Council Minutes 08/16/1979 I ",,", to f' o <:( <X: I I Aug. 2, 1979 CITY OF AMMON August 2, 1979 111 Minutes of a Special Public Hearing on the Use of Revenue Sharing Funds: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilwoman Carol Dille Councilman Francis Lee Cle~k Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley Engineer David E. Benton Absent: Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman David Rowberry Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Southwick, 2650 Ammon Road, and Maiben Jones, 1205 Central Ave. . . The pledge was conducted by Councilm~n Lee and. prayer was offered by Co~ncllwoman Dllle. Mayor Wehmann explained that, accordlng to notlce sent out from the Offlce of Revenue Sharing, the City expects to receive $34,223 in Revenue Sharing Funds during FY-1980, and is required to ask for input from the people on how to spend the money. He noted that a news article published in the Post-Register on July 18, 1979, gave notice of the Public Hearing being held at this time. Inasmuch as the citizens present had come to discuss other matters and had no comment on the spending of the Revenue Sharing Funds, Mayor Wehmann mentioned that his proposal will be to use the money for law enforcement expenses, and the Public Hearing was closed at 7:40 P.M. .~,d It~ MAYOR ~ ATIEST, ~/L;~~77 CfTY CLERK CITY OF AMMON August 2, 1979 the Mayor and City Council scheduled for August 2, 1979, could lack of a quorum of City Council members. Those present were: Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley Engineer David E.Benton Absent: Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman David Rowberry Agenda items were discussed and reports meeting from 7:40 P.M. until 10:10 P.M. /'f... / - ATTEST: I~~~'U. CI Y CLERK The Regular Meeting of not be held due to the Mayor George Wehmann Councilwoman Carol Dille Councilman Francis Lee were heard during the time spent in an unofficial Clai~e amount of $7.467.75 were approved. / c;.~ Uh~ ~ MAYOR CITY OF AMMON August 16, 1979 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:55 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Francis Lee Councilman Russell N. Swensen Absent: David Rowberry Others present during the meeting were Maiben Jones, 3205 Central Ave., Ciro Rustici, and Marvin McGary. Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilwoman Dille and the invoca- tion was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meetings held On June 21, July 5, and August 2, 1979, were approved as prepared. An application for variance sub~itted by Maiben Jones, 3205 Central Avenue, was taken under consideration. The situation,was reviewed as it related to the failure of Mr. Jones to comply with the variance granted him on July 5, 1978, by constructing a grain storage bin on his residential lot which is higher than was approved. It was noted that this has become the subject of a complaint made by Mrs. Elaine McGary of 3255 Meadow Lane and that Mr. Jones decided to file for a new variance after discussing the matter with City officials at the previous meeting on August 2. Also noted was that the application for a new variance requests that the grain tank be allowed to remain at the constructed height of 18 feet 3 inches measured to the tip of the cone whi h . 3.feet 5 inches higher than the storage bins already on the property, and that ~helS slgnatu~es of all except on~ of the adjacent property owners indicating approval of the varlance have been obtalned, and Mr. Jones explained that he had talked to Fern Rumsey but asked her not to sign to avoid family problems since she is a relative of Aug. 16, 1979 112 the complainant. After a quite lengthy discussion, Councilman Swensen moved for a 15-minute recess to give those who desired an opportunity to go to the site and look at the building. Councilwoman Dille seconded the motion and voting was all in favor. When the meeting was re-convened, Councilman Swensen moved that the variance of 3 feet 5 inches in height, allowing the grain tank to remain at a total height of 18 feet 3 inches (with a diameter of 18 feet) be granted to Maiben Jones. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was Swensen yes, Dille yes, Lee yes; motion carried. The possibility of painting the structure or putting up a fence to eliminate some of the glare, which is part of Mrs. McGary's complaint, was considered. but not mentioned as a condition of the variance approval. Ciro Rustici, 4035 Ross Avenue, appeared to inquire if the City Officials were interested I in providing animal control by other means now that the county has discontinued this service, and made a proposal on this subject. The Mayor and Council members agreed that the City must continue to work on the dog problem, but were not prepared to make any de- cisions on the matter without getting more information on insurance, availability of a vehicle, etc., so Mr. Rustici is to return at a later date. Mayor Wehmann reviewed the proposed budget, copies of which had been previously distributed to the Council members. He pointed out that increases of $1.00 for water service and $1.00 for garbage collection are recommended in the budget figures to provide the funds needed to meet the expenses in the Water and Sanitation Departments which are up due to the higher cost of electricity and gasoline, etc. He went through the calculations for arriving at the budget amounts for salaries and made special refe.rence to a number of other items, including the fact that he had worked closely with Auditor Walter Clapp in coming up with the anticipated revenue and proposed expenditures, especially those in the Water and Sewer Funds. Councilwoman Dille moved to adopt the tentative budget as presented and to schedule the budget hearing at 7 P.M. on August 30, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. In connection with the application for re-zone on property at the northeast corner of the 17th Street and Ammon-Lincoln Road intersection, Mayor Wehmann reported that the request for C-l Zoning was turned down by the County, so it is considered that the case is closed as far as the City of Ammon is concerned. Regarding an application for a Conditional Use Permit, Councilwoman Dille moved to grant the request of Randy Winters, 2780 Midway Avenue, to have bantam chickens on his premises as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission following a public hearing held on August 14, 1979, with stipulations as follows: (1) Chickens must always be caged; (2) I Cages must be cleaned regularly; (3) The number of chickens is to be limited to twelve; f4f-~BFm~t-tB-Be-PB~BkBa-~~-taBFB-aFB-eBm~~aiRts-~Fem-RB~gR6eFs~ (4) Permit is to be reviewed in one year. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was Dille yes, Lee yes, Swensen yes; motion carried. It was noted that the public hearing before the Planning ~nd Zoning Commission to con- sider issuing a Conditional Use Permit for the purpose of constructing a commercial build- ing on the residential lot of Lou Baribault at 3170 Western Avenue was cancelled at the request of the applicant. After Engineer Benton pointed out the location of Division No. 5 on the plat and commented on the developer's intentions, Councilman Lee moved to approve the County Plat for Divi- sion No. 5 of Lincoln Park Subdivision as presented and as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was mentioned that the Ammon Day celebration scheduled for August 18th was cancelled due to the lack of citizen interest. A salary increase which Mayor Wehmann and the Public Works Director recommended for Robert White, Foreman of the Public Works employees, was brought up for action. Councilman Swensen moved and Councilwoman Dille seconded that the promotion of Robert White from Grade 4-2 to Grade 4-4 effective as of August 3, 1979, be confirmed. Voting was all in favor; motion carried. The information that Kent Godfrey had submitted a statement signed by Hazel Empey to com- I plete the requirements of the variance granted him on July 5th was made a matter of record A report on the recent meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission indicated that the public hearing on the proposed Wheatland Addition, located south of Sunnyside on the west side of Ammon-Lincoln Road, (zoning of GC-I requested) had resulted in a recommendation of denial, with approximately 30 people having appeared to oppose the plan.< It was felt that any further action on this matter should be delayed inasmuch as it was likely that the developer might decide to withdraw the request because of the opposition expressed at the public hearing. Councilman Swensen reported that he had attended a meeting with officials of the Cities of Idaho Falls, Ucon, and Iona, and Bonneville County on the subject of a Waste Water Study, and this is to be considered again at a later date. According to Mayor Wehmann, the consulting engineering firm for the City of Idaho Falls is now reviewing the maps on the power loop prepared by the City of Ammon consultant, and .?- ~ I ~ CD r....... o <'! <! ,I I August 16, 1979 l1a it is likely that recommendations made on them are being considered. He mentioned . that the Idaho Falls attorney has filed for appeal regarding the court decision on this matter in case this procedure is felt to be advisable in the future. Attorney Anderson reported that he still needs to set up a conference with H-K Contractors in connection with the leaks in the sewer mains, and that he is working on the bonds for L. LD. #8. Engineer Benton mentioned that the annexation agreement on the Paul Benton property should be ready for signatures at the next meeting, and a deed has been prepared on the 20 feet of right-of-way access to Well #7. Public Works Director Hayse Whiteley reviewed the employee situation and the work projects under way and needing to .be done. He pointed out that he plans to place an order soon on the chemicals for next year's operation of the swimming pool in order to cut down the costs on these supplies., In connection with the pool, Mayor Wehmann asked that it be made cer- tain that the pool manager knows what to do in case of a chlorine accident. The City Clerk presented claims in the amount of $15,823.76, which were approved for pay- ment by the Mayor and Council members. Councilwoman Dille moved and Councilman Swensen seconded that the meeting adjourn; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. ~~k/~ MAYOR ~ ~ ~j ATrnST, . '?<-~.7 CI CLERK / ' CITY OF AMMON August 30, 1979 Minutes of the Budget Hearing Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Francis Lee Councilman David Rowberry (arrived 7:25 P.M.) Councilman Russell N. Swensen (arrived 7:30 P.M.) Also present was one resident, Greg Monik of 3760 Wanda Street. Mayor Wehmann explained that the public hearing on the budget had been properly adver- tised as required by law, and opened the meeting as a separate hearing on the Revenue Sharing portion of the budget. He noted that the expected revenue for Fiscal Year 1980 from this source as notified by the Office of Revenue Sharing is $34,200, and the pro- posed expenditures are $30,348 for public safety to be applied on the law enforcement contract with the Bonneville County Sheriff's Department and $3,852 to EPA which is due as a result of the final audit on the Sewer Project completed in 1975. There were no comments or objections from the Council members or the public on the Revenue Sharing Fund budget. The hearing on the complete budget proceeded with Mayor Wehmann reviewing information on the property tax levy which will be lower than it has been for several years under the provisions of House Bill 166 which set the dollar amount of taxes that can be assessed at the same amount as during 1979, while the total assessed valuation in the City has gone up. As Mayor Wehmann continued to go over the proposed budget figures, Mr. Monik expressed his support in continuing with animal control service and for the increases in the garbage and water charges which are recommended if needed to make those operations pay for themselves. He commended the City Officials for the good work they do. There being no further discussion, Councilwoman Dille moved to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; and the hearing was closed at 8:10 P.M. Councilwoman Dille moved to adopt the budget of the Revenue Sharing Fund as contained in the total City of Ammon budget for FY-1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Row- berry; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilwoman Dille moved and Councilman Swensen seconded that the complete budget for FY-1980 by adopted as presented. Voting was all in favor; motion carried. The meetized~. ATrnST, .', )(.' , CITY CLERK "7 #J,!pML~ MA