Council Minutes 02/15/1978 I ~ CD I'- o <[ <( I I Feb. 15, 1978 CITY OF AMMON February 15, 1978 25 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order by Council President Russell N. Swensen at 8:30 P.M~ and then was turned over to Mayor George Wehmann, who arrived shortly thereafter from attending meetings in Boise. The following City Officials were present: Mayor George Wehmann Clerk Deen Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Asst. Attorney Douglas Nelson Councilman Francis Lee Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams Councilman David R. Rowberry . Others present during the mee~ing were Mary Lou Brothers and Leslie Brothers. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Swensen and the invocation was offered by Councilman Rowberry. Time was given to Mary Lou Brothers, president of the Parent-Teacher . Organizations of both Hillview and Ammon Elementary Schools, to explain the Helping Hapd and Nei~hborhood Watch proqrams, which are to be initiated by those organizations. She pointed out that these programs are. designed to bring about greater protection for the children in the community and a greater awareness of ways that the residents can cooperate with the law enforcement agencies. Council members expressed appreciation for having this brought to their attention, and commented that such an effort might help with some of the vandalism problems in the City. Councilman Rowberry moved that the Ammon City Council lend their support to the PTO progr~s of Helping Hand and Neighborhood Watch. The motion was seconded by COuncil- woman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Mayor Wehmann stated ~hat it might be appropriate for the City Officials to be in attendance at the Pro meeting the following evening when information on these programs is to be presented by the Sheriff's Department. Minutes of the meetings of February 1, 1978, and September 21, 1977, were approved as pr epared. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that he had attended a Senate Committee meeting in Boise regarding the effectiveness of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and noted that he feels that quite a few of the bills that are being introduced in the State Legislature are not for the best interest of the poeple of Idaho. Ordinance No. 156, an ordinance to establish a Wa~er Main Connection Fee, with the revenue derived. therefrom to be designated for the purpose of maintaining and improving the water system, was presented for the consid- eration of the Council. Councilman Lee moved to dispense with the first and second readings of Ordinance No. 156 and to place it on the third and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was ail in favor; motion carried. Ordinance No. 156 was read in full by Attorney Nelson. Councilwoman Dille moved to adopt Ordinance No. 156 on the third and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Row- berry; voting was all in favor; motion carried and Ordinance No. 156 adopted. It was noted that the ordinance just enacted provides for the main connection fee to be set by resolution of the Council, and a resolu- tion prepared by Attorney Nelson in accordance with instructions given at the last meeting was reviewed.. Attorney Nelson brought up the question of how to make the additional unit regulation apply to businesses and, after considerable discussion and calculations by Engineer Butler, it was de- termined that it would be advisable to pase the rate on the size of the connection to the main. Councilwoman Dille moved to adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE AMOUNT FOR A MAIN CONNECTION FEE FOR CONNECTING TO ANY WATFR MAIN OF Tim CI TY OF AMMON. WlmREAS, the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho, has passed an Ordinance (4-3-14) providing for the estab- Feb. 15, 1978 , 261ishment by Resolution of water main connection fees; and, WHEREAS, the rates previously established by prior Ordinance have been rescinded by amendment, NOW THEREFORE, before such connection is made the person making application shall pay to the City the s urn of $300.00 for the initial connection of a one-and-one-fourth inch (Ii") or less line. Connections for larger size lines shall be proportional to the cross-sectional area of the line. Examples of charges for other lines are: It" diaJlleter, $ 432.00 2 n diaJlleter, 768.00 I 3 "diameter, 1,728.00 4 "diaJlleter, 3,072.00 6 "diameter, 6,912.00 This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from, and after its passage, approval and due posting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; motion carried and resolution passed. Ordinance No. 157, an ordinance to amend Section 4-3-15 of the Municipal Code regarding water Service Connection Charges, was presented for action. Councilwoman Dille moved to waive the first and second readings of Ordi- nance No. 157 and to place it on the third and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Ordinance No. 157 was read in full by Attorney Nelson. Council~ woman Dille moved to adopt Ordinance No. 157 on its third and final read- ing. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rowberry; voting was all in favor; motion carried; Ordinance No. 157 adopted. The following resolu- tion to implement Ordinance No. 157 was presented for consideration: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE. ESTABLiSHMENT OF SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES FOR COSTS INCURRED BY THE CIlY IN INSTALLING AND CONNECI'- ING SERVICE LINES Fl<OM THE MAIN WATER LINE TO THE ADJOINING PROPERTY. WHEREAS, the City of Ammon, BonnevilleJCounty, Idaho, has passed an emendment to-an Ordinance (4-3-15) providing for the es- tablishment by Resolution of service connection charges incurred by the Ci ty in installing and connecting the service"Clines to the main water line to the adjoining property; and WHEREAS, the rates previously established by Resolution dated April 1, 1977, are rescinded effective on the passage and approval of this Resolution, NOW THEREFORE, before such service is provided, the person makirig application shall p~y to the City a charge determined to be the actual cost to the City of making said connection. