Council Minutes 01/19/1977 I o 00 t-- C:::) U:.J ~ I 239 meter station. Regarding the 17th Street Project, Mayor Wehmann expressed concern that a copy of a letter from the State Highway Department indicates acceptance of 17th Street for the City of Ammon, and informed the Council that he intends to give notice that the City needs as -built plans and a maintenance agreement on the storm sewer lift station in order to be satisfied with acceptance fo the project. City Clerk - A report listed a checking account balance of $6, 018. 51 with claims to pay in the amount of $1,650.82. Delinquent accounts at the end of December, 1976, were reported to be $303. 50. Attention was called to a problem of a resident, Jay Reynolds of 3175 Rawson St., evidently being able to turn the water for his home back on after the City has it disconnected for non-payment on his account, and Attorney Anderson was asked to write to Mr. Reynolds about the legal implications of this action~ Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille made a report that the items discussed at the recent meeting of the (county) Traffic Safety Committee included sanding of icy roads and the traffic problem at the Lewisville -Highway 20 inter- section. She noted that the Sheriff has indicated that the figures on the law en- forcement contract for 1977 should be about the same as last year and are to be apportioned for a 9-month budget. Names of citizens recommended to be on the City Traffic Safety Committee were Kent Stewart, Margaret Hodges, Kay Davis, Rodney Ragan, Ronald Speirs, Marcene Pierson, and Beverly Bowman. The terms are to be staggered, and Mayor Wehmann will write a letter to each of the appointees. Library - It was mentioned by Councilwoman Dille that a preliminary library feasibility study has been made by a group of students which she will review and report on at the next meeting. New Business - In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, Engineer Benton stated that the City's aerial map could be marked to show the location of irriga- tion ditches. Mayor Wehmann suggested that consideration be given to establishing regulations for culvert sizeS', etc., by ordinance rather than just by a policy. He reminded the Council that money is needed in the budget for cleaning out existing culverts. Regarding business licenses which are provided for in the City Code, the Council indicated approval of Mayor Wehmann's suggestion that businesses, other than the grocery stores which must obtain beer licenses, should not be required to get licenses at this time since no inspection services are provided by the City. TheCouncil members agreed that Mayor Wehmann should proceed with whatever needs to be done to have the City of Ammon formally intervene in the request for another rate increase which Utah Power & Light Company has filed with the, Public Utilities Commission. Claims were approved for payment. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 30 P. M. A ~"/./ . /~- , Y CLERK A -Jp1 '. .~~?O /(/. ,-/-tf1!-vu/vJ MAYOR CITY OF AMMON January 19, 1977 I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7: 34 P. M. by Mayor George Welunann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor Ge6rge" Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Francis Lee Others present during the meeting were Randy Waite, developer, and Gene Simpson, City employee. Clerk Deon Hemingway Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Attorney W. Joe Anderson (Arrived 9 P. M. ) Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor Wehmann. Councilwoman Dille offered the invocation. Minutes of the previous meeting were not ready for approval. 240 Consideration was given to the matter of extending the waterline for ~he recently annexed Felt & Waite Addition located south of Sunnyside Road at the western edge of the City. Information on costs ~as presented by Engineer Butler as follows: There is to be 900 feet of pipe outside the City and 350 feet inside the City, all 10 -inch, at a bid price of $9.75 per foot installed; the City is to pay the entire cost of the 350 feet ($3412.50) plus the difference between 8-iIl;ch and lO-inch pipe ($1. 67 per foot) on the 900 feet ($1503.00) and $420 for a lO-inch valve with cover installed at Western Avenue and Sunnyside Road, making a total of $5,3_35.50. lt has been determined that the City has on hand twe~ve .l8-foot lengths of 8-inch pipe which the contractor will accept to apply on the c,?st ~f this project at the rate of $5.22 per foot less 10% for picking up (extr~ handling) for a total of $1,015.20. The diffe:r;ence which the City would need to pay from City funds would be $4, 320. 30, I' and it would be expected that this expe:q.diture would be recovered from building permits, property taxes, water-use fees, etc., in the next few years: Council- woman Dille moved that the City pay the difference between 8-inch and 10-inch pipe for 900 feet and for 350 feet of 10 -inch pipe from Western Avenue to the west City Limits (center line of ditch) and for the valve at Western Avenue and Sunnyside. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen. Mayor Wehmann expressed concern about the jurisdiction of the 900 feet of waterline for allowing other property owners to tie on, and felt that action on the matter should be postponed until the City Attorney arrived at the ITI;eeting to give advice. Council- man Swensen moved to table the motion in regard to the water pipe on Sunnyside Road until later in the meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee;' voting all in favor; motion carried. lt was determined that the developer's attorney is working out the legal aspects regarding jurisdiction, and, when City Attorney Anderson arrived, he agreed that this shoul~ be settled before the City enters into afinandal obligation in the matter, so the motion was left tabled at this time. