Council Minutes 01/07/1976 154 natified Chief Deputy England that the City af Amman wau1d accept the prapasa1 as given and that a letter af acceptance wau1d be farthcaming. He mentianed that a capy af the resa1utian an parking in the streets,' a1ang with a new.s1etter with the map shawing where enfarcement is to. be dane, were sent the sheriff's affice. Caunci1man Hirschi inquired abaut whether any cantact has been made with Utah Pawer & Light Campany abaut getting the street lights replaced. Mayar Turnbaw explained that the pawer campany has pramised to. get at the needs af Amman as saan as pas sible, including replacing af the lights an 17th Street, but there is a pro.b1em due to. the heavy wark 1aad at this time af year, Mayar-e1ect Wehmann mentianed matters which have been braught to. his attentian I as fallaws: The City baaks are to. be ready far audit by January 6, 1976; the sewer metering statian needs to. be ape rating and a calibratian taken sa an adjustment can be made an the payments being requested by the City af Idaho. Falls; and the as -built drawings af the sewer system are requested to. be ready fram the City Engineer's affice by January 7, 1976. Claims were appraved far payment. The meeting adjaurned at 11:30 P. M. ~/~h7~ MA OR p L~ . - CL&~ 1Ln CITY OF AMMON January 7, 1976 Minutes af meeting af aut-gaing Mayar and City Caunci1 far the purpase af cam- p1eting matters af unfinished business befare turning the affairs af the City to. the new Mayar and Cauncil: The meeting was called to. arder at 7:48 P. M. by aut-gaing Mayar Keith C. Turnbaw with the fallawing City Officials present: Mayar Keith C. Turnbaw Clerk Dean Hemingway Caunci1man Russell N. Swensen Attarney W. Jae Andersan CauncilmanMarvin J. Andersan Engineer David E. Bentan Cauncilman Gerald B. Cheney Caunci1m.an Brent Hirschi I Others present were Mayar-e1ect Gearge Wehmann, Cauncilwaman-e1ect Caral A. Dille, Cauncilman-e1ect Francis Lee, Maintenance Supervisar LaVern E. Williams, Fire Chief Marvin McGary, .E1aireMcGary, June Wehmann, Lee Dille, Learia Hadley, Ed Jewkes, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barn, Mr. and Mrs. Thayle Mansan, Craig Mawrey, Paul Merrill, and Gene Simps an. Prayer was affered.by C.auncilman Cheney. Minutes af the Regular Meeting af December 17, 1975, were approved as typed. Attarney Andersan explained that the Easement Agr,eement regarding the sewer $ervice line far the City. Building which is lacated an the adjaining praperty belanging to. Raland Ratnrell has been prepared and is ready to. be signed. The dacument was left with the Clerk to. abtain signatures and then must be recarded. In the matter af revising the sectians af the City. s cadified ardinances to. camply I with EPA requirements, Attarney Andersan read an Ordinance which has been drawn up as he felt it shauld be, and recammended that the first reading cauld be passed, then have the ardinance reviewed by EPA afficials before final actian is taken. CauncilmanHirschi maved to. pass the first reading af Ordinance No.. 137 revising certain sectians,af Title 8 Chapter 4 (Sewers) af the City Cadified Ordinances. The matian was secanded by Councilman Swensen; vating was all in fa var; matian car rie d. A resalutian relative to. industrial waste sewage setting farth a palicy that the aperatian and maintenance charges will be the same inside and autside the City was also. read by Attarney Anderson, with the Cauncil indicating appraval and delaying further actian until a review is made by the EPA. I o 00 f:-. ~ t:t:J ~ I I 155 According to Engineer Benton, as -built drawings of the sewer system have been prepared along with a map of the waterlines showing valve locations. Also a meeting ,has been setup with the City of Idaho Falls at 1:30 P. M. on Monday, January 12, to have them verify readings which have been taken at the sewer meter station, and there will be a meeting with the contractor (Hartwells) at 9:30 A. M. on Wednesday, January 14, to check a final list of items to be taken care of at the new well. Mayor Turnbow reported on the response to letters on sewers not connected noting that contact has been made by all except three of the property owners, and it was recommended that action be taken against those from which no response has been received. Councilman Hirschi mentioned that it has been over a month and still nothing has been done by Utah Power & Light Company about the .street light that is out at Falcon and Sawtooth. Councilmen Cheney,. Swensen, and Anderson had no matters of business to present. CDuncilman