Council Minutes 03/19/1975 ~' o Qj ~ Q: -w .~ I I lO,1l CITY OF AMMON March 19, 1975 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council: at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the Clerk Deon Hemingway. Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E~ Benton The meeting was opened as a public hearing on the 1975 budget as duly published in the Post-Register newspaper on March 11 and March 18 under the legal notices as required by law. There being no residents present to make comment, and the Council having no changes to propose, Attorney Anderson read the Annual Appropriation Ordinance No. 125. (Incidental mention was made that the 1976 budget will have to include an amount for a Guarantee Fund for L. 1. D. No. 6 and L.1. D. No.7) Council- man Cheney moved to waive the three readings of Ordinance No. 125; the motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Council- man Swensen moved that Ordinance No. 125, Annual Appropriation Ordinance for 1975, be placed on its third and final reading by title only, and that the or~inance be approved as read; the motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all ill favo:r; motion carried; Ordinance No. 125 adopted. Attorney Anderson read an ordinance which he was authorized to prepare at the last meeting (see minutes of March 5, 1975) to amend Section 6-~-6 of the City Code pertaining to the length of time that impounded dogs should be kept before being disposed of if not redeemed or sold. The changes listed were for 24 hours for un- licensed dogs (formerly 72 hours) and 48 hours after notice is given to owners of licensed dogs (formerly 5 days), and allowing for official notice to be given by telepho~e as well as by registered letter on impounded licensed dogs. Discussion by the Council indicated that these changes are desirable due to the boarding fee costs at the Idah;o Falls Anim~l Shelter where dogs are impounded under the Law Enforcement agreement with Bonneville County,v.hile some concern was expressed for the need to allow time to give the citizens notice on this proposed amendment before it is enacted. The Ordinance was assigned No. 126, and Councilman Anderson moved to waive the three readings and pass Ordin?-nce No. 126. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was: Anderson, yes; Hirschi, yes; Cheney, yes; Swensen, no. The motion carried and Ordinance No. 126 was adopted. LaMar John, representing the firm of Crandall, Hinckley, and John, CPAs, reviewed the 1974 General Fund Audit and the audit made on the Water and Sewer Project funds. Councilman Swensen expressed the feeling of the city officials by.making a motion to accept the audit reports and commend the firm of Crandall, Hinckley, and John for the fine presentation and service, which motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney and carried by unanirrtous.vote. Mr. John noted that a letter of understanding for performing the 1975 audit for the City had not been prepared due to the uncertainty about being able to do the work because of an increased work load. It was felt, however that this service for the City could be handled if the books could be closed out on December 30 and the records made ready for audit immediately t_hereafter. On this basis, a tentative agreement for the 1975 audit was made for a fee of $600.00. (The audit firm will send the necessary copies of the 1974 Audit Report to the State Auditor.) Mayor Turnbow made arrangements to have Mr. John go with him to the County offices to check the records on cancelled out taxes, etc. Attorney Anderson and Engineer Benton recommended that proceedings should be started on creating the Local Improvement District for the 17th Street project so the funds will be available when needed. A prepared Resolution of Intention for this 108 """I purpose was read by Attorney Anderson. The district would include all property along 17th Street within the City of Ammon except the Hillview and Hillsdale Additions, and would be for paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalk as needed. Waterlines, etc., are to be put in under this project where projected planning shows a need so that a three-year moratorium can be put on digging up the road. Councilman Swensen moved that the Resolution of Intention to Create Local Improve- ment District No.7 be passed and that the hearing be scheduled for April 2, 1975, 7: 30 P. M., in the Ammon City Hall. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was Swensen, yes; Hirschi, yes; Anderson, 'yes; Cheney, yes; motion carried~ A question regarding water and sewer service for a lot on the planned Meadow Lane cul-de-sac where Mr. Paul Decker wants to build a house was discussed. I Reference was made to similar situations on Romrell Lane (Dorian Crow) and Rose Dale Lane (Boyd Thornpson~ The possibility of the City being obligated for the extra expense on Meadow Lane due to the street needing to be curved was considered. It was the advise of the City Attorney and the' concensus of the City Engineer that a precedent has been 'set and the City cannot help with the cost of providing improvements for private developments. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Turnbow regarding annexation of developments which are being planned on areas adjacaent to the City Limits (on the Vern Peterson and Groberg properties), Engineer Benton explained that the procedure has been set through the policies of the Planning and Zoning Commission for approving plats subject to anriexation agreements. ' Accordirig to Engineer Benton, the City of Idaho Falls has requested that the sewer treatment charge be reviewed, and meetings have been set up for this purpose. . Mayor Turnbow reported that he had been approached about the possibility of ex- tending the city sewer and water lines along Sunnyside Road to the Empey Road. It was noted that any extension of the sewer line with the necessary lift stations, etc. ,would be at the expense of the interested party and subject to the policy of the City of Idaho Falls, and making water available outside the city limits would not be possible at this time. I Mention was made by Mayor Turnbow of the need to get the Eastgage Mobile Village sewer hooked up to the Ammon system so that the sewer charge would be payable to the City of Ammon instead of the City of Idaho Falls, and Engineer Benton reported that he had talked to the contmctor foreman about this. A report by Mayor Turnbow concerning a meeting held with the transportation supervisor from the Idaho Nuclear Energy site indicated that the buses that go through Ammon will be using Owen Street until the sewer-trench cuts are re- paired on Rawson Street. Also, cooperation was expressed regarding the poss- ible need for arranging detours because of street construction and repairs dur- ing the coming summer. There is no need to take the bus route out of the City, as has been rumored. Councilman Swensen stated that a postcard verification of the 'filing of a pre- application for funds for a fire station and construction of a section of Midway Avenue under the HUD Community Development Block Grant Program has been received. An inquiry from Councilman Hirschi regarding the irrigation ditch which I runs along Sand Creek behind the homes on the west side of Falcon Drive was discussed. It was determined that the ditch is not to be filled in but will be closed off and not used this season while the construction work is being done on 17th Street. Councilman Hirschi also inquired about the city's plans regarding the area known as Falcon Park, since the owner has expressed intentions to build homes there. Mayor Turnbow explained that the City does not want to purchase the pr9perty for a park at the price quoted the last time an offer was made, and that any plans using the land for building lots would have to go through the Planning and Zoning Commission. I o ,00 r-- c:o w ~ I I 109 ~,~,the request of Councilman Hirschi, several suggestions were made for City beautification projects. These included painting and fixing up the pumphouses, cleaning out the weeds, etc., along the roads and sweeping the streets, painting the City Building, the, flag pole, and fire hydrants, getting mailboxes fixed, re- moving old junk cars, and setting a date,for the annual :~,IClean Up Days". Mayor Turnbow mentioned that the fellows working under the CETA VI program have been cutting and cleaning up trees along Western Avenue, and arrangements are being JIlade with Utah Power & Light Comp4ny to help with getting some trees out along Ammon Road. Councilman Hirschi felt that a citizen ,suggestion to have some kind of contest on cleaning up might be worth trying. Mayor Turnbow presented two proposals for a possible storage shed to be located on the City-owned property next to Well #6 as follows: (1) a ,metal building 44Ix30', $8,100.00; (2) a cinder block bui19.ing 2818"x 461, $8,800.00. After a lengthy,dis- cussion concerning these proposals, Councilman Cheney moved that the cinder block (Gemstone) bU,ild,ing be constructed in order to be campatable with the buildings in the surrounding area; i. e., the school, swimming pool, pumi)house, water storage tank. The motton was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in fay-or; motion carried. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Hirschi 'moved to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Swensen; motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12: 30 A. M. ~-Gc1~ MA OR L~. CLERK.. 7- CITY OF AMMON April 2, 1975 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Councilman Brent Hirschi Councilman Marvin J. Anderson arrived at 8:10 P. M. Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Attorney W. Joe Anderson Others pr~sent during the meeting were Arthur Brown and Reese Brown. Prayer was offered by C,ouncilman Hirschi. Minutes of the meeting of March 19, 1975, were approved as typed. The meeting was opened as a Protest Hearing on the Intention to Create Local Improve- ment District No.7 with due and proper notice having been given by publication and mail as required by law. It was noted that there were no written protests received, and that the one property owner present, Mr. Arthur Brown of 2940 E. 17th St., did not have a protest to make. Attorney Anderson reviewed the procedure for creating the Impr,?vement District. Councilman Swensen moved that the Council ~ass the Resolution of Intention to Create L.1. D. No. 7 as indicated in the minutes of March 19, 1975. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was Swensen, yes; Hirschi, yes; Cheney, yes; (Anderson, not present); motion carried. A decision was made on which property owners should pay for waterline to be installed during the cO!lstruction, and Engineer Benton was instructed to :prepare the Assessment Roll. Engineer Benton explained that an agreement has been made wit~ Lewis Nielsen, the owner of the property on the north side of 17th St.,across fro:n Sabin Drive, to put in a sewer hookup stub and eliminate the sewer hookup fee of $200 in exchange for the right-of-way needed along 17th St. A date for the Assessment Roll Hearing was discussed, and it was felt that this should be scheduled as soon as possible. Council- man Cheney moved that the Assessment Roll Hearing on L. I. D. No. 7 be set for Wednesday, Apri123, 1975, 7:30 P. M., in the Ammon City Council Room. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Cheney, yes; Swensen, yes; Anderson, yes; Hirschi, yes; motion carried.