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and due posting. Councilman l<owberry moved to adopt the resOlution. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried and resolution passed. I ~ It was reported by Mayor Wehmann that Alton Nebeker will be moving from 2985 E. 17th Street and the yard and home will be cleaned up before it is sold, so there is no need for the City to follow through on the littering problem there. I Mayor Wehmann asked for some help in establishing a guideline for the placement of street lights in new subdivisions, and approval was indicated for a suggestion that, in most cases, street lights at intersections and at each fire hydrant should be satisfactory.- Regarding the continuation of the public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposed annexation of Jennie Jean Estates, Mayor Wehmann mentioned that a letter has been prepared to be sent to the Planning Commission members explaining, aJIlong other things, that the number one reason for annexation at this time is for orderly gevelopment to the east of the railroad tracks. I ~ CD I' U <t <( I I Feb. 15, 1978 According to Mayor Wehmann, the discussion at a meeting with the City 27 of Idaho Falls Council members which he attended a few days ago indicates that there are troubles developing with the Building Inspection Agreement which Ammon has with Idaho Falls. An application for a non-commercial kennel license submitted by Earl Goodson, 3585 Samuel St., was reviewed and found to be in order , wi th 75% of the persons residing within, 150 feet having signed the application. Councilman Swensen-moved to grant the license as requested. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. A claimcby John Penrod, 1940 Eagle Dr., for a garbage can lid which was aCcid~ntally smashed by the garbage collection employees WaS approved for payment. REPORTS According to Councilwoman Dille, there has been a complaint about litter- in9 at a residence on Rich Lane, and she was asked to inspect the situation and have a courtesy ticket issued if necessary. Councilwoman Dille reviewed matters discussed at the recent County Traffic Safety meeting, and noted that City employee Gene Simpson has been attending worksh9p sessions on signing and is to report back to the Council. It WaS mentioned that there is to be a Governor" s Conference on Children in this area on April 7 & 8. City sponsored basketball is winding up, and Councilwoman Dille hopes to get started on the plans for the summer Pee Wee Baseball right away, and .. also will be looking for a chairman and co-chairman for Ammon DaYs. With reference to supplemental disability insurance on the volunteer fire- ~, which WaS not renewed by the carrier this year, Counci lman Lee was given approval to go ahead on a similar policy with the Homer-Koster Co. Councilman Lee mentioned that a claim has been submitted to the County for the amount due the City for Ammon dog licenses sold at the Animal Shelter during 1977. Councilman Swensen reported that the mutual aid aQreement with the County Fire District WaS discussed at the BeOG meeting, and there is a need to be aware that special training will be required in the matter of pro- tection and evacuation relative to the nursing home wbich is being built in Ammon Councilman Rowberry noted that a gate is being made up for the 17th Street storm sewer station, and it will be installed by the County when ready. He mentioned that the condition of the graveled portion of Meadow Lane has been brought to his attention by a property owner, and he is investigating how to best take Care of the situation. Agreement waS indicated by the Mayor and Q>unci 1 members for the concept explained by Engineer Butler on the plans for"paviJ.'lq the streets in the McCowin P~rk area, and he was instructed to advertise for bids right aWaY. Councilman Swensen-agreed to notify Fenton Tyler, 3235 Rawson St., that the ditch along the west side-of his property will be moved over as part of this street improvement project. Engineer Butler pointed out that there has been a delay in getting Well #6 back into operation while details for installing the sand separator are being worked out. A recommendation by Mayor Wehmann that Rick Archibald, 2730 Salmon Street, be appointed for a 3-year term effective March 1, 1978, on the Planning and Zoning Commission,to replace Elmoyne Bailey who does not wish to be reappointed, was confirmed in a motion made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Rowberry with voting all in favor. As a result of informa- tion researched by City Attorney W. Joe Anderson, the Council decided to postpone action on the proposed annexation of Hatch property north of 17th Street, and voted unanimously in favor of a motion by Q>uncilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Rowberry to set a public hearing on Parcel 2 (property belonging to Ernest Martin and others) on March 15, 1978, 7:30 P.M. Mayor Wehmann explainea that an inspection of the Sand Creek-17th Street bridge is required and will be taken Care of by the State Highway Department for a small fee. Claims were approved for payment in the aJIlount of $9...630.41. Councilman Swens<m' move~:)to. adjourn, seconded by counCi~an DUd', ,at 11 :05 "';11. ~J.~~ '/.~7 /~~f ~ L~h-'A~ /