Swensen expressed his appreciation for having the. opportunity to work with Mayor. Turnbow. and the out-going Council members .and praised them for the fine job done for the City. Feelings of appreciation were expressed by Mayor Turnbow for all those who have served and worked with him during his administration. He mentioned the Councilmen, Attorney Anderson, Engineer .Benton, the City. Clerk, Maintenance Supervisor La Vern Williams, Fire .Chief. Marvin McGar.y .and the Volunteer Firemen, and others for their concern and.dedication for the good of the City. Mayor-elect George Wehmann and newly elected.members of the Council Carol A. Dille and Francis Lee were sworn. in by. Clerk Deon Hemingway and affixed their signatures to their oaths of office. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 30 P. M. ~~cJ~ MA OR .' ~.~ CITY C~LERK -. 7 CITY OF AMMON January 7, 1976 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The first regular meeting of the new administration was called to order at 8: 35 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Francis Lee Others present were former Mayor Keith C. Turnbow, June Wehmann, Lee Dille, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Born, Mr. and Mrs. Thayle Monson, Fire Chief Marvin McGary, Elaine McGary, Maintenance Supervisor LaVern E. Williams, Gene Simpson, Craig Mowrey, and Paul Merrill. Councilman Swensen conducted a pledge of allegiance to the flag. Prayer was offered by Mayor Wehmann. A message from the new Mayor opened with a Bicentennial theme, noting that, while our country marks its 200th birthday, Ammon will have its 7lst birthday, and a desire to become involved in the nation's celebration was expressed. He urged citizens to fly flags and clean up their property for our country's special hirthday and to participate in the activities of Independence Day and Ammon Days. He announced plans to appoint a Citizens' Taxpayer Commit tee from names sub- mi tted by the Council to help in developing a balanced budget, and invited all residents to attend Council Meetings. According to Mayor Wehmann, one of the big projects of the year is to finish up matters under the contractor warranty for the sewer and water system, and it is intended that every property owner is to ..156 to be afforded ,the opportunity to submit written claims so that the contractor liability for problems that have developed in sidewalks, etc., can be taken care ot. Also, .1976 will see the widening of 17th Street, and the City Admin- istration expects to see that the construction has a minimum impact on the resi- dents and businesses. Mayor Wehmann called attention to the unofficial results of the census taken in November, 1975, which was published in the newspaper this day, noting that Ammon shows a count of 3, 568 as compared with a population of 2, 545 in 1970. This is an increase of 1, 023, which is a 40% increase. He expressed a need to encourage businesses to locate in the City, such as medical clinics, etc. Council Committee assignments were made as follows by Mayor Wehmann: Fiscal Operations. . . . Russell N. Swensen, Carol A. Dille Parks and Recreation. . . . . Marvin J. Anderson, Francis Lee Police and Fire Department Carol A. Dille, Marvin J. Anderson Public Works. . . . . . . . . . . . Francis Lee, Russell N. Swensen Special- Bonneville Council of Governments. . . Russell N. Swensen I Recommendation was made by the Mayor that the following be appointed as City Officials: Attorney. . . . . . . . Eng ine e r. . . . . . . . City Clerk-Treasurer. Fire Chief. . . . .' Asst. Fire Chief Auditor. . . W. Joe Anderson David E. Benton Deon Hemingway . ... . Marvin McGary Elmer Wilson . Firm of Crandall, Hinckley, & John Councilman Swensen moved to ratify the city appointments as indicated for the City of Ammon in 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Approval by the Council was also given to the confirmation of Tom Chriswell as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. I Mayor Wehmann explained that it was appropriate for the Council to elect a President at this time. Councilwoman Dille moved that Councilman Swensen serve as President for the coming year. The motion was seconded by Council- man Lee; voting was Dille yes; Lee yes; Anderson yes; Swensen abstained; motion carried. Regarding a Council Meeting schedule, Mayor Wehmann recommended continuing with the first and third Wednesdays at 7:30 P. M., with any public hearings being prior to the Council Meeting. Councilman Lee moved to adopt a Resolution to set the meeting schedule as