Council Minutes 03/07/1961 f, r t(.;J c..o r;r: ~ Xl Q.:) 1 'j [] Iii !~tBJ~ EegulDl' Board Heeting held IvIarch 7, 1961 2ooaI'd members were: Heed Holen; Halter Best; and Farrell Bell. Farrell Bel] opened the nieeting lrJith prayer.' Other present 1lere: Body Thomas; Dennis v'lestover; Vern Hilliams; John SclniC'ntes; Sterling CamlOn; and Lynn Sanders. Boyd Thomas V.f8sIJresent to submitt a resolution for changing the Villc:ge 'of Ammon to the City of Ammon. vvalter Bel3t l1lzde a motion that the resolution makihg the Village of Ammon a second class sitybe passed by the bOClrd. The motion VW f3 seconded by Fa.rrell Bell and passed by the board. Following is the I'lil$61ution cw passed. Ordinance to the bOclrd. the motion was i~49--Annering certain properties to the Village of Ammon vms A motion vT8S made by Farrell Bell to accept the ordinance as seconded by Halter Best and passed by the board. preserrt ed read. John Schwantes was present to s ubmitt a proposal to the board to dra'tJ a lllap of the Village of Ammon. The board stated they 1rJOuld give his proposal due donsidenrtion. 'Holand Homrell made a motion that two registrars be selected to register the 'I' citizens in the Billage of funmon; starting April 5, 1961. he motion was seconded by Fi:Jrre11 Bell ~nd passed by the board. A motion VJas made by Roland Ronu'ell tlwt the Village clerk publisize the forthcoming election. The Illotion vms seconded b;)I Darrell Long and passed by the board. The election will be held on the 25th day of April, 1961 A motion wes made by v"Jalter Best to reconnnend the Annexing of ~lsl!n Park and Blushy to zoning cOlmrd.ttee for their approval or recommendi-rtion--upon l'econnnendation to t}'ie Vilillage clerk by the zoning commissiol1. The Village clerk 'will then proceed to ,advertise the apen meeting 15 days prior to the adoption of the zoning board approving This Illotion I.ms seconded by Darrell Long and passed by the Board. ,.