Council Minutes 9/12/2006 (206) I I I Book 7-263 February 1, 1990 CITY OF AMMON February 1, 1990 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Council President Greg J. Maeser with the following City Officials present: Councilman Greg J. Maeser Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Councilman Michael B. Browning Acting Public Wks. Dir. David Wadsworth Councilman Harvey Crandall City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen Others present were: Rich L. McIsaac, 2010 Avocet Drive, Ammon Hazen T. and Gui1a Olsen, 3210 East Sunnyside Road, Ammon Kay and MarJean Reiman, 3155 Rawson Street, Ammon Rex Purcell, 3415 Molen Street, Ammon Russell N. Swensen, 2660 Central Avenue, Ammon Absent: Mayor C. Bruce Ard The pledge of allegiance to the flag was directed by Councilman Maeser, and the invocation was offered by Councilman Anderson. Rich L. McIsaac, 2010 Avocet, requested a home occupation permit to do communications service and installation work out of his home. The applicant has been employed in this type of work for eleven years, but he has been unemployed for about a month. He has decided to try self-employment as a means of family income. Basically, he will provide service in response to telephone calls received at his residence. There will be no employees and little traffic. Should the operation grow and justify it, a regular business will be established elsewhere. Councilman Crandall moved to gnant a home occupation permit to Rich L. McIsaac, 2010 Avocet, conditioned upon no employees and compliance with other conditions outlined in the zoning ordinance ll-5-27-H. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. Roll call vote: Crandall: Yes; Anderson - Yes; Maeser - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. (Councilman Browning did not arrive at the meeting until after this motion.) Councilman Crandall moved to accept the minutes of City Council Meeting held January 18, 1990, as written with correction of two spelling errors. The motion was seconded by Councilman Browning. Roll call vote: Crandall - Yes; Browning - Yes; Anderson - Yes; Maeser - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. The Council reviewed the status of the request for Special Use Permit by Kay and MarJean Reiman, 3155 Rawson Street, which has been tabled at each Council Meeting since December 7, 1989. Kay Reiman reported that Larry Shuldt of Bonneville County and Brett Manwaring, mobile home dealer, have been working on the inspection of the proposed move-on to see if it meets the Uniform Building Code. Reimans requested that action by the City Council be tabled again until the inspection is completed. Councilman Crandall moved to table action on the Reiman request until City Council Meeting on February 15, 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Browning. Roll call vote: Crandall - Yes; Browning - Yes; Anderson - Yes; Maeser - Yes. The motion to table carried unanimously. The report entitled "Annual Review of Sewer Service Charge, Year - 1989" prepared by the Public Works Division of the City of Idaho Falls, was studied. For the coming year, the rate for the City of Ammon will increase. The rate for collection system maintenance is $24.51 per service per year or $2.0425 per service per month, and the treatment cost is $0.4055/1,000 gallons of flow. The City of Ammon entered into a cooperative agreement for sewage treatment with the City of Idaho Falls on December 21, 1972, and it has been updated only by the annual review report. EPA is requesting a letter of intent from City of Idaho Falls and City of Ammon for pre-treatment. EPA's concern is hazardous waste. The Department of Commerce has invited representatives of our community to attend the Gem Community Infrastructure Improvement Workshops being held throughout the state during the month of February. The workshops will include training on local responsibilities in capital budgeting and planning, and external financial resources for infrastructure. One of the workshops will be held in Rigby on February 20, 1990. A City Council work meeting was scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 1990, at 7:00 P.M. to review the budget and consider maj or proj ects and equipment priorities. Russell N. Swensen, former Mayor, voiced concern that the postal service at Eastgate Drug is being discontinued. The City of Ammon, with a population of 264 February 1, 1990 February 15, 1990 nearly 5000 residents, needs and deserv s a post office. Several communities much smaller than Ammon have their own ost office and their own zip code, but the City of Ammon has not been succes ful in obtaining either. The Council decided to investigate the possibilities and to discuss the matter again at the next City Council Meeting. Councilman Maeser agreed to contact Congressman Richard Stallings. Reports: Acting Public Works Director D would meet with city representatives on a grant for an en ineerin stud on sewer vid Wadsworth reported that Henry Moran ebruary 15 during the morning regarding infiltration. Engineer Benton inquired about on the contract with Forsgren I Associates for the Ammon Road ro State Highway Department has scheduled a meeting with Forsgrens at 10:00 A.M. on February 8. The importance of the contract was discussed. Mayor Ard should be counseled to encourage completion of the contract as soon as pos ible so the deadlines can be met. Census Day is April 1, 1990. The City the census to assure an accurate count. meeting with the City of Idaho Falls, District. At that time, the letter of r sewage treatment matters can be Councilman Browning agreed to schedule City of Ammon, and Iona Bonneville Sewe intent for EPA can be drafted, and oth discussed. Regarding the Joint Powers inspections, the electrical and those inspections are completed followed by both City of that sewer connections infiltration problems. with Bonneville Count on build in ermits are issued by the State and State. This procedure is currently Engineer Benton cautioned carefully to 'help eliminate a responsibility to promote approved. Councilman Browning moved that the meeti by Councilman Crandall. be adjourned. The motion was seconded dO::O I ATTEST 4~~ CITY CLERK CITY OF AMMON February 5, 1990 City Council: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Ma The meeting was called to order at following City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Michael B. Browning Councilman Harvey Crandall Councilman Greg J. Maeser P . M. by Mayor C. Bruce Ard with the Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Public Works Dir. David Wadsworth Fire Chief Cal L. Smith City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen Others present were: Brett Manwaring, "Brett's Happy Homes", Elaine McGary, Planning & Zoning Represe Tye N. Tomchak, 13614 North 75 East, Jeff Smith (Scout) 4330 Ileen Circle T. J. Tomchak (Scout) 13614 North 75 Eas , Idaho Falls Blaine Davis, 1895 Avocet Drive Kay and MarJean Reiman, 3155 Rawson Stre Debbie Smith, 1925 Curlew 990 Sunflower Circle tative, 3255 Meadow Lane o Falls Blaine Davis, 1895 Avocet Drive, inqu. red about the status of the complaint against him as a result of the noise a annoyance caused by the motor on his refrigeration truck running to maintain the temperature while it is parked at his home. Distribution of frozen food is Davis' livelihood, and he believes the complaints to be a harassment. At his time of the year, the truck runs a negligible amount of time, and at other imes, he has tried to control the noise. I The pledge of allegiance to the flag the invocation was offered by Councilm themselves. s directed by Councilman Browning, and Crandall. The two Scouts introduced