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor: A report by Mayor Wehmann indicated that the had written a letter to the County Zoning Administrator regarding the recommendation of the ~ity of Ammon on zoning of the McDonald's Farm subdiv:ision, and that the Subdivision I' Inspection Agreement has not been signed yet. He noted that a proposal has been presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission to develop the property in the corner bordered by 17th Street on the north and Ammon Road on the east (known as Casey's Corner), and the Council gave approval to have the City of Idaho Falls check through on this plan under the terms of the Subdivision In- spection Agreement which is being finalized. Mayor Wehmann informed the Council that the Actual Use Report for Revenue Sharing funds received during the.period o:fJti.ne 30, 1976, to January I, 1977, has been prepared showing $19,632 received and none expended, and it was agreed that the boxes for "prevent new taxes" and red.uce taxes" should be chec~ed in the section about the effect of Revenue Sharing on local taxes. Regarding the mower which was left her.e as a possible replacement for the one .which was damaged in an accident last fall, Mayor Wehmann stated that he had notified the Boyd Martin Company of Salt La~e City that there is a problem with the insurance settlement and that the City has never assumed' any responsibility for the machine that is here. Concerning the audit of the City financial records, the Council indicated approval for the City to enter into an agreement by the Mayor's signature on a letter of understanding to have this work performed by Walter Clapp, a resident of Ammon and a member of the staff of Galusha, Higgins, & Galusha, Certified Public Accountants, with the fee not to exceed $2500, and the examination to begin on or about February 10 to be completed on or before May 31, 1977. Mayor Wehmann asked Engineer Butler to revise the information sheet which he prepared on the 1 subject of driveways, on lots without curb and gutter so that the paragraph about driveway cement would be at the beginning where it would get more emphasis. As a matter of record, Mayor Wehmc;l.nn. reported that the second payment in the amount of $64,636.00 has been made to the Farmers Home Administration on the Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, with $53, 485.82 as interest and $11,150.18 being applied on the principal on this 40-year obligation. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann on behalf .of landowner Dick Skidmore, the. Council decided that the City should not requir~ a survey and filing of a final plat ~n the Randolyn Addition this year: since no development is to be done there. Regarding the ~ increase requested by Utah Power '& Light Company through the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Mayor Wehmann pointed out that the City of Ammon, along with the Cities of Shelley and Iona, did file to formally intervene, and a request was made to the IPUC to have the upcoming hearing rescheduled at a time and I ~ o J;; ....... :Q CQ I I / -~ ,1 Jt place that would be better for the people involved to be heard. Mayor Wehmann asked Attorney Anderson to make a telepl1.cme c:ontact with the IPUC_ the p.ext morning to learn if any action is expected on this request for a hearing chap.ge, and if not, he suggested that an injunction against the hearing be filed with the District Court. Bonneville Council of Governments - According to Councilman Swensen, BCOG has been given.approval to proceoo in the spri-ng with a surface drainage study under a20B Planning Grant. Councilman Swensen moved that Ammon participate with BCOG in the 20B Planning Grant project to the limit of approximately $500 in cashand $500 in in-kind services for a total of $1, 000, as presented at the last BCOG meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was reported that new BCOG officers are: Chairman, Iona Mayor W. A. Storer; Vice Chairman, Ammon Councilman Russell Swensen;- Secretary, Idaho Falls Councilman Thomas Campbell. _ City Engineer - A report be Engineer Butler indicated that extra copies of the Well #5 area-map are now on hand, and that the property needed byt~e City in that location ha.s been paid for and the deed is being drawn-up forsignature~ He mentioned that the problem with the alarm at Well #6 has been resolved, but-there is still something wrong with the flow recorder which is being worked on; also the pump there is getting noisy so probably needs repair, and the storage tank should be cleaned this year. Mayor Wehmann asked that a cost estimate for the work needed on the pl.lmp b~ obtained, and that the other items continue to have attention until taken care of, along with preparing a written pi'ocedurefor the operation of the emergency generator to be posted in the pump- house. City Attorney - Ordinance No. 144, the Interim Appropriation Ordinance, was read in full by Attorney Anderson. Councilman Swensen moved to waive the three separate -.reading,s .of Ordinance No. It.l4, known as the Interim Appropriation Ordinanc;:e; and to place it on the third and final reading by title only. The motion was seconded byc;ouncilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Ordinance NQ.. 144 was read by title only. Councilman Swensen moved to pass Ordinance No. 