Council Minutes 03/17/2005 CITY OF AMMON AMENDED CITY COUNCIL MINUTES THURSDAY, March 17,2005 PUBLIC HEARING - ProPOSed Grant Activities: A public hearing for proposed grant activities was advertised to be held at 7:00 p.m. City representatives in attendance were: Councilmember Waite, Councilmember Thompson, City Administrator Bruce Rose, Clerk/Treasurer Diane Gempler, and City Engineer Bill Manwill. Ted Hendricks and Jeff Freiberg of East Central Idaho Planning and Development were also present. As no members of the public were in attendance, no public testimony was received A general description of the proposed proiect. scope of work. budget. schedule of construction. location. beneficiaries. and obiectives were discussed bv those present at the meeting.(added statement). The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ard at 7:35 p.m. in the City Building, 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho, with the following City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilmember W. Lee Bean Councilmember Karen Y. Anderson Councilmember Rex Thompson Councilmember Randy Waite City Administrator Bruce Rose City Engineer Bill Manwill City Planning Director Ron Folsom City Clerk/Treasurer Diane Gempler City Officials absent: City Attorney Scott Hall Councilmember Waite led the Plede:e of Allee:iance to the Flae: and, Councilmember Bean offered a praver. Mayor Ard recognized the boy scouts in the audience and had the scouts introduce themselves and the merit badges they are working on. Minutes March 3. 2005: Councilmember Waite motioned to approve the March 3, 2005, minutes as corrected. Councilmember Thompson seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Thompson- Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes. The motion carried. Items from Mavor: Consent Ae:enda: Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the amended consent agenda as presented. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Public Comment on Items Not On Ae:enda: Explorer Post #117 Aire:un Permit: Bonneville County Detective Juston Cornelsen, 4345 Nibley, Idaho Falls, assistant leader ofthe Explorer Post, introduced members Denny Marsh and Brenda Herrera. Explorer member Denny Marsh presented the request for the bb gun (airgun) permit to the Council and answered the Council's questions about the event. City Administrator Bruce Rose reported staff support and concerns regarding the requested permit. Staff suggested that the group could possibly use the City property on Sunnyside for the event. Detective Cornelsen clarified that for the Council that there will be a minimum of one responsible adult for every eight explorers. Councilmember Waite motioned to approve the Explore Post # 117 Airgun Permit for their event at McCowin Park on May 21,2005. Councilmember Thompson seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Waite - City Council Minutes 03/17/2005 - 1 Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes. The motion carried. Foxboro #1 Final Plat & Development A2reement: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed Site Plan and vicinity. The property is located east of Eagle Drive and, south and west ofthe Ammon Canal, in the City of Ammon. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the plat as presented. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering represented the developer and answered the Council's questions regarding the plat and development agreement. The Council discussed the proposed plat Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Foxboro #1 Final Plat with transfer of water rights to the City. Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Foxboro #1 Development Agreement with the addition of SC-2 requiring transfer of the water rights to the City. Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. Foxboro #1 PreUminary Site Plan: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed Site Plan and vicinity. The property is located east of Eagle Drive and, south and west of Ammon Canal, in the City of Ammon. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering represented the developer and answered the Council's questions regarding the preliminary site plan. The Council discussed the proposed preliminary site plan. Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Foxboro #1 Preliminary Site Plan with the requirement that the property be fenced on the north and east (to be included as SC-3 in the development agreement). Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. Woodland Hills Revised Preliminary Plat: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed Site Plan and vicinity. The property is located south of Township Road (49th South), east of Ammon Road and, west of Crowley Road (45th East). Planning and Zoning voted unanimously to recommend that the Council approve this site plan as presented. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering, presented the revised preliminary plat for the developer and answered the Council's questions. The Council discussed the proposed revised preliminary plat. Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the Woodland Hills Revised Preliminary Plat with the requirement that a street be stubbed to the east on a future final plat. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember - Yes. The motion carried. Miscellaneous Discussion Items: City Planning Director Ron Folsom reported on the state code with regard to preliminary information required by the state prior to action by the Planning and Zoning Commission on a School District conditional use permit request. The Council discussed the steps that will need to be taken in the conditional use permitting process. City Planning Director Ron Folsom provided the Council with updated drafts of the Title 10 revisions. Public Works Administrator Rick Williams reported on preliminary research done to upgrade Well #9 (approximately $100,000) so that it will pump at a sufficient volume to maintain the current water rights available. The Council discussed the information and directed staff to obtain firm estimates for the upgrades. Mayor Ard reported that Russell Swensen has requested letters of support from the Mayor and Council for the CHC Grant the committee is applying for to construct the "Centennial Gazebo." The letters have been prepared and signed by the Mayor and Council President Bean. Mayor Ard gave the Council an update on the Sunnyside Road project. The County is still projecting going for bids in April. Councilmember Bean reported that he feels it will not be necessary to raise sewer rates as quickly as previously assumed. He also reported on the review of utility billings which has been conducted. The Council City Council Minutes 03/17/2005 - 2 discussed the potential rate increases. A public hearing will be scheduled for fee increases to take effect with billing for May services. Councilmember Anderson reported that there was an incidence of drag racing on Tiebreaker. She feels the City is accumulating liability for not acting on reported traffic problems on the street. Councilmember Bean motioned to adjourn to executive session to discuss a personnel matter. Councilmember Anderson seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. ii ( ~ ~Maor 0, '~ \~ Diane B Gempler, Clerk/Treasur City Council Minutes 03/17/2005 - 3