Council Minutes 01/06/1983 January 6,1983 22S CITY OF AMMON January 6, 1983 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen, with the following City Officials present: Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Robert D. Williamson Councilman Thayle D. Monson Absent: Mayor George Wehmann (on City Clerk Deon Hemingway Public Works Director Hayse Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton leave of absence) L. Whiteley The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Acting Mayor Swensen and prayer was offered by Councilman Williamson. Motions to approve the minutes for August 19, 1982, September 2, 1982, September 16, 1982, and October 7, 1982, were made by Councilman Williamson and seconded by Council- woman Dille with voting all in favor; and minutes approved as written. The Development Agreement for Sandway Village, as discussed in the December 2, 1982, meeting and signed by Randall K. Barton as Managing Partner for Sandcreek Golf Course Development, was brought up for action. The following minor corrections in paragraph 1(j) were recommended: Delete the word "annexed" in the 7th line and add a word to read "should not be issued" in the 11th line. Councilwoman Dille moved to approve the Development Agreement as presented by Sandcreek Golf Course Development, subject to the acceptance of the corrections,as noted,by Mr. Barton. The motion was seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was Dille yes, Monson yes, Williamson yes, Swensen yes; motion carried. I Councilman Williamson reported that Doug Brinkman is continuing in the position of Acting Fire Chief since Marvin McGary is not ready to come back yet because of health problems. Also concerning the Fire Department, Councilman Williamson reviewed arrange- ments for working mutual aid with the Fire District while one of the District trucks is out of operation because of an accident. He noted that the response area for 'the Ammon Volunteer Fire Department is east of St. Clair Road and south of Iona Road to the District boundaries on the east and on the south. In accordance with a recommendation received from the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding a request for a rezone, it was moved by Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Monson that a public hearing be scheduled before the City Council at 7:30 P.M. on February 3, 1983, on the application for a rezone filed by Reynold Chambers of 286JA East 17th Street; voting was all in favor; motion carried. With reference to a request made by Mayor Wehmann following the meeting on December 2, 1982, that he be granted a leave of absence for an extended business and vacation trip, it was noted that he had stated his desire to voluntarily waive his salary while he is away. Councilwoman Dille moved that Mayor Wehmann's request be granted and made a matter of record, and that Council President Russell Swensen be authorized to receive the compensation designated for Mayor while in the position of Acting Mayor. The motion was seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilwoman Dille brought up the subject of the speed limit on 17th Street from Ammon- Lincoln Road to Crowley Road, as discussed at a previous meeting. She pointed out that the signs for 40 miles per hour are now posted in that location, so evidently the County officials were not responsive to the recommendation made by the City of Ammon that the speed be limited to 35 miles per hour. Attorney Anderson agreed to check on the law regarding all of the street becoming part of the City when subdivisions are annexed to determine if the City should have more authority in this traffic matter. In response to a question raised by Councilman Monson about what might be expected in the future as a speed limit on Ammon-Lincoln Road when it is widened as planned, Attorney Anderson stated that the law restricts an urban area speed limit to 35 miles per hour unless the local jurisdiction can show reason to make a change. In connection with traffic control on Ross Avenue, Councilman Williamson explained that he agreed with a recommendation that has been made to him that the Wanda Street inter- section would be a better location for a four-way stop than at Georgia Lane as presently posted. Following a discussion of the situation, it was moved by Councilman Williamson and seconded by Councilwoman Dille that the four-way stop on Ross Avenue be moved from Georgia Lane to Wanda Street, leaving a two-way stop at Georgia Lane with no stopping required on Ross Avenue at that intersection, and that the three-way stop at Ross Avenue and Geneva Drive be removed. Voting was all in favor; motion carried. A report by Councilman Williamson indicated that there have been complaints about the semi-trucks and trailers parked on the street right-of-way near the south end of Ross Avenue. It was agreed that, to be consistent with action taken in similar instances, a letter giving notice to remove the trucks should be written to the resident involved who is David W. Andrus of 3820 Ross Avenue. Another item mentioned by Councilman Williamson was in connection with a letter received from the Office of the Governor regarding meetings that are being planned to get input I I I ~ CD I' U ~ <t I I January 6, 198] January 20, 198] 22~} on the Northwest Power Planning Act, and Attorney Anderson suggested that the information be sent on to Mayor Wehmann to review and make comment. Public Works Director, Hayse L. Whiteley, reported on a project which is getting started of putting in a ceiling and insulation in the shop area of the City Building to save heating costs. It was noted that this was recommended by Acting Mayor Swensen after re- viewing the billings from Intermountain Gas Company, and the approval of the Council members was indicated. CITY OF AMMON L~ C In CLERK CITY OF AMMON, JANUARY 20,198] Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen with the following City Officials present: Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen Councilman Thayle D. Monson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Robert D. Williamson The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Acting Mayor Swensen and prayer was offered by Councilman Monson. Minutes for Oct. 2 and Nov. 4, 1982, were approved. A review of the Audit Report for Fiscal Year 1982 was given by Walter Clapp. It was moved by Councilwoman Dille that the FY-1982 Audit be accepted and that a letter of understanding for the firm of Galusha, Higgins, and Galusha to perform the FY-198] Audit for a fee of $],750 be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; motion carried unanimously. City Clerk Deon Hemingway Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley Auditor Walter Clapp Councilman Williamson reported that necessary work is being done on the fire siren. He explained that he found that the National Guard emergency notification system was not appropriate for the City situation, but a plan has been worked out for calling the Fire Department personnel when the siren is out of order. According to Councilman Williamson, the District tanker is being housed here in the City again, so the mutual aid as mentioned in the previous meeting can be discontinued. In connection with his investigation about having a Quick Response Unit in Ammon he stated that it has been determined that the re- sponse time with the existing arrangements would be within one-half minute of what could be expected with a volunteer unit in Ammon so there is no need to pursue that matter. It was noted by Councilman Monson that the Planning Commission members have made a re- commendation on a model ordinance for manufactured housing which they were asked to study, so the matter should come to the City Council for consideration now. A report by Hayse Whiteley indicated that a used garbage truck which the City expects to buy should be available to tryout in the next few days. Acting Mayor Swensen requested that Mr. Whiteley, as the City Building Official, check on reports that Ernie Flegel of 2855 Teton Street may be planning to have an auto repair business in a new garage he is building under a variance permit and that Blair Andrews of 2705 Ross Avenue has a home occupation in violation of the zoning in that location. ---- Claims to pay were approved in the amount of $90,718.95 (inclUding $64,6]6 for the annual payment to Farmers Home Administration on the Water and Sewer Revenue Bond), and vouchers for expenses paid since the previous meeting totaling $6,616.6] were also given approval. A motion to adjourn was made by_Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. h,~ AT1EST: ~~7-' CIfy CLERK ~;:;:;:-