144, known as the Interim Appropriation Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Regarding the IPUC hearing on the matter of the _ Utah POWer & Light Company rate increase:, Attorney :Andersonadvis..ed that there should be several hearings., first the preliminary hearing to present.information on the need for the increase, then a hearing for cross-examination,_ and another hearing, for the public,to present their vrews. Concerning the claim filed by Steve Tremayne- for damage to his travel trailer,. Attorney Anderson reported that the claimant does ~ot want to accept the compromise amount of settlement mentioned at the last meeting. The repair estimates obtained by Mr. Tremayne were listed as follows: Romrell's $266.20, Tiger Industries $310.00, Fife's Mobile Homes $29B.25. Since it was felt that these figures are high for the amount of damage done, it was decided that the City should request bids from a couple of other companies before any further action is taken, and Councilwoman Dille was asked to make arrangements to get these quotations. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, Attorney Anderson advised that there is no deadline date for comple- ting and approving the audit of the City financial records. Mayor Wehmann also asked Attorney Anderson to work with the City Engineer to determine if any of the costs in the amount still due on the 17th Street Project are chargeable to the L. I. D. #7 portion of the work. Attorney Anderson reported that the Revised Sewer Agreement was delivered to the City of Idaho Falls, and that he has not written a letter to Jay Reynolds about tampering with the City water valve. Fiscal Operations - Councilman Swensen informed the Mayor and Council that the order for coupon books for the City utility billing is at the printers, and it was -suggested that the printing be delayed until it is determined if there will have to be an increase in the water-user rate this year. He mentioned that the repair work on the damaged truck is being done now. Planning and Zoning - Mention was made of the proposed plan to develop the property known as Casey's Corner which was referred to earlier in the meeting by Mayor Wehmann, noting that this area is not in the City but is adjacent to the Ammon City Limits. It was reported that Mayor Wehmann attended the meeting ...........>'_.,...___...AI.io..~ " 11 :G Li~ of the Planning and Zoning Commission the previous evening to acquaint that body with the Subdivision Inspection Agreement which will be going into effect shortly, A suggestion made by Mayor Wehmann for the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider making a recommendation on is to require sidewalks in new subdivisions that have curb and gutter. Parks and Recreation - Councilman Anderson -announced that thereare~~lyf three teams participation in the City-sponsored basketball program, so the activity will have to be discontinued if at least one more team is not organized by this Saturday. It was requested that the public be asked to participate in deciding upon a name for the new City park located in the Peterson Park Addition on the east side of town. I City Clerk - The Clerk reported that there are claims to pay in the amount of $7,018.65, . and a checking account balance of $15, 815.19, with $10,000 of General Fund monies having been recently invested in a Certificate of Deposit for 92 days. Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille asked the Council to consider an application for a non-commercial kerinellicense for Kim Jessen, 2885 Ross Avenue, indicating that signatures of all neighbors within 150 feet giving their consent have been obtained. Councilwoman Dille moved to approve the applica- tion as described. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was reported that the December law enforcement figures show 374.5 hours of patrolling, etc., in Ammon with 360 hours being the number required under the contract. Mayor Wehmann requested thai: the, officers be notified that there is a need to have more parking tickets written~ again to get the vehicles off the streets where such parking creates a traffic hazard. Public Works - Councilman Lee reported on the deposit policy of other cities in the area to the effect that Rigby makes a refund when the people move, no contact was made with the City of Ucon, a.nd Shelley bills the people a month in advance with no deposit but does use the Small Claims Court quite a bit. No action wa.s taken on the deposit policy at this time. The new garbage' truck I was delivered on Monday of this week, but the snow plow is not in yet, accord- ing to Councilman Lee. New Business- It was agreed that there will be a work session on Wednesday evening next week, January 26, 7:30 P.M., to work on the budget and to discuss the new applications for the City Administrator job which have been received. Mayor Wehmann gave notice that he will be out of town on-February 2, the date of the next regular meeting, so all Council members will have to be present to make a quorum, with the meeting .to be conducted by Councilman Swensen as Council. President. Claims were approved for paynient. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 35 P. M. ~~.. . . ~;~RK CITY OF AMMON February 2, 1977 I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P".M: by Council President Russell N. Swensen, with the following. City Officials presQnt: Councilman Russell N. Swensen Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Asst. Engr. Robert Butler CounCilman Francis' Lee Maint. Supv. LaVern E.Williams Not present: Mayor George Wehmann, out -of-town.