm'is: Burp;r3ft and Co. Fatching 3eel coatiwJ' $1,000.00 1~E~37.50 )2,837.50 l7~cents Del' square YOI'd Hilrbrell Ex ~~2, 021.95 2,:nO.Oo '?4, 331.95 Patching 3eel C03tinc; Unit ~)rice of 23t CRrl E. Felson $2250.00 2,310.00 $4,560.00 PEter-ling See 1 Codin,,; Pickett and Nelson ,~l; 1..00 1,E},90.00 in, 891. 00 Patching Se21 Coating CouncL1mCln Harold Loveland made a moti on thot the City of Arnrnon accent Pickett and Nelson bid vrhich is el folloHs: $1.00 for patching of streets, end iH,~90.0() for putting <1 seal cOc;t on the stre"ts for a tot2l of~pl,891.()0 to co~plete the job 2S to specifications. The ~ity reouired a H2ter meter be installed for the neVi coin ooer2ted ce,r wash vThich is being built by A. 1;:. Brunt Co. in the Ec:st Gete ShonDing Center. It was nlso decided to install a wc:ter neter or raise theclOnthly rates for the Sc;vinr: Center T-Tarket on 17th Street. One of the Councilmen are to contect 1'-1r. Boyd 'Tilde, manager, and discuss this matter with him. Dermont E. Ricks renorted to the council tha.t Hr. John Groberg indicoted they are, ready to start development on the Southwich addition on 17th Street and was incuiring if the City vIes ready to inst2l1 the w2ter mains east from Avocet to the center of lTidwcy Avenue. Der'"!1ont E. P.icks He'S asked to "Trite four letters: one to the '~roberg He21itors, one to Horece Smith, one to Dave Benton cmd one to Don Hoopes informinr; them the City i.rill recuire clJrbs 'and gutters on all nevI develQ1X1ent in the future, [;lso all develorers vii 11 '::e required to take the vIater from the nm: ex5stinr; lines at their ovm expense. Ho12nd T. HOT:lrell reported to the City Council that 2.07 South'dck hDd clr;reed to sell him 10 feet of ground on the e;st side of the alley runninr; bctvreen 26th and 27th Street on the 2900 block. Councilmen Hnrold Loveland made a motion that a 10 foot curve be allOi'red in the road way on the eost side of Uoland T. Homrell's house shifting the alley 10 feet to the east.' Seconded by Councilman Keith Brovm. motion carr:Led. LocC'tion of ditch in the road rightoi'fc.y was discussed but no decision mode. Ordinance 1170 was read by Councilman Harold Lovel,md pertdning to the annexing of Division No. 1 in the Southl.lich addition. Also tbe Horcce Smith property on the Ammon Road. Councilman Harold Lovelend made a motion thct Ordinance!7() be B,:,proved by the City Council by eccepting the first readins; and \.mvering the second awl third readings. Seconded by Councilman Don Miller. Hotion Carried. The City Council approved of {Dnying Roland T. Romrell n years payment in advance on the City Building which was purchased from Hr. Romrell. Claims Here approved and signed. Neeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. APFHOVED J~ J 'f- J.,. '" , / !J~ ~ CITY CLERK