recommended. The motion was seconded by Council- man Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried and resolution adopted. ~ The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was .dispensed with, and they will be approved at the next meeting. Mayor Wehmann express.ed appreci:ationto Mayor Turnbow and the out-going Councilmen for the tremendous amount .of time spent and the good job done as elected. officials of the City. As. a matter of new business, Mayor Wehmann requested that an Interim I Appropriation Ordinance be adopted to allow the City to meet its financial obligations until the final appropriation ordinance is ready which must be done by the last day of March. Interim Appropriation Ordinance No. 138 was read by Attorney Anderson. Councilman Swensen moved to dispense with three separate readings of Ordinanc.e No. 138 and to place it on its third and final. reading to be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Council- man Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Ordinance No. 138 was read by title only. Councilman Swensen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 138 as read. - The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. I o 00 ~ ~ W t:J.:l I I 157 -M: With refer.en<:e to Council functions" Mayor Wehmann indicated that Council Committees are to assume their responsibilities, and he willbe interested in the "what", "by whom", and "when" on each action t4at is being considered. He encouraged use of schedules as something to work toward, and requested that all items for the Council Meeting Agendas should be in by 8 A. M. on the Mcnday morning preceding the meeting, and that a draft of the minutes should be in the mail to the Councilmen, Attorney,' and Engineer by the close of business on the Tuesday following the meeting. He expressed the feeling that having the minutes by this time to review would be especially helpful so that follow up on items of business that should be taken care of can be ready for the next meeting. . Having a monthly treasurer's report to be presented at the second meeting of the month (third Wednesday) was also mentioned as a goal to work for. Relative to the budget, Mayor 'Y"ehmann indicated that the figures on expected expenditures are to be prepared by the Committees, with the revenue estimates to come from the Clerk-Treasurer. He mentioned that names for the Taxpayers I Committee are to be submitted to him by Friday, January 9, and noted that he already has a list of about nine people who have been approached and have in- dicated a willingness to help. The Taxpayers I Committee members are to be invited to the meeting on January 21. In respo~se to an inquiry by Mayo,r Wehmann, Councilman Swensen explained that the County and the City of Idaho Falls are still negotiating with the Humane Society on the operation of the animal shelter, so nothing is definite on the cost of animal control for t~e coming year at this time. He stated that the Anim.al Control officer is willipg to come to the Council Meetings at any tlme and make a report on whatev.er is desired. It was determined that Council- woman Dille is to contact the Animal Control Officer on matters pertaining to this situa,tion. Relative ~o the Law Enforcement Agreement with the County, it was requested that the City Attorney prepare a new flgreement to include animal ,control and requiring monthly reports on the dog catching and the patrolling duties pe!"formed. With reference to the request to amend the Cable TV Franchise Ordinance as mentioned in the meeting of December 17, 1975, Attorney Anderson explained that the law requires publication of such a proposed amendment 30 days before action :i,s taken by the Council, so the proposed ordinance has been published and s~tto be taken up on February 4,1976. .~. ~ MayorWehmann recommended that emergency snow removal plans be made, and turned t~is assignm~nt to Counciiman tee as his responsibility on the Public Works Committee. f An inquiry was made by Mayo:r Wehmann about the status of the City storage building be~ng built next to the new well adjacent to McCowin Park, and it was yxp1ained that the city employees had been trying to do the finishing work but problems had come up on installing the doors, so an individual has been contacted to do this.' Maintenance Supervisor LaVern Williams was asked to get on this as. soon as possible and report back. