Council Minutes 12/14/1964 I t..":) c.o cv: - - :::c ~ I i. . (-) t").' _,~ , 1i'- Counci Iman Keith Brown stated that the wel I house back of the Ammon School needs reaoir. Cracks need fi I ling and a heater needs to be instal led. The doors also need re~airs. He also asked about the dogs and dog house. Counci Iman Keith Brown made a motion the City buy three "s~eed zone ahead" signs and have them put up. Seconded by Counci Iman Don Miller and motion carried. Counci Iman Keith Brown asked that the rai Is on the foot bridge on 26th and Ammon be out up as soon as oossible. 'The City Counci I approved the use of the Counci I Room for the Girl Scouts each Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:45 o.m. as requested by Mrs. George Weh.ann. LaVern Wi I I iams was told to clean uo the garbage on the north end of the bal I oark in Hi I Iview and level the ground so ~ can be mowed. The City Clerk was asked to contact Elmer Holmgren regarding school bus oarking on the streets. The City Clerk reoorted that the census inthe City of Ammon is almost comoleted; the streets in Hi I Iview and Peterson Park have been sweot; andthe work of straightening Sand Creek channel has been begun and wi I I soon be comoleted. Claims were a~proved and signed. Meeting adjourned at I I :15 p.m. A")~roved Dec. 14, 1964 /~b~ , Bank Balance $3,642.14 Claims Outstanding $2,792.37 Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ammon City Counci I Held in the City Office at 2950 E. 26th Street, December 14, 1964 Meet h'lg ca t led to order by Mayor Reed Mo 1 en at 7: 45 P. M. Those oresent were Mayor Reed Molen, Counci Imen Harold Loveland, George Wehmann, Don Mi I ler and Keith Brown; Attorney Joe Anderson. I Prayer was offered by Counci Iman Don Mi I ler. Claims were aooroved and signed. The ~roblem of how to get the Brunt Better Bui Id Homes, Inc. to coooerate with the City in ourchasing bui Iding oermits before they start construction was discussed. Counci Iman Harold Loveland made a motion the City Attorney investigate the bui Iding