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that several calls have, been received about preparing ice skating rinks, and Councilman Ande.rson was asked to follow up on this. It w~s r<=;comrnended that the City employees do this because of injury liaBility. Engineer Be?ton reported that he is getting information together to come up with a recommendation on the EPA requirement to show whether the rates for sewer service outside the City should be more than that charge inside th~ City. He indicatedtha~ he' will work with the Gouncil committee 'on this. Councilman Swensen reported On the monthly meeting of the Bon:q.eville Council of Governments,. especially concerning the formation of the East Central Idaho Economic Development DiE!trict. He mentioned a figure of $1, 492. 41 as Ammon's sh~re of the 1976 BCOG budget. Information of legislation proposed by the Association of Idaho Cities on city fiscal matters was referred to Councilman Swensen as an item to be taken under consideration relative to his assignment on the City Fiscal Operations , , Committee. ii2- 158 Claims were approved for payment. Councilwoman Dille moved to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Swensen; ~eeting adjourned at 10:25 P. M. I /~, ;) iI/C- Nyfut f'Y;J} , A.~ CLrnK~ / . /) < ! . ~A ~R'Y7~ CITY OF AMMON January 21, 1976 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City rouncil: The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Francis Lee Councilwoman Carol Dille I Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Attorney W. Joe Anderson Maint. Supervisor LaVern Williams Others present during the meeting were Boy Scout Tim Petrus, Mr. and Mrs. Ciro Rustici, Gene Simpson, Gary Davidson, Craig Mowrey, Keith Hansen, Phillip And'erson, Maxine Metcalf, and Rick Archibald. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Councilman Swensen. The I invocation was offered by Councilman Lee. Minutes of the meeting of January 7, 1976, were approved as typed. An application for a Non-commercial Kennel License from Martin G. Whalen, 1845 Dove Dr., with signatures as required by City Code (Section 6-3-7), was placed before the Council for action. Councilwoman Dille moved that the application as presented be accepted. The motion was seconded by Council- I man Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried and license granted. An application for a fun-Commercial Kennel License from David Hudson, 3385 Owen St., was also considered. Councilwoman Dille moved to table the application and refer it back to the petitioner since the approval signatures did not include those of the neighbors directly to the east and west of the applicant and did not represent 75% of the neighbors. The motion was seconded by Counciiman Swensen, voting was all in favor; motion carried. Matters of old business were reviewed with the following results: Engineer Benton is to contact Roland Romrell regarding signing the Easement Agree- ment for the City Building sewer service line, and is to prepare a design and cost estimate for the drain at Samuel and Geneva so it can be worked into the budget. Engineer Benton is also to request a letter from Wayne Wolfe of the Idaho Falls Water and Sewer Department stating that the matters mentioned in a letter received several weeks 'ago regarding sewer "as -built" drawings, equipment manuals, etc., have been taken care of. The Public Works Com- mittee (Councilman Francis Lee, Chairman) is to follow up on the response from property owners who do not have their sewers connected yet and re- commend a plan of action. Councilman Anderson is to contact Mrs. Franklin Ricks about the city's plans regarding ice skating rinks. Engineer Benton reported that no word has been received from the EPA officials regarding their review of the proposed ordinance and resolution concerning sewer rates; I also that the' City of Idaho Falls has been sent a letter with reference to cal- culations made which show that the City of Ammon has a credit of $3, 710 coming on the amounts charged for sewage treatment during the past few months. Councilman Swensen reported that proposed matters of legislation affecting cities are now in committees or being printed for action by the State Legislature. According to Mayor Wehmann, the developer of Barbara Jean Estates has in- quired if the City has any objections to having the bridt fit path eliminated in that new subdivision. Engineer Benton reviewed the backgrE:>und of this situation, including the recommendation that was made by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the action taken by the City Council before the addition was annexed, to the effect that the City would not be responsible 